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supreme slider

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    supreme slider

    Just wondering.... do any of you have any thing to say about the Supreme Slider? Do you like it? Is it worth the money?

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !

    I have been wondering the same thing Kalynn. I know that Leah Day sure promotes it.


      I use it and like it, but I don't consider myself an "expert" machine quilter! :?

      from the Piedmont of North Carolina


        I use it and I really like it. Incidently, I've heard people say they need to tape it down to keep it from sliding and getting chewed up by the needle. It is naturally a bit sticky on the reverse side and I have no trouble with it staying in place. After a while, lint from sewing can become stuck to the wrong side and it will begin to slip. Each time I use it I check for lint collecting on the wrong side. If it's dusty I rinse it with cool water and the lint washes away and the natural stickiness of that side returns.


          I have the look-alike model in the bigger size and like using it...I treat it like Lois does and have no troubles.


            I have it as well and would advise to tape it down. I would get the queen sized one right away. I have the smaller one and it does need to be cleaned now and then.


              I like it and use it all the time, it does make a difference, but make sure you get the one with the bigger hole for when you are using zig zag stitches etc as I have been told you can buy one with only a little whole for straight stitch.

              I find that as I have a table that the sewing machine sites down in it, and sometimes if you are lifting the machine up and down from inside the table to change the bobbin or for a clean out of that area the slider mat has to be moved as it sits just beyond the edge of the hole in the table so to speak, so yes the sticky stuff underneath stops been sticky.

              Taree NSW - Australia
              My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


                I have one and I really like it. It not only makes the quilting surface smoother, it covers the edge between my acrylic insert and the hole in my table. Without it, this edges sometimes catches my quilt while I'm quilting. I also never tape it down and have never had a problem with it coming up. I had to learn to replace my bobbin without lifting the machine out of the hole in the table because constantly taking the slider off and then putting it back on was annoying to me.



                  to make the sticky side stick again - just wash with regular hand-warm sudsy dish-water - rinse - leave to dry and use...
                  if you use a linty material / thread, or get lint from the batting flying about - the supreme slider will stop sticking properly no matter what - but a quick clean is all it needs
                  i would NOT try putting it into the dishwasher though - the heat would most likely be the end of it.


                    Thanks for all the comments. My aunt has one of the smaller ones and she is going to bring it to our next "quilting by the sea" get together next month and let me try it out.


                      And I've never had to use any soap on mine. Just a simple rinsing with water has worked for me.



                        Thanks for the info ladies I was wondering about it too. Kalynn I love the sound of the 'quilting by the sea' get together, can I come? :lol: Is the weather nice by the sea where you are at this time of year?


                          I use a Sew Slip II, which is similar to the Supreme Slider, just a lot less expensive (half the price of a Supreme Slider, if I remember correctly). The difference between the two is that Supreme Slider is imperceptibly thicker but they both work in the same manner. I rinse mine with water and drape it on the shower door rail when the stickiness goes away and I have never had to tape it down. I do have the larger one.


                            Renata, good to know. I'll look into that option. Thanks.


                              That's prob'ly the one I have...couldn't remember the name.... ops:


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