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2010 Healthy Life

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    Margo, Zumba is a Latin dance exercise class. You can go to to learn more about it. Ours is a bit tailored to our older age group, but we're about halfway between the "gold" level, which is for seniors, and the all-out level which is VERY energetic. You don't have to be a good dancer. You just have to MOVE!

    As far as eating, I started paying very good attention to portion and serving sizes. I don't make casseroles that require lots of extra ingredients. I use a lot of steamed vegetables and a lot of fresh fruit, low-fat yogurt, skim milk, whole grains, and lean meats, poultry, and fish. I rarely eat starchy vegetables, limiting potatoes and/or brown rice to a couple of times a week. I do NOT skip a meal and I eat a good breakfast. My mid-afternoon snack is the yogurt and fruit. If I have a dessert, it's after supper and it's something like one cookie or one or two dark chocolate Hershey kisses.

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      Hmmmm....Zumba looks like it could be fun with a group of quilters!! LOL!! Thanks for all the wonderful suggestions, Carol.

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        I'm in. I've lost some this year, gained some back. It will be great having support and encouragement. I do better when I write things down and keep a journal. Sandi

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          I'll give it a could one go wrong with such a group of positive thinkers! I do have to get back to Curves! This will give me incentive. Thanks for the opportunity!


            Wonderful idea Margo. I had already decided that DH and I were going to get our heads on straight next year. I've been overweight for many years and DH is an insulin-dependant diabetic with heart disease. DD is also trying to lose weight. We are joining the local gym and plan to eat way better. Our main problem is eating out too much. Hopefully with TQS support we will succeed and save money in the process. Mary


              I'm in too. I have a goal and if I meet mine it may help hubby join in with me too.


              aka ladyquilter

              Troutdale, OR
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                Great idea Margo!!! I am a eat on the go person. I need to start making healthy food choices and being a part of this group would be a great start.


                  Margo, I am so with you! Exercise is my downfall as I have never had any endurance, and lack major motivation! We have encouraged each other through 2 major BOMs, we can do it with living a healthier life!

                  Maggie in E. Central Illinois


                    This is going to be good! OK....any of you with any health issues at all, be sure to check with your doctor before you make any changes that might not be right for your situation.

                    Depending on how things work (or don't!) for you, I strongly suggest that you make some kind of chart or something to keep track of your DAILY progress. Even if it's just a check mark on your calendar for every day that you exercise (I plan to put a big 'ole circle around the date!) it will re-enforce your new habits if you can look to see how much you have accomplished between check-ins on the forum. Our efforts in the mirror may not be apparent for a while, but the month of January on the calendar can look impressive!

                    If your issues are food related, it may help to write down EVERY THING that you put in your mouth....BEFORE you eat it! Maybe that will help you think twice before you do it?

                    And remember that we all need to drink lots of water! Flush that stuff out of your system.

                    Anyone else have suggestions???

                    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                      FOOD FOR THOUGHT:


                      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                        I'll join. I've already lost all the weight, 62 lbs over 1 1/2 years, so now I'm in the maintaining mode. I love the way I feel after exercising, the high of doing something good for myself. I use a great app for my iPhone, "Runkeeper Pro" which tracks your walk, run, cycling, hiking, using GPS. It is a great tool. I kept a daily log of everything I ate, how many calories and points, my weight, and the amount of water drank. It was the only way I could keep control. After doing the yo yo dieting over the years, this is the system that finally worked for me. Plus I'll let you in on a secret, I got tired of seeing myself in the mirror and looking horrible. Just had to change that view, so thus what helped keep me motivated. Now I just monitor my weight daily and use another app on the iPhone called "Track Weight". Bobbi

                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          I'll add to the mix by sharing what has worked for me this last year. I had gotten up to 170 lbs and didn't feel well. I knew I had issues with sugar, so eliminated that, then coffee, then meat. At the same time, I added more living, plant based foods. My body began to thank me immediately with clearer thinking, vibrant skin, ENERGY and, ultimately letting go of 35lbs (since Feb). Our cells are fed by live food; when we cook, nuke, process our food, there is nothing to nurture us. It makes so much sense. When I give myself such nutrient dense (alive) food, I am easily satiated. If we're hungry, hungry, hungry, we aren't being nourished. It may take time, but our taste buds DO adjust and enjoy REAL food.
                          If anyone is interested in more information, email me privately; perhaps I can point you in a direction to start. The easiest way to begin, and with the most impact, is by starting your day with a smoothie. I had been making fruit smoothies for years; now I began adding greens (spinach is easiest as you don't taste it - also 40% protein!) Add more greens and decrease fruits (but keep some in there as they are wonderful nutrition) as your taste adjusts. Listen to your body-your cells will begin to sing :P Just make ONE choice for the better each day, and you'll be making progress! Think positively; our emotions are a big part of this also.
                          I had blood work this last week that affirmed that I'm much healthier; cholesterol down to 189 (from242), B12 good, etc. And my bones are as strong as a woman 20 years younger. Good thing because I fell Friday (tripped over a cat). I got a few bruises and a huge goose egg on my forehead, but no broken bones! WHEW.
                          Bless you all on your journey; I'll be cheering for you! Most of all, find what works for you and be at peace with it.

                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            One of my goals was to get off all medications, Premarin, Zocor and allergy. I've succeeded and my Dr. was very surprized about not needing the Zocor for my cholesterol. High cholesterol runs in the family naturally so I'm beating those odds too. My body feels so much better.
                            Everyone can do this, just find what works for you. You probably already and just need to apply it to this task, that's all it is. Just because it will change your life, it's still a task.

                            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                              That smoothie sounds good. What's in it? Judy in AZ


                                Count me in as well. I was able to lose about thirty pounds last year due to illness and have not regained that, but I still have about sixty to go. Losing weight and exercising would really help my health issues, but getting myself to do it is something else. I'm really hooked on sugar.


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