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The Prayer List

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    Patti and Ritzy there will be daily prayers said for good doctor care, successful treatments and speedy recoveries.

    Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


      Rachel I'll be praying for the baby and Ritzy thinks have to turn around for you all soon To let you know Tom had two test and has to have one on Monday they found some thing wrong with the vales in the heart keep him on your list THANK you Happy

      Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


        Thank you everyone for your prayers. I can't tell you how much they mean to me. Everyone's love and concern and the good survival stories sent me have given me alot of hope and confidence for a good outcome.


          Patti - I'm sending hugs and prayers to you. Be strong and know we are thinking about you. Carolyn in Kerrville, TX


            Thank you for your prayers and I definitely have benefitted from them. I had my first appt Tuesday with the oncologist, whom I loved and he said the tumor is well defined and appears to be clean and isolated and most likely stage I. I have a cat scan tomorrow to confirm those suspicions. So I am doing a progesterone therapy for 90 days and and then another cat scan. If all goes well with that one, then no surgery. If not, then a hysterectomy. I initially wanted it all cut out - I told the doc, pull it out, stomp on it and throw it in the basket! But I am very high risk with the diabetes, high BP and hypothyroidism so it is better to avoid the surgery if possible. I'm pretty confident this episode in my life has a good result. THis cancer has very high cure rates. But I've loved all the attention and feeling like I have a ton of support. Honestly, I haven't gone down the road to being too frightened because of your support.


              This is good news Patti, for you and your good news is good news for us as well! Your high spirits infect us all, and keep us going!
              God bless


                Patti--praise God! Stage 1 is better than I was thinking when you said you have had problems for a long time.



                  Thank the Lord for good news !! I've done the progesterone for a similar pre-cancerous condition, and honestly, it's the best sleep I had in years. So you might want to see if you can take the progesterone at night. I was very sleepy within the hour and that doesn't happen easily.

                  Glad to hear such specific answers to our prayers so soon. I'll continue praying and you just keep looking up and healing

                  Caregivers' bodies often take some time after the stress is over to heal--I'm with you in that regard---so be sure to be kind to yourself and rest in the arms of the Lord.



                    I am praying for all of you and especially for Ritzy and her family and Patti.
                    About a week and a half ago. I went to my Chicago blood doctor and he found traces of blood in my stool (again). So on to one other test-- a camera endoscopy-- a test I have had before. Well they forgot to tell me that they changed the protocol and now not only do I have to do the endoscopy protocol but I have to do the colonoscopy (clean out your whole system LOL) protocol, too. If I had known that I might have said "NO!!!!!!!" but I went through it. Results: the doctors could find no reason for my bleeding. Ok, now I am having five iron infusions before we leave the northern states and head for Texas.

                    So I still say God is good, all the time, All the time God is good. I will still get to go to Houston and visit with my friends, especially Hanne Grete (Brink of Norway) and Pam from England plus all of the US quilters who will meet up there. I have said for at least a year that I will be there in any case even if they bring me in on a gurney. So it looks like that won't happen. So next to Brink's big smile will be mine. So thanks for all the prayers.

                    I keep up the prayers for all of you. Just remember God is good all the time, All the time God is good, Hugs and prayers, Ann


                      Great news Patti! Thank you God!
                      Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                        Ann, God bless you. Wish I could be there with all of you, take a group picture for us who can't be there and post it! Take care. you are in my prayers.


                          I just heard from my sister about her friend. Just to let you know that Gerry was admitted to the hospital last night (Mon). The pain was much worse, the tumor was even bigger, and she was having trouble breathing. She is scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning (Wed). Time still unknown. Please keep those prayers going. Thanks. Karen
                          Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                            Karen, prayers for your sister friend, and her family and friends.

                            Margarita in Auburn, CA
                            Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                              Patti, I am so pleased that you have good news.

                              Ann I'm sorry to hear that you need more iron infusions, does that mean that you will be bursting with energy at Houston? I am so looking forward to seeing you all.

                              Karen I will continue to pray for your sister's friend as well as all the other prayer needs of our TQS family.

                              Please continue to pray for Ritzy and Loren as well as Dana and her family.

                              In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                                prayers for everyone.


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