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Favorite Quilt Book

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    I don't know if they are my favorites exactly, but 2 books I often use and find really valuable are:

    The Border Workbook by Janet Kime and
    Sensational Settings, which I can't find right now! (so much for my great organizing of my sewing area!)

    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


      My favorite is always subject to new interest and new learning, but..... right now it is Sharon Schamber's Piece by Piece Machine Applique! Wonderfuly clear illustrations........... but so are the things on her web site!


        I got Vikki Pignatelli's book, "Quilting by Improvisation" yesterday in the mail. WOW!!! What a great book. The writing and the explanations are wonderful.
        Thanks to TQS for introducing us to so many fantastic quilters and new to us techniques.
        eileenkny 8)

        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


          I just thought I would put this in because I thought it was sweet. My Dad was out and about the other day and he found a book called The Quilters Ultimate Visual Guide, Ellen Pahl Editor. I have no idea why he was looking at how to books at a second hand store. I began looking through it and wow there is a ton of info in it. This would be a fantastic book for a quilter at any level. He usually gets things for my boys or the other grandkids. This time I got to be spoiled. Rachel a very grateful daughter.

          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


            i like any of elenor burns books also they are easy to follow directions ricky tims is also great at explaining where you can understand it

            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


              MY library of quilting books is huge... over 250 books.. new, used and out of publications. My favorite is ususally the one I am using to solve a quilting problem.

              Currently Mary Masuto's FOOL PROOF MACHINE QUILTING.... using it of machine quilt my baby quilts for my grandson... loving it!

              I am making the F&P American Sampler for my BOM quilts.... I also have their BIG QUILTING GUIDE BOOK.

              I also have a huge collection of DVDs and books by Elenor Burns cause my quilting buddy and I are making the blocks for a second BOM for just the two of us.

              MY favorite tool is EQ6 because I can check my designs and quilting ideas before I cut my fabric. Saves me a lot of aggrivation.

              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                Convergence Quilts by Ricky Tims is my current favorite. I love this book! Thanks Ricky. Pam

                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


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