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Month 3–New Appliqué Blocks

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    Month 3–New Appliqué Blocks

    In Month 3 we get one of Sue’s favorite blocks—Twirly Balls. See how to make it easily:
    North Alabama, USA
    "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson

    Was looking over the March tips for Block 10 and was confused a bit. Sorry. Was curious because didn't see about when to add the step to put the B2 points? Might be overthinking this, but would appreciate helpful comments. Fun quilt so far. Enjoying the applique blocks (still need to work on the shoo-fly ones).


      I was confused a bit on the layout of Twirly Balls. Thank you for clarifying with your details here.


        Barbara, Thank you for the wonderful explanation with pictures of the Twirly Balls on your blog.
        I wonder how many people are making this quilt that don't use the forum. Maybe you could post your
        tips as a download on the page where the BOM pattern is posted or if that is too much trouble, at least
        post your blog website there so members find your help with all the excellent ideas you have
        for making the quilt. I am sure there are a lot quilters struggling along that would appreciate having you
        as their mentor on this pattern.I know you are beyond busy, busy, busy so I understand if you can't do it.
        Just an idea that popped into my head. HelenW


          Haviing done Happy Daze I feel like I am an expert at twirly balls but appreciate your take on them.


            Thanks, Helen. I have passed on your suggestion to the TQS folks. It’s not about me or my blog, though I do put lots of time into trying to explain ways to make these blocks. I am always looking for ways to teach quiltmaking in ways that help people be successful.

            North Alabama, USA
            "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


              I wish I had seen your blog post before making this block. Thank you for sharing


                I agree with everything HelenW has said. I love Barbara's tips and greatly appreciate her help. x


                  I would like to see a link to Barbara's blog on the TQS home page. Make it easy to find.


                    Judith. I made a bookmark on my homepage on my tablet for instant access.


                      I would be very interested to see how this twirley ball can be made using needleturn. Is there some direction somewhere I have missed?


                        AnnetteJ - There are special instructions for Block 10 on p. 2 of Month 3 instructions... but they are not quite clear.
                        With Block 10, first center the P3 outer ring fabric on the center of the background fabric.
                        Applique it in place. Next, applique a circle of P4 fabric inside the P3 outer ring. Evenly place
                        the spiral rays of print fabric P3 in position atop the P4 circle. When you have them arranged
                        appropriately, baste and applique all of these pieces in place, turning under the spiral units
                        along their curved edges, and turning the end of the spiral units under along with the P4 fabric
                        circle. Finally, applique a P4 circle in the center of the spiral array.
                        The instructions say to applique down the P4 circle and then to place and baste and applique down the spiral ray units - but then to turn the ends of the spiral units under along with the P4 fabric, which is tricky if you have already appliqued down the P4 circle... if I'm understanding this correctly... So, my plan is to baste down the P4 circle, attach the spiral ray P3 units and then applique down the combined P3 and P4 edge.



                          Linda’s suggestion would work as would Sue’s instructions. It would be a bit challenging to turn under the spiral rays along the curve of the P4 circle after P4 was appliquéd in place, as Linda said.

                          If I were doing this one with needle turn I would try Linda’s suggestion—appliqué spiral rays to a P4 circle, then appliqué that unit to the center of the block.

                          North Alabama, USA
                          "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                            Sawdust, I would love to see a picture of your Happy Daze quilt. I looked it up and saw that it is another Sue Garman pattern.

                            You probably are an expert. Do you have any tips or tricks that you learned as you made it. What techniques did you use?
                            Raw edge applique, needle turn etc. I am posting a picture of the one I saw on line so others can see how great those twirly balls
                            look when they are feature applique in a quilt. I also loved the other quilt Sue designed with twirly balls. HelenW


                              My quilt is very much like this posted picture. I did it all by needle turn.


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