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Favorite Quilt Book

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    Favorite Quilt Book

    Not to be TOO cute, but it's usually the last one I read!

    My favorite quilt related book is A PEOPLE AND THEIR QUILTS by John Rice Irwin. I grew up near Cumberland Gap, Tennessee...sitting down and reading bits and pieces from this book is almost like sitting down and visiting with my mother who passed away in 1996.



      Of all the books I own, I use "All About Quilting from A to Z" the most. I'm self-taught through library books, magazines, and of course,
      alex's show. This book has lots of good details and hints and tips.


        Can anyone recommend this book...
        The Quilt Maniac's Playbook-Fuel for the Quiltmaker's Imagination by Nicole C. Chambers
        Each month, my quilt shop offers a Book of the Month at 20% off, and would be interested in this book if it would help a novice, such as myself!


          My favorite quilt book is anything that Diane Gaudynski writes. I love that she is so free with sharing her quilting knowledge and she loves it when any of her students enter quilts in shows.



            I love Earlene Fowler books.


              I mentioned this book in a different forum but decided that I should mention it here. One of my all time favorite reference books is Rotary Magic by Nancy Johnson-Srebro. Even though the basic topic is rotary cutting, she delves into all kinds of techniques and areas. The pictures and diagrams are clear and it is easy to read and understand. You can't go wrong withthis book.


                Surprised no one listed this sooner --RICKY TIMS' CONVERGENCES and if I can add a dvd --- Quilting Caveman Style and Fishing. I am sure Grand Finale will also be a favorite as soon as I get it. P>S> This is not an entry added to gain favor with the author but a true and accurate response. Convergences sits on my sewing table or on my cutting table all the time Thanks Ricky-- Ann


                  I agree wholeheartedly, Ann! (Thanks for your incentive and help! :wink: ) What a way to use fantastic fabrics to create wonderful works of art without making a huge investment, money wise, as well as time (both of which are in small quantity for me!) ops: Great for gifts, too! Ricky's instuctions are very precise, photos are awesome...actually, pretty enough to make a "coffee table" book! I'm anxious to invest in the CD's, too.
                  I'm enthused enough about creating Convergence quilts that I wish we could have a special thread in our forum discussing them.


                    I have to say Barbara Olsen's book Journey of an Art Quilter is my all time favorite. I go back again and again and reread some of the chapters. Her thoughts on creativity are wonderful. Anyone who enjoys art quilts would enjoy this book.


                      I especially like this book: Twelve Golden Threads: Lesson for Successful Living From Grama's Quilt - by Aliske Webb. Words to live by.


                        Sharyn Craig's Setting Solutions if I have to pick only ONE.


                          Nancy Johnson-Srebro's Rotary Magic was one of the first books I bought when I started quilting. I had no idea where to start, and that book has been such a great resource for several years now. I always recommend it to new quilters.

                          Mimi Dietrich's Happy Endings is another must-have. She makes all those tricky looking borders and bindings much easier to handle by sharing her secrets and with clear, simple directions.

                          For sheer visual pleasure, Louisa Smith's books are marvelous. They are so inspiring as she makes art quilts a lot more accessible for traditional quilters who want to try something different.


                            I am also a fan of Barbara Olson Journey of an art quilter. I get such inspiration from this book. She gives you instructions you can understand and teaches you how to use her techinques in your own design as well. GREAT BOOK. I am going to amazon now and get Rickys book. I have never seen it but Since ya'll give it rave reviews it must be as good as all that!


                              I'd have to say the "Quilters' Complete Guide" by Fons and Porter. I've got the older hardcover spiral-bound version. I find myself referring to it often, especially when I need to go back to basics. 8)

                              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


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