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Lauren Vlcek's Fabric Fancification

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    I must'a' just been holdin' my mouth mother use to say ! :shock:


      Good to know! I'll pay attention to my mouth position when I get to my ribbon. :lol: :lol: :lol:



        Originally posted by rehak
        Good to know! I'll pay attention to my mouth position when I get to my ribbon. :lol: :lol: :lol:

        :lol: :lol: :lol:

        Thanks for the tip Rosemary. I tried it again and it was definitely better. It's a fun idea that could be used in all sorts of projects.


          If you haven't checked yet, there are lots of great versions posted on the Show & Tell page for this project!

          Also, Lauren still has some embellishment kits available in her etsy store:

          I finally made time to get my background assembled! Will try to get caught up over the week end.
          I've never worked with silk or linen before, and think this is interesting!

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            Good start Margo

            Don't feel pressurised to catch up. Enjoy the videos, she gives good tips.

            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


              Margo, those fabrics look great. Were they from your own stash?


                Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                Margo, those fabrics look great. Were they from your own stash?
                Thanks y'all! Yes Rita...from my own stash, but my house is still in turmoil because of the basement construction, and trying to find where I have put stuff from my sewing room is much akin to playing "hide and seek"! :roll: At least I bought the fancification embellishment kit so all that stuff is in one place! :wink:

                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                  Well thank goodness for that! My house is not in turmoil (no more than usually anyway :roll: ) but I still can't find anything when I need it. I put things away safely (so the kids don't take them 'cause they look purdy') and then I can't find them again. I look forward to the day when I have a device that I can talk to and say 'where did I put those heart-shaped buttons'? and it will answer me and tell me where they are. Come to think of it, there's probably an app for that. :lol: But I don't have an iPhone. :roll: :lol:


                    Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                    Well thank goodness for that! My house is not in turmoil (no more than usually anyway :roll: ) but I still can't find anything when I need it. I put things away safely (so the kids don't take them 'cause they look purdy') and then I can't find them again. I look forward to the day when I have a device that I can talk to and say 'where did I put those heart-shaped buttons'? and it will answer me and tell me where they are. Come to think of it, there's probably an app for that. :lol: But I don't have an iPhone. :roll: :lol:
                    :lol: Now THERE'S a useful app!!! I'm also waiting for the day when we have "auto-chefs" (J.D. Robb's futuristic suspense In Death series books) so we just have to ask for a cup of tea or a nice steak and salad dinner!

                    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                      ive been hoping for both - the tell me where i put it app and the autochef - i have the auto-vacuum - my fabulous little roomba - but that as with the autochef where you need to make sure he has power and "credits" - the app that needs input first - my little roomba needs me to clear the floors so that he can do his job when i actually think of switching him on... and then i have to go and empty and clean his refuse box, brushes and filters (especially when he finds threads and ribbons).
                      in a way it's good to know we still cannot be completely replaced.


                        OK, peeps...confession time. I have never used embellishments because Alvin always said that "quilts should not rattle", but I think that I've also shared with you that his favorite color was "bright shiny objects", and I've got to tell you that he would LUV this silk fabric that came in the embellishment kit!
                        I've always heard people talk about the glow and sheen of silk, but OH MY GOODNESS! This stuff is YUMMY!!!

               topstitching skills are not impressive, so instead of doing like Laura and using stitches that show a lot, I used MonoPoly and just free-motion stitched the edges of the raw edge applique shapes. I just reduced my top tension down to "0" and used Ricky's Stable Stuff as a stabilizer and it worked great! I also changed the text on the ribbon, and hope I haven't made it too long to work! Oh well...we will see....

                        On to Lesson 2!

                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          Looking good 8) Love the words on your tape.

                          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                            Originally posted by Margo
                            OK, peeps...confession time. I have never used embellishments because Alvin always said that "quilts should not rattle", but I think that I've also shared with you that his favorite color was "bright shiny objects", and I've got to tell you that he would LUV this silk fabric that came in the embellishment kit!
                            I've always heard people talk about the glow and sheen of silk, but OH MY GOODNESS! This stuff is YUMMY!!!

                   topstitching skills are not impressive, so instead of doing like Laura and using stitches that show a lot, I used MonoPoly and just free-motion stitched the edges of the raw edge applique shapes. I just reduced my top tension down to "0" and used Ricky's Stable Stuff as a stabilizer and it worked great! I also changed the text on the ribbon, and hope I haven't made it too long to work! Oh well...we will see....

                            On to Lesson 2!
                            I'm pretty certain that you have used embelishments once before, when Lorchan challanged you to it, and you made a wall panel for your grands that were moving away. Or is my memory going already :wink:

                            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                              Holey Moley! Rosemary, I had totally forgotten that!! ops: Actually, I haven't seen it since I gave it to them.... :?

                              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                                Goodness, Margo, let's see it! Gotta picture of the challenge? This surely was before my time! :lol: In the meantime, love what you did with My happy place!

                                Does Lorchen have something to show?


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