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The Prayer List

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    Eileen, glad that Keri is going for a second opinion with an oncologist. Praying and praising God for what is going to do.


      Saying prayers for Keri and for the wee ones and Jennifer.


        Prayers for all...
        Would also appreciate your sparing a thought for my dear sister-by-life Doris, who is embarking on a new journey today.
        She's given up her job, packed up her home of the past 25 years and shipped most of it back to Canada. Now she's on her way to Antwerpen, Belgium. From there she's taking a freight ship to the states, the making her way to Canada... Find a new home & a new job so that she can be closer to her family, and most importantly, her aging parents.
        Safe travels, Doris! I will miss having you here! Wishing you a safe, fun, relaxing but interesting journey home and just know you'll make many new acquaintances and friends en route. Enjoy!


          I'll pray that Doris has a safe trip and that she can settle back into Canadian life smoothly.


            I would appreciate prayers for my 9 year old granddaughter,Morgan. She was taken to Brenner,s Children hospital Mother's day night.She has an enlarged kidney full of infection and a kidney stone the size of a marble. She is facing surgery whenever they can clear up the infection and fever.Many thanks from a grateful Grandmother for all the TQS prayer warriors out there. Love, Dixie


              certainly also praying for morgan - poor kid


                Praying that Morgan is pain free and up and running around soon.
                Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                  Update on teeny twins: all things considered, they are doing okay. The specific prayer now is that their heart valves would close and that the bleeding would stop in their brains. Mom, Jen, was able to hold one of them on Mother's Day. Thank you so much for praying.
                  Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                    Praying for Morgan, the twins, and Doris.
                    And am happy to report an answer to prayer. Chelsea's graduation and her speech went off without a hitch yesterday. I was so proud. And Tucker behaved perfectly. Chelsea and I leave with him in the morning for Michigan. He has to be back at Leader Dog at 9:30 on Thursday morning. It's going to be heart wrenching to give him back - for both of us - but mostly her, obviously. So, prayers appreciated for our travels and our states of mind over the next few days.
                    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                      prayers for all


                        well, as you all know, God's plans aren't always the same as our plans. We,ve had a rough start today. Chelsea and I had planned on leaving at 7 a.m. for the trip to Michigan with Tucker. We were running just a little behind schedule, and it's a good thing we were because Mattie got up at 7:15 sick. Fever of 102, a very sore throat, and in tears wanting me to stay at home with her. To make a long story short, after much debate, we decided that I did need to stay here and take her to the doc and Jimmy would clear his schedule and go with Chelsea. To make matters worse, Tucker had diarrhea. (he knew something was going on) Chelsea understood but I felt horrible! I really wanted to be there with her. But maybe this is for the best. It will give her one on one time with Jimmy which is rare and who knows? Maybe it will even help my relationship with Mattie. I just have to trust that HIS way is better than mine! Mattie's rapid strep and rapid mono tests were both negative so they are treating her with antibiotics for tonsillitis and told us if she's not better by Friday to come back for another mono test. Her Senior Prom is this Saturday. Right now she feels so badly she doesn't even care if she misses it. So... prayers appreciated for all of the above.


                          Prayers for all of the above.

                          Please pray for my 7 year old grandson, and his parents and doctors who are in disagreement on the next course to take on the treatment for a couple birth defects he has that conflict with each other making them difficult to treat. One of the possibilities is irreversible if it doesn't work. Please pray that they will make the right choice and for words of wisdom for my DD the next time she needs them.




                              Annis, Prayers are in order. That must be oh so difficult for everyone. Praying. Lois


                                Annis, praying for yor grandson, his parents and Dpctors for wisdom to get the right course of treatment.



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