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Help! I need motivation ! Any hints?

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    You can also get the magnetic closures at Joann's. They are easy to put in and work really well.


      Check out the video tutorials on about putting zippers in bags.

      In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


        Good luck with all the advice to clean the sewing room! In my next life! One tool that helps my creativity is keeping a clipboard with scrap paper( i.e.:the backs of discarded, printed computer paper) and a pencil handy to my spot near the sofa. The strangest things - on-line, tv, music, print media, even random memories - will spark and idea for a quilt theme. I'll make a quick sketch and/or note to pin on the wall or place in file. Fabric in my stash or at the store will usually spark a recall to a filed idea. Then Katie, bar the door!


          I'm in the process of making the pin cushions that Alex showed us on show 1008 to give to my quilty friends, they probably have lots but I thought Alex's were so nice and at least it got me sewing again after not knowing what to to do.
          I'm also sorting out my scraps into colours instead of having to wade through a tangled mess, it won't stay tidy for long though but I tried.
          Happy quilting


            Not everyone enjoys working in the same kind of environment...tidy/cluttered, white walls/bright color, silence/music/TV, etc.

            I think the motivation behind organizing your sewing space is just to be handling your fabrics! Refold them! Fondle them! Put pretty colors together. Maybe even run across a forgotten UFO that gets your juices flowing again. The goal is not just to have an organized space, but to spend time in your material world!
            Who knows what may come of it?

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              I'm in the same boat. I've been trying to work on a t-shirt quilt for my niece and it's been 1-1/2 yrs already!! Just can't seem to get into it like I should. Focus is gone and can't seem to get it back. Any help would be appreciated!! I've had a few medical and emotional hurdles that I've dealt with but can't get out of the druthers!! Tammy :cry:

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                When I have a project that needs to be done, but I have a case of "druthers", I will mark a block of time on my day planner/calendar to work on it.
                If I treat it like any other appointment that has a time slot, I will usually get wrapped up in it, and work longer than I had planned to.
                If I don't finish, I will mark another time slot on the calendar and pick away at it until it's done. :roll:
                Even if it's just one hour at a time, it will get done.
                Then I reward myself with permission to work on something that is calling to me NOW!

                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                  Originally posted by 3n1family
                  I'm in the same boat. I've been trying to work on a t-shirt quilt for my niece and it's been 1-1/2 yrs already!! Just can't seem to get into it like I should. Focus is gone and can't seem to get it back. Any help would be appreciated!! I've had a few medical and emotional hurdles that I've dealt with but can't get out of the druthers!! Tammy :cry:
                  If I had to work on a T-Shirt quilt I would probably lose motivation too! When I can't face quilting I doodle. I bought myself a big fat hard-backed notebook and I just doodle in it. It keeps the creative juices flowing. Unless you are being put under pressure by somebody to finish this quilt soon, if it was me I would put it aside and start working on something else. If it is a hobby then you should be enjoying it and not feeling a sense of obligation. The TQS shows are always inspirational for me. I hope you get out of the doldrums soon.


                    I'm kind of like Margo except that instead of scheduling short stints of time, I have to divide the task up into smaller tasks. So, instead of thinking about the whole quilt, I'll say something like "now I'm going to cut out 2 T-shirt blocks, then I can do something else". Once I cut out those blocks, I often decide that that was pretty quick and I can go ahead and cut out 2 more blocks. If I'm really keen on getting it done, because it's a gift or something (because, like Rita, I won't work on it unless I'm enjoying it with the exception of some gifts), I'll do like Margo and schedule the little tasks for each day in my calendar. I'm always allowed to do more tasks than scheduled, but never fewer. And I make sure that they are minimal tasks so that I can get them done quickly. That's just what works for me....



                      I agree with Margo--that is how I am working on one of my quilts here. A little bit each day then I can work on something that interests me. Like a reward system--and you will feel so good when you finally get it done.

                      Another thought is to teach the person the quilt is for how to do it.


                        You need a 'reward system', Ritzy?? I always thought that quilting itself is a reward!
                        From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                          When you ask a niece for her two favorite colors so you can make her a quilt, and she answers sky blue, lime green and hot pink....
                          you need are reward when you get it done!!! :shock:


                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            Originally posted by Margo
                            When you ask a niece for her two favorite colors so you can make her a quilt, and she answers sky blue, lime green and hot pink....
                            you need are reward when you get it done!!! :shock:

                            That's FANTASTIC! I'll bet she loves it. :lol: :lol: :lol:

                            "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


                              Yes, and her DOG loves it too! He chewed a huge hole all the way through it!!

                              The black is a HOLE!!

                              And here is the patched quilt.

                              See the stitched outline of the patch?? The patch was really not noticeable from either the front or the back after I got the repair made, but I outlined the shape of the hole with "glow in the dark" thread so she will always remember how much her puppy loved the quilt. :twisted:

                              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                                I just got some glow in the dark thread. Now I know how to use it!


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