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Help! I need motivation ! Any hints?

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    Congratulations Nancy! What a lovely quilt. That ugly duckling has turned into a Robin? :lol: Now on to the next one!


      Great quilt. Twiglet has one for the chickens and now you have one for you and the cats. I like the quilt alot. The "ugly" fabric looks like something you would choose for a resting place for your eye. It looks as if it belongs to the design. Great job.


        WooHoo Nancy!


          Rosemary, love your skirt!
          Nancy, love your quilt!
          Hip, Hip, Hoorah for finished projects!

          I've been mulling things over & have come up with the following:
          As a result of the wonderful inspiring stories from not only this topic but also others on this Forum &
          since I have a bad case of the Procrastinator's Syndrome, I have formulated a two-part proposal.
          I'll call it a Mid-Year Resolution (can't wait till New Year!)

          Part A: I hereby commit to finish 12 UFOs or WIPs or PPPs (Projects Planned in a Pile) before July 1, 2013. :!:
          Part B: Being as I have more fabric stash than I can ever possibly use (BLE - Beyond Life Expectancy!) :shock:
          I hereby commit to sewing together in some way shape or form, fabric (no new purchases!) in the amount of
          365 yards before July 1, 2013. :!:

          I, romira, hereby swear the above oath before these TQS witnesses, this first day of July in the year 2012.
          May God have mercy on my soul!


            Whew! That is quite ambitious! I just want to finish piecing my 2011 BOM--lol.


              Wow Roseanne, that's a big commitment! Even the 12 UFOs seemed like a lot! Well, you better get on with it.... and don't forget the photos.


                Roseanne, what an impressive commitment! In a posting today to Wendy (Twiglet), I was trying to rationalize my growing fabric stash: HA! Based on the plans you have over the next year without additional purchases, I back off! I don't think I even have one tenth of what you have in your collection (and I'm worried about having too much that is not getting used?)! Now, I don't know whether I should be happy, envious, or should go out and buy more fabric!... :lol: :lol: :lol: But I am looking forward to lots of pictures of beautiful things from you!


                  :lol: :lol: :lol:
                  Well, I haven't added it up, so don't know for sure if I have that much. ops: ops:
                  The idea of an average of 1 yard per day for a year was that babe who made a dress a day
                  for a year! But will keep using it up as long as I can!
                  Will keep you posted, maybe I should start a blog on my profile page.


                    Well, Roseanne, I'm pretty sure I don't top 50 yards and that includes BOM 2012 which is about 26? ... having bunches of FQs makes me feel like I've got a lot! :lol: :lol: I still admire your goal and wish I could cut into more pieces than I am! A blog would be great!!!


                      OK, started the blog.
                      And now don't know where to begin...aaarrggghh...what have I done???!! :twisted: :roll: :cry:
                      :lol: :lol: :lol:


                        Originally posted by romira
                        :lol: :lol: :lol:
                        Well, I haven't added it up, so don't know for sure if I have that much. ops: ops:
                        The idea of an average of 1 yard per day for a year was that babe who made a dress a day
                        for a year! But will keep using it up as long as I can!
                        Will keep you posted, maybe I should start a blog on my profile page.
                        I would love it! I will be looking for it! This is the kind of commitment that will help motivate me. Eager to see what's happening in your sewing room.


                          Originally posted by romira
                          OK, started the blog.
                          And now don't know where to begin...aaarrggghh...what have I done???!! :twisted: :roll: :cry:
                          :lol: :lol: :lol:
                          You'll be fine, just as soon as you start sewing.


                            I don't know if I want to own up to my stash ...or not ! :roll: ops:


                              OK Roseanne, here is the question: if you are cutting into a fat quarter a day, you will be putting together more quilts which will give you more WIP and UFO--how in the world will you keep track of it all and still have time to blog about it? ;o)


                                Roseanne - I am EXTREMELY impressed!! While I definitely have the 365 yards of fabric in my stash ops: and have way more than 12 UFOs waiting for attention ops: ops: , I don't know that I could get that much done in a year. You definitely have my support and encouragement! I think it takes me too long to do the quilting part of the process to finish that much. But I am making an effort to finish up some of my WIPs along with you! And I really look forward to following along on your blog! Hopefully we can all work together to have an extremely productive year.



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