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    I seldom do free-motion quilting on my domestic machine now that I have my HandiQuilter, but I used to use Sortkwik on my hands to provide grip on the fabric.
    This is what bank tellers use to count money, but I've never had to use it for that reason! :roll:
    I never had a problem with it staining and it eliminates the need for any kind of gloves or fingertips on my hands.
    A Google search will give lots of options for places to get it.

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      You must look stunning with the pink fingers! :wink: Matches the hair! 8) Maybe you don't wear the pink hair to shop very often.


        Thanks, Margo, for another idea of something to try!


          Great stuff, Margo. Will have to see if I can get that stuff when I'm in San Francisco next week.

          Good point Lois, unfortunately the pink hair is carneval only... Of course this may change if my hairdresser gets bored with the color he's chosen for me now.


            Pink hair works for Lisa Sipes who goes by McLisa Tangerine Starfish Sipes on Facebook!

            She is an unbelievably talented modern quilter who most recently won Best of Show at QuiltCon in Austin, Texas with "Double Edged Love" pieced by Victoria Findlay Wolfe (who will be a TQS guest soon!)


            And "In Defense of Handmade" pieced by Thomas Knauer :

            Check out her blog:

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              Lisa Sipes is a hoot and a half!

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                Might be a fine quilter maker....but a " hoot" isn't quite the description I'd use ! :shock:
                I read that rant on her blog. :shock:


                  OK...maybe that blog was not the best one to guide people to in order to introduce them to a modern quilter, and yes, her blog does come across as a rant.
                  I hope you will scroll down farther into her blog and see some of the wonderful work she is turning out.

                  Lisa's opinions will obviously ruffle some feathers, but you know what it reminds me of?
                  Were you around the quilt world when Caryl Bryer Fallert took Best of Show in 1989 with Corona #2: Solar Eclipse in the AQS Show in Pacucah?


                  Rants were heard all over the country because it was the first time that a totally machine stitched quilt took Best of Show, and it changed the way the quilt world has looked at quilts ever since. The Modern Quilt Guild is exploring new territory and once again our part of the world is changing and growing.

                  It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                  That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                    I wasn't aware that there was such a big discussion about the merit of the" modern movement"...guess I should
                    have expected it. While it isn't quite my cuppa tea...much of the work is extraordinary.... The slide show really
                    brings that home ! Of course, putting swear words or naked bodies or other controversial subjects on/in your work
                    is a lot like kicking a hornets' nest.... Can't be surprised when the critters come after you. :roll:


                      Originally posted by idaho
                      I wasn't aware that there was such a big discussion about the merit of the" modern movement"...guess I should
                      have expected it. While it isn't quite my cuppa tea...much of the work is extraordinary.... The slide show really
                      brings that home ! Of course, putting swear words or naked bodies or other controversial subjects on/in your work
                      is a lot like kicking a hornets' nest.... Can't be surprised when the critters come after you. :roll:


                      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                        Margo I am sure there are still traditional quilters out there who think the only kind of quilting is hand quilting! But I think there is plenty of room for us all here on this planet and in this quilting world. I love what the modern quilters are doing and I welcome the shake up. Lisa is very emphatic and open in her blogs - that takes courage and I admire her for it. Were there unkind reviews of the show?


                          Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                          Margo I am sure there are still traditional quilters out there who think the only kind of quilting is hand quilting! But I think there is plenty of room for us all here on this planet and in this quilting world. I love what the modern quilters are doing and I welcome the shake up. Lisa is very emphatic and open in her blogs - that takes courage and I admire her for it. Were there unkind reviews of the show?
                          I was not aware of unkind reviews, but I saw the Modern Quilt display and was duly impressed! There were so many quilts available for viewing in Houston, I can't imagine people complaining that one special display was taking up space that should have gone to another collection! :roll:

                          Then again, you can't please all of the people all of the time!

                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            Originally posted by idaho
                            Might be a fine quilter maker....but a " hoot" isn't quite the description I'd use ! :shock:
                            I read that rant on her blog. :shock:
                            I'm sorry you feel that way based on one blog. And if you actually read the entire post I would hope that you realize that what I was saying wasn't about a quilt or quilt shows or quilters at all. All of that was just a nice segue into the real point which was simply that words and how we use them are important.
                            How we treat people is important. A lot of times, we say things - often on the Internet - thinking that the people at which it's directed will never see it. Perhaps you thought I would never see the quote above. Regardless, people have feelings and that should always be taken into consideration in any conversation we have.
                            While I can apologize for you maybe taking what I was saying or how I was saying it the wrong way, I will never apologize for asking people to be nice on a fundamental level. And that's exactly what I was doing. I believe the title of the blog post is a good indication of that.
                            And if you read a bit further back, that will realize that being nice is basically the theme of my entire blog, my life, my being.
                            When I see something wrong, I will not under any circumstance sit by idly and just watch it happen. I will always step up and defend the underdog, minority, anyone being wronged. Because for me to not say something indicates approval or me condoning the behavior and I absolutely just can't do that. It's not who I am.
                            I do not regret writing that post. And I wish that if you had some sort of differing opinion, you would've hit the "comment" button and told me so. I'm a big girl, and I welcome and encourage discussion from all view points. And I believe I actually stated in the post in question that I was wanting to have a discussion. You would have been welcome there. You could have told me how you felt and why, and I would have respected that and told you the ways in which I agreed or disagreed with you. Unfortunately that is not how these things usually work. And I would like to try my best to change that. I would like to encourage as much as possible having adult and intellectual conversations regardless of differences in opinion. You might be surprised the lasting friendships you can make when you open yourself up for conversations like this.
                            I wrote that blog because I was hurting for someone that was being hurt for no reason.
                            So in summation, I'm sorry you didn't like the blog. But again, I will not apologize for writing it.

                            As far as negative reviews of QuiltCon, I actually have not seen any negativity directed at the actual show. That quilt? Yes. The negativity was BEFORE the show. Because people have a very skewed idea of what modern quilting really is if they aren't a part of it or haven't taken any time to actually research the deeper meaning behind it. It is no different than traditional quilting in that regard. It is simply a different means to a different end. And I am willing to defend the modern quilting movement though I don't necessarily consider myself a modern quilter. I'm a quilter. I do what I like. That may me "modern" or may just be... Whatever. I don't know. Part of what I love about this community is how awesome it is as far as the incredible friends I've met. It hasn't been easy being "different". I had to prove, and hopefully continue to prove to others that I deserve to be heard, I actually know what I'm doing, and I deserve to be taken seriously. Most that don't know me likely think I'm just a nutty pink haired crazy kid. I am a bit nutty I suppose and I'm not ashamed of it. The pink hair is a celebration of my being cancer free thanks to an amazing surgeon. Today is the three year anniversary of my hysterectomy by the way. YAY LIFE! And regardless of what I look like or how old I am, I do know what I'm doing. I have an incredible amount of respect for the tradition and history of this art of quilting althought preconceived notions of the person people think I am, versus the person that I really am, may lead them to believe that isn't true.
                            <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->


                              And thank you Margo once again, just for being you.i apologize for typos and whatnot. It's not easy doing this on my phone!
                              <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->


                                Hugs to you Lisa! And congratulations on your anniversary!

                                On your PHONE?? :shock: Holey Moley! I love your convictions and the fact that you aren't afraid to kindly say what you think!

                                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


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