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2010 Healthy Life

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    I know, I know. I tried another smoothie today with the banana, blueberries, strawberries, spinach and a smaller portion of parsley. It actually was quite tasty. Margo, I only tried one of each thing. You would have been proud of me. But then I found the York Peppermint Patties........ once these things are out of my life, I will be much happier. If I don't buy them, then I won't eat them. And once my DD goes back home, I won't be making food like I am doing now. My DH and I eat a lot of fish, chicken and homemade soups as he can't have processed food because of the sodium. Judy in AZ


      I renewed my Weight Watcher's online membership, which I had let slide, and ordered a wii fit plus. The Weight Watcher's Online has a great food journal that does all the counting for you and even keeps track of activity points.

      This should help me in this endeavor. David, my youngest son, has decided he'll also try to lose 30 pounds (shhh..he needs to lose 40) this year, so that will help a lot. He's a writer and doesn't get enough exercise, so he'll benefit from the wii fit too, I think.

      We'll see how I do with it...I'm pretty out of shape, have creeky knees, and am badly in need of losing weight. I have my doubts about the wii fit, but since David can use it too, I decided to go ahead and have a try with it. The wii fit plus lets your design your own workout, so I can go with the more gentle items for starters.

      Walking here is not always an option--often bad weather or after dark when I get home from work and I just can't do it in the morning and still get to work on time. So I hope this helps.

      "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


        Lots of good intentions! Sounds great! We have a few more days to get in the right frame of mind and prepare to really get serious about this and I think that next Friday (January 1, 2010) we can plan to re-state our goals and how we plan to achieve them. The following friday (the 8th) we can report how the first week went.

        Thanks everyone for all the support on this journey.

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          Wow sounds like everyone is already trying to geared up to start this new year off right!!!.....I have some goodies to get rid of from Christmas, then since I do the shopping more will not make it back into the house......... I know one of you talked about freezing fruit, is there something special you have to do with it first ??...I have never tried this but since I am suppose to be on a low sodium diet fresh fruits and vegetables are suppose to be my main meals....I
          have never been much of a cook so don't know alot about freezing, or whatever you can do to preserve food....... any books or sites that I could read to learn more???? I haven't tried smoothies yet, guess I forgot to ask Santa for a new mixer!!!!... maybe that will be my new year present :lol: I had been doing a food journal for my LS diet & it really did help, I let it slide & I can tell the difference, back to that & more walking.......this is really going to be helpful to talk with others going in the same direction....... thanks ladies


            Speaking of mixers....several years ago my sister (re: Kale soup!) got me a Magic Bullet Mixer which is basically a single serving gizmo with cups and screw lids so things can be made up and stored in the fridge. It also comes with some healthy diet tips. Check it out:


            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              I'm trying to get geared up for this!!! As for pedometers, mine is a Sportline clip on one. I must say...when I bend over etc, it tends to pop off! Maybe from the rolls around the waist??? My friend has one (Omron) that she puts in her pocket with a lot more features. However, a lot of exercise clothes do not have pockets. So, I guess you just have to decide which one fits into your budget etc. My biggest downfall is salty, crunchy potato chips, pretzels and peanuts. I have to get rid of all the salty snacks in the house....this will be like pulling teeth


                I've had several pedometers over the years that really havn't worked. Can't even find one of those right now. I guess I hid them too well. Anyone have a good recommendation? My husband is going to work with me on this healthier lifestyle also. That will be a big help. Sandi in FL


                  Karen...will it be easier to toss out a couple of bucks worth of temptation, or calculate how many extra calories you would have to burn if you ate it all???? Add up all the calories if you ate those bags/cans of goodies. According to, you have to briskly walk for 30 minutes (at 3.3 MPH) to burn off 100 calories. :shock: Will you burn off those extra calories before you start 2010 or just add it?

                  Sandi, I'm glad your husband is joining you! I'm sure it will make your journey much easier!

                  It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                  That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                    If anyone is interested in a plan where you order special food, you might want to check out:

                    I've not investigated this program, but have heard good things about it.

                    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                      [quote="martyrayl"....... I know one of you talked about freezing fruit, is there something special you have to do with it first ??MC[/quote]

                      Martha, it's unnecessary to do anything special. I core, seed and quarter apples (leave skin on if organic), peel and section oranges, peel and break apart bananas, etc. I put the pieces on a cookie sheet to freeze first, then put in ziplock bags; the same with berries. I even freeze any greens that are starting to wilt, as they work fine in smoothies after they've been frozen. No waste - I like that.

                      Margo, I have a Magic Bullet, they're pretty slick! I find them great for small volume things such as salad dressings. Many people use them for travel. My long time go-to favorite is my Vita Mix that I've used daily for 15 years. They're spendy, but well worth it. I think they have a 7 year warranty. If you plan on mixing up frozen fruit smoothies or even with the greens, the VitaMix breaks food down like magic. You can make soups in them, as the ingredients heat up as you blend for longer periods of time. The temperature limit is around 118 degrees, as far as keeping nutrients intact. Some people like the BlendTec blender, which is about the same price.

                      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                        Thanks for the info, Jan! My problem with the Magic Bullet is that if I make a smoothie in one of the cups, I want to eat (drink?) the whole thing 'cause they are so good! I need to divide even that amount into smaller servings. It's all about portion control for me.

                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          Ahhhh, but the beauty of smoothies - as long as they're greens, fruits and berries (real food), you can pretty much have as much as you want. Some people drink a couple of quarts per day. Portion control is usually necessary for the empty calorie food. Even then, when one deprives their body, they just crave more because the nutrient requirements haven't been met....thus the 'always hungry' feeling on most "diets". Portion control and points, etc., are futile if one is eating the wrong foods. I limit myself some when it comes to nuts and sweeter foods, but nuts have beneficial fats and nutrients, too.
                          Then there is the emotional aspect of eating, and just plain old habit

                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            Thank you for the freezing info.... I have three freezers so surely I have plenty of room!!!.... I have an old mixer but it will have to do for now, maybe middle of Jan. I can get a newer & better one... My husband is hunting this next week so I am making him take all the candies etc out of the house to his hunting just go & hit the produce section & do some freezing....... I have been walking a little each day, although today I cleaned my sewing room instead of walking.........but I did some dancing while listening to my cd's :lol: so maybe that helped some....hahaha.......figure next week while he is gone will be a good time to start the smoothies.. one of the hardest things for me is to 'cook' for me & still have to cook for him also....although he is behind helpng me loose the weight and get healthy.... he still likes a full meal at dinnertime...
                            he will help anyway that he can so.....we will just have to work a meal schedule out that will work for him also........... I will start my food journal in the morning as it does help to keep one, you will be surprised how it stops you from putting that next sweet or mouthful in your mouth knowing you will record it........ well off to do some sewing........ till tomorrow ladies


                              Santa brought me a George Foreman grilling machine. Anyone have any ideas for good and different things to cook on it. I need some new recipes, so we don't get bored with the same ole thing.


                                I already own Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus, and some of the more active games. For Christmas, though, I was given Wii Active Personal Trainer. I'm on day 2 of the 30 day challenge. On Day 1, I chose to do the high intensity workout, since I'm used to exercising. BIG mistake! :P My workouts are generally low-impact but these had me running and jumping. I made it through, but I was worn out. Today for Day 2, I picked medium intensity. That was a little better but still included some high impact work.

                                I also got a set of Zumba DVDs and a pair of the Zumba toning sticks, which make a sound kind of like castanets. I haven't had time to watch all the DVDs, but what I've done so far is fun, although I don't really keep up with the steps accurately. I should be all set for workouts until our regular classes start back on January 4.


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