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The Prayer List

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    Brenda, sending positive thoughts and prayers to you and your family.


      I never have really followed this particular topic, I'm not super religious, I'm very blessed, a husband, that can drive me crazy, but I do love, as he loves me, 4 great kids, 2 are mine 2 are not, 5 grandkids, all perfect, how blessed am I? Tonight my son called me and told me my daughter is in the CCU in Fresno, she doesn't want anyone to know, my baby I sick. She is a beautiful girl, full of life, and wonderful of course. She should be there for at least 5 days, she has been recently been diagnosed with some kind of weird, and rare auto immune disease that is quite challenge to diagnosis as well as manage heart is so sad right now for my Maemae, she is 29 years old and truly my best friend, please send a good thought for her....


        I never have really followed this particular topic, I'm not super religious, I'm very blessed, a husband, that can drive me crazy, but I do love, as he loves me, 4 great kids, 2 are mine 2 are not, 5 grandkids, all perfect, how blessed am I? Tonight my son called me and told me my daughter is in the CCU in Fresno, she doesn't want anyone to know, my baby I sick. She is a beautiful girl, full of life, and wonderful of course. She should be there for at least 5 days, she has been recently been diagnosed with some kind of weird, and rare auto immune disease that is quite challenge to diagnosis as well as manage heart is so sad right now for my Maemae, she is 29 years old and truly my best friend, please send a good thought for her....


          For me, it's not about 'religion', it's about trusting in Jesus as my Saviour. So, yes, I will pray for your daughter, and just so we can pray together:
          We ask You to guide the medical help of this precious child. Please give them knowledge of the best treatment they should follow for her care. Hold her and her family in your hands as they go through this tough situation. Help them all to be strong for each other, yet weak enough to know they need each other, just like we all need to trust You. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen


            I looked on your profile, LadyWingNut, hoping to find a name. Thought it might help me to focus on you but really its just not necessary. I am holding you and MaeMae in the warmest most caring thoughts possible. I believe we are all connect by mysterious threads and when we care and send healing thoughts they somehow arrive where they're intended. Keep us posted. We'll want to know how you are both doing.


              Ladywingnut, I am sending warm hugs to you and your family. Knowing that others care, helps us all.

              We care, geneva


                Ladywingnut, I am religious and have faith in our Lord. I will keep MaeMae in my prayers. I will pray for you and the rest of the family also.
                I lost my baby 4 years ago. She was 26 yrs old, and the mother of 2 small children. She was fine one day, and died the next day. So sudden and unbelievable. Yes, I lost her, but I still have her with me in spirit. She is always in our thoughts. If I had the ability to bring her back, I would not do it because I believe she is in a far better place. Hopefully I will join her someday. I am not rushing to do that because I have others here who need me, Her children have been a great blessing to us. My SIL is wonderful. My other children and grandchildren are blessings too. We just have to hang in there and do the best we can with the joys and sorrows we are given. Sorry I don't mean to preach, just wanted to say how I feel. I truly hope you never have to experience what I have. And remember, all of us here are thinking of you. Hugs!!


                  Ladywingnut, I am praying for you MaeMae and all your family,
                  Warm wishes Pam (in Scotland)


                    Lord, I pray for MaeMae and her family. Hold them close and let them feel Your presence close to them. Let Your healing hand of mercy be upon them, I ask in Jesus' name, amen


                      Thank you all for your kindness, Maemae, my special name for my Catie, text me today to say is feeling stronger, she doesn't want to talk still, but she is feeling stronger, I have had a horrible day at work today, but it's all going to be ok, because my Maemae is feeling stronger!


                        Anne, I'm glad your daughter is feeling a bit stronger. I've prayed for her.
                        Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                          Oh my Anne - sending positive thoughts your way, glad to hear your daughter is feeling stronger!
                          Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                            [hide]Ladywingnut...I have said a prayer for you and your daughter. I am so happy to hear that she is a bit stronger. Praying for her health to be restored quickly.[/hide]


                              Anne, I pray Maemae is getting stronger every day! I have kept her in my prayers. I'm glad she seems to be doing better! Has she gotten out of CCU yet?

                              Cathy, I cannot even imagine what you went through with your daughter, years ago! What a shock that must have been, being so sudden! But, it sounds like your heart and mind are in the right place now! I'm sure you are a blessing to others!



                                My Catie is still in the hospital, I'm driving to Fresno to be with her...hopefully she will be out Thursday or Friday. Everything is up in the air right now with her health, and what needs to be done, but she will be staying with me for a while. Thank you all for your kindness when I really needed it.


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