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Month 3–New Appliqué Blocks

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    Barbara, Thank you for getting your blog info on the daily blog this morning. I think it will help those
    struggling quilters that don't have the time to search the forums etc. for help, because they prefer
    to use that precious time making quilts. They just don't know what they are missing. Making it easier access
    is always great. Thanks to the TQS staff for the quick response to our request. One last possible idea,
    to put your blog website link on the page where they post the monthly patterns. I

    included a picture of the place
    I am talking about. It would make one stop access even more convenient. Thanks Barbara for all your help.


      Helen, each month the Newsletter does a direct link to my monthly post about the Block of the Month. If people don’t read the newsletters or come to the Forum, they miss out.

      I am glad to know you find the blogs helpful—that is why I do them.

      And people can always follow the blog by email—I write two a week. Only the first of the month is about the BOM.
      North Alabama, USA
      "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


        I'm also doing hand applique and have been wondering how I would tackle the twirly ball block. This block is next on my agenda! Thanks for the suggestions, Linda. They make sense to me.



          Barbara...your instructions on the blog have really helped me with this BOM. Thanks for all your hard work.


            Finished my March blocks. I'm really enjoying the applique blocks. I'm also more in love with my bubble material the more blocks I do with them.


              Finished my March blocks. I'm really enjoying the applique blocks. I'm also more in love with my bubble material the more blocks I do with them.


                Finished my March blocks. I'm really enjoying the applique blocks. I'm also more in love with my bubble material the more blocks I do with them.


                  Finished my March blocks. I'm really enjoying the applique blocks. I'm also more in love with my bubble material the more blocks I do with them.


                    Your blocks are adorable!


                      So I was trying to figure out how to approach block 10 for hand applique and once I coloured in the sections I got it. Outside portion is easy. Inside all pieces will be attached to the larger circle and then I will turn it and attach. I think it will work.


                        Freda, that is exactly how it’s done for machine appliqué so it will work for hand appliqué as well.

                        North Alabama, USA
                        "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                          I am just starting block 9. Is the background inner circle Appliquéd on top of P1. I think the P1 will shadow though my white background and I will have to cut away the P1 behind that circle of background fabric.


                            I can’t wait so I started laying mine out . I wanted to see if my though process was going to work . It works for me I love how it’s coming together


                              Cindyaziah, I love what you're doing. It really looks amazing with the 9 patch blocks added to it. Once we get the pattern for those, I hope to do quilt-as-you-go on mine and assemble them in just that fashion.



                                Ellenceleste, I too was thinking about doing quilt as you go for this quilt. I watched a Marti Michelle video on Bluprint yesterday where she teaches a technique for doing
                                quarter panels quilt as you go and then a separate technique called enclosed seams for the borders quilt as you go. I am thinking about doing my layout with horizontal lines
                                of blocks rather than on point because
                                I like the illusion of the 9 patches looking like they are on point in a horizontal layout. HelenW

                                This is a sample I drew up in EQ8.


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