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    Am also on it.


      I am on it. Thanks for letting us know Robin. Margarita


        Lifting prayers to Jan and especially her sister.

        Many Blessings.


          Got it. Prayers for easy surgery, easy recovery, skilled surgeons, and then........PEACE.


            Praying for the surgery and recovery. Your sensitivity is so appreciated. My trust in the prayer warriors of this site is a huge comfort. I wanted to share with you that the day of the anniversary of my miscarriage was a calm, peaceful day and even a sense of joy knowing who waits in heaven for a future reunion. Thank you all for your prayers and special e-mails. I know prayer changes things.


              Originally posted by JaneAnne
              Praying for the surgery and recovery. Your sensitivity is so appreciated. My trust in the prayer warriors of this site is a huge comfort. I wanted to share with you that the day of the anniversary of my miscarriage was a calm, peaceful day and even a sense of joy knowing who waits in heaven for a future reunion. Thank you all for your prayers and special e-mails. I know prayer changes things.
              Blessings, Jane
              Jane, I'm so happy to hear that you had a calm, peaceful day! I have a great belief in our prayer warriors, too. And I've heard from Jan (fiberwoman) that it's now okay to mention her sister's surgery on Facebook, in case any of you are on that.


                Jane, what a blessing that you were able to feel joyful!


                  So glad. Peace can come in many ways from many things, but prayers of those who love us is a given! God Bless.


                    I need some prayer warriors big time. My mom is 95 and is totally incapable of taking care of herself. She is in a nursing home right now for "rehab" and I plan for her to be there permanently or at least another nursing home. I have applied for Medicaid for her and am waiting on that to be approved. She went in on the 7th and I wasn't told until the 11th that if she wanted to go home when her time was up, they couldn't keep her unless I had a conservatorship (5 days lost). I went to a lawyer who said that I had to have two doctors notarized statements that she isn't capable of taking care of herself. He emailed me the form and when I printed it out it was on two pages. It took several days to get the forms back from the doctors and I took them to the lawyer this past Monday and was informed that the form had to be on one page and that I would have to get them resigned. Wouldn't you know that her primary doctor is out of town all week. I can't even get on the court docket until I get the papers back to the lawyer. In the meantime, I was informed that next week will probably be her last week of therapy. At which time, if she says she wants to go home, they will discharge her. I cannot get her to agree to sign the paper chosing to stay. She knows she can't take care of herself, but is adamant that she wants to go home. It seems that I take one step forward and one step back. I only have one sister who lives out of town and she is dealing with a husband with Alzheimers, so it's just me. I cannot take her into my home because I have a baking business next to my house and am sometimes there all day. Neither can I stay at her house because of the business, and in addition, by husband is not in good health. In addition, she has had 24-hr sitters for several months and her money has run out, so that isn't an option. I know this is long, but I'm pouring my heart out. I have cried more these last couple of weeks than I have in years. Please pray that things will work out - I have to believe that they will. Right now I'm a basket case. Thanks to my wonderful TQS friends.


                      God loves you Mary and your mother in this situation you've found yourself in right now. He is not taken by surprise and will be with you through these circumstances. May He pour out his direction, peace and comfort as you have poured out your heart in faith. I ask His hand upon your mother and you as you weather this storm together. I pray you find strength beyond what you ever imagined and every good weapon you need for the battle. God be praised through it all. It's a privlege to pray for you Mary. You might feel like a basket case but the reality is that being in the center of God's will is the most sane thing you could be. Keep faith.


                        Mary, I have no advice, but am sending a big virtual hug. Hang in there and just take one day at a time. You have a full plate right now, but you can do this.

                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          Mary I am so sorry to hear you are having such a hard time right now. It is a very difficult balance between making sure that our aged relations continue to have the quality of life they want and what is actually possible. My only suggestion to you is that if your mother is still of sound mind then you and your sister need to discuss with her where you go from here. There are three of you involved in this, share the burden. And in the meantime, take care of yourself.


                            Mary, I have a close friend who is going through the same dilemma with her 91 year old mother right now. At times there seem to be no logical solutions. Take things day by day, and remember that any decision you make out of love will be right.

                            from the Piedmont of North Carolina


                              Mary, my heart aches for you. I cannot add any advice as I have not been through this sort of issue. But the advice from the other TQS members sounds good to me. Especially Jane's. I will be praying for you and your mom both.

                              from the Piedmont of North Carolina


                                You know I'm here praying Mary and believing it will all work out. Take care of yourself and know that you've done your best.
                                Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


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