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Help! I need motivation ! Any hints?

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    I love it Margo. I had seen the hole and the repair before but I did not realize that the quilt was that one! It is a beautiful quilt - with all [u]two[u] colours!


      Well Lorchen--it is--but sometimes there are tedious parts that just go on and on and it quits being fun. That is when I need to reward myself so I will finish the tedium. Like today--I finally finished the last snowflake for last years BOM. I had to keep saying--just one more, just bury those threads, tomorrow you can try to put it together...see!


        I can totally relate to the doldrums, feeling like I'm slogging away at a quilt, not wanting to work on it! I've got a backlog of projects that I want to get at least nearly finished before I move on to new and exciting quilt frontiers On my vacation from work this year, I did finish up one top, do another, make backs for both, and am finishing up a veritable albatross around my neck, the applique border on a log cabin that was set aside at least 2 years ago. I was stuck on a part of the applique. after the 2011 BOM, I now feel like I can do anything and this applique obstacle turned out to be nothing at all!

        Sometimes things have to marinate for a while in my sewing room before they are ready to be finished .



          Well I would start something new and exciting and use the applique border as your thinking time while having a break from it. She says looking sideways at the box containing all the exciting new projects she hasn't quite got round to finishing.

          Perhaps we need to do it together and set aside a couple of days a month where we all get on with UFOs and encourage eachother and do a show and tell as we go :P

          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


            Originally posted by twiglet
            Well I would start something new and exciting and use the applique border as your thinking time while having a break from it. She says looking sideways at the box containing all the exciting new projects she hasn't quite got round to finishing.

            Perhaps we need to do it together and set aside a couple of days a month where we all get on with UFOs and encourage eachother and do a show and tell as we go :P
            A sort of "I'll show you mine, if you'll show me your's" session. That has the merit of possibly working - the only problem is deciding which 'Phd' to work on!

            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


              I'm likin' this idea !


                That does sound like a fun idea! the applique border probably won't take too long to finish, maybe a couple of weeks if I keep at it. I am thinking hard about the reels quilt- not sure my original idea will work, so it's back to the drawing board! Perhaps I can play with ideas about the reels while I am appliqueing . I was going to do attic windows around each reel but it was overwhelming to look at in Electric Quilt. It was going to be my "thread box". Maybe I can do more reels, fewer attic windows?

                When I finish this one I will have 3 quilts to quilt- but that doesn't seem burdensome, more like fun.



                  My Birds in the Air quilt is actually a UFO as I started it before I joined TQS - long before I joined TQS - and I hope to finish it when I get back from my holidays here in Kerry. I began the quilting yesterday but had to stop at 1.30am so that I could get some sleep before the cleanup this morning and then the long drive. I have two other completed tops to be batted and quilted as well as my wool quilt which I have brought with me to hopefully finish and a tumbling blocks quilt which is also hand work. Maybe we need a new thread for finished UFOs and PHDs.


                    Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                    My Birds in the Air quilt is actually a UFO as I started it before I joined TQS .......- Maybe we need a new thread for finished UFOs and PHDs.
                    After you get back from your vacation, or holiday as you said, we ought to start a thread for getting stuff done!

                    I must be in a mood to finish quilts, I think the 2011 BOM took over my life for that year. Now I'm able to focus on other quilts.

                    Enjoy yourself, and we'll be here ready to join in the new thread when you return!


                      Great job, Margo, with the HOLE in the quilt! and I love what you did to remember it with the quilting. Rita, I'm in total disbelief! You actually have a UFO that predates your membership with TQS? As prolific as you are with your quilting, I never imagined you would leave a quilt behind... :lol: :lol: :lol: Can't wait to see your finished Birds quilt!


                        Renata, I wish I could say a good quilter never leaves a quilt behind but.... not just one... but TWO quilts from BTQS! :shock: I have only become a finisher since TQS and particularly since I got Patricia. The difference she has made to my quilting confidence is incredible. I wish I could redo all the quilts I made before her because they would be so much better. But there are too many ideas to be done so I never look back now! Onwards and upwards :lol:


                          Only two ????? I wouldn't quite know where to start counting..... :roll: :roll: :roll:


                            Two UFOs from BTQS is not bad! Chances are you and Patricia are going to finish the remaining one very soon! As you mentioned Patricia... I was wondering: if I name my sewing machine "Rita," will I get more quilts done? I've had my sewing machine for a little over two years and had never really given thought to a name... hmmm... :wink:


                              Go, Rita!! Go, Rita!! :wink: :lol:

                              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                                I wrote a while back that I was trying to finish up a UFO or two before starting a new project....hard for me !
                                Here are a couple of holiday wall quilts finally done in time for the 4th !!


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