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Which Quilting Magazine do you recommend?

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    Originally posted by LadyRags
    I usually just trade off with my girlfriends. We put our names on the magazine and keep trading them off. We have a bookshelf where we store the magazines. Those special to us we usually do not share til after we are done with them... it is strictly voluntary amoung the girls... We all seem to like different magazines so we get expose to different types.
    I should also state that our guild has a library where anyone can donate magazines to... We weed out duplicates of magazines are put out on the tables for free pick up by other members at meeting

    OR if we need the room in our library we have a sell off of duplicate magazines at the quilt show. This works well for us.


      I agree with Ritzy--Quilter's Newsletter and AQS. Those two mags. are the best for information and learning new techniques. I've been subscribing to Quilter's Newsletter for over 20 years.


        I get McCalls and American Patchwork, Fons and Porter, AQS ( which comes with membership) and Quilter's Newsletter (which I didn't renew this year because I was going to cut back) Wrong choice, it seems. :cry:
        Maybe I had better pick that one back up. Judy in AZ


          I agree with Pat,I subscribe to Quilter's Newsletter,AQS and just tried Quilters Home,which I won't renew.If I could only get one magazine it would be Quilter's Newsletter.They have something for everyone in every issue. Also I used to get Fons & Porter and liked it but just had to cut back on magazines.I do think Liz and Marianne are wonderful teachers. Julie


            Uh, oh! Since I last posted in this thread, I received my latest copy of Quilters Newsletter. I mentioned that I love this magazine. I have always thought that it was exceptional not only for the great content, but it was also a great value - 10 issues for the subscription price. I also like Quilters Home but haven't subscribed because the subscription ran only six issues for about the same price.

            Buried in the third paragraph of the editor's page of QN was the announcement that beginning in September a subscription will now only run six issues! I'm sure they thought long and hard about this move, but it really disappoints me. It's really a sad commentary on the difficulties that the print media is having these days. While I love all the new technology and sites like this, I also love the luxury of curling up in my favorite chair and reading my QN magazine. At these new prices, it's time to rethink the luxury of this subscription, as well. Rats!!!


              QN is the only subscription I hve. I think I have a year or two left. Six issues a year? Might have to let it lapse. :? There's just so much on-line for free.


                Boo! I hate when it is only 6 issues! I haven't gotten my new issue yet so I didn't see that.

                Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                  Don't you just love that QN tried to convince us that this is what we were asking for--less issues same price! Yeah right! Can you tell I am not happy?
                  Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                    Oh man I'm disappointed. I so look forward to getting QN each month. But I will still subscribe as it still has so much of what's going on now in quilting. Publishing is a tough gig


                      Maybe someone was watching out for me when I didn't renew my subscription to QN. Maybe I made the right choice after all. Judy in AZ


                        Ritzy - Yea, I just loved the spin in that piece from the QN editor. Fewer issues will mean that we now have time to fully appreciate and digest all the information in the issue. Fewer issues will mean that we now have more time to experiment with all the suggestions made in an issue etc. etc., etc. YUK.

                        I guess that I'm just so up to my ears in political spin during this election season that I can't tolerate anymore mendacity. I would have had so much more respect for them/her if they had just been honest and said that costs have risen so much that they cannot afford to publish ten issues for the same subscription price. I might even have considered keeping my subscription.


                          I would think that since they change the rules from when we signed up ... we should be asking for and getting our money back.

                          We signed up and paid for 10 issues / year... I would think it is breach of contract for us to get less.

                          Lady Rags


                            Very good point!


                              Since I last posted on this topic, I contacted Quilter's Newsletter by e-mail ( to tell them how unhappy I was to hear about the subscriptions being cut to six issues per year. I still have about a year left on my current subscription, which was for ten not six issues. Therefore, I requested that my subscription be extended to compensate for the difference in the number of issues I was receiving or receive a refund for the difference.

                              Much to my amazement, within one day the magazine contacted me by email to say that my subscription had been extended by four issues and that the gift subscriptions I had given as Christmas presents had also been extended. Of course, I'll double check that when I receive my next issue, but if anyone is in the same boat with extended subscriptions, you might want to contact the magazine.

                              While I'm still unhappy with the change and the way it was handled in Ms. Magee's editorial, it certainly gives QN redemption points.


                                I actually called them about the same thing and after checking with a supervisor the woman took my number to call me back. Back in March I renewed for two years that would have just started this month. She agreed I should get 20 issues not the 13 they were going to send and said they would have to figure out how to do it. I'm just hopefully waiting for the verdict.

                                Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


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