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Art Quilts

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    The best way to start an Art Quilt is to START!!!!! I started with Convergence Quilts (Ricky Tims book--- I knew his Mom and Dad so thought I would buy the book and get them to autograph it) Well best laid plans of mice and Men(or quilters), I got hooked. I have done about 50 or more convergences and given away most of them. But then I was hooked. So now I am on my second Rhapsody, who knows how many caveman style quilts and so many experimental ideas, I have lost count.

    Right now I have seven quilts on Alzheimers Art Quilt Initiative. One is in the August auction so if you are interested go and look at it. Search under Ann Rowland for quilts either in the August auction or the Quilts for sale. The one in the August auction is titled "Following the Paths of Love".

    Please support AAQI - the research could still save my husband who is in the earliest stages of Alzheimers Disease.

    Thanks to all my friends here Hugs, Ann


      Betty Ann, Your advice is just what I needed. I loved hearing about how you were in need of your own advice and up it pops. The coincidence was a good thing for me as well.


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