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Virtual Retreat 2017

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    Thanks! I love Lisa Bongean's patterns. I had the opportunity to visit the shop this past summer.

    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


      Me too. Nice and talented lady...met her a few yrs ago when she was here teaching for our
      little guild and also in DesMoine at a show.


        It's beautiful Marilyn and love the snow pictures but it looks dangerous, take care. I've got snow envy!

        Heather your quilt is great too so bright, did you use the quilting that Geneva did on her lovely one.

        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


          Thanks ! And dismiss that envy ! I'm sure the charm would wear off fast !...With a shovel in your hands ! :evil: :evil:
          BTW....I am supposed to have a row for you...Dec... but have fallen way behind...the severe cold made it hard to sit at
          the front of a window on an exposed north facing wall. :S


            Lovely appliqué!

            Please don't thru snowballs at me, but I miss the snow. Well, not the shoveling of it. But I always looked forward to 'sit-n-stitch' time that comes with cold and snowy days. And snuggled on the couch watching videos with my grandkids.


              Thanks ! High humidity, heat and hurricanes don't suit me ...guess I'll have to stick with snow! :silly:


                What do you think? When I sat down to sew today I reached over to replace this thread with a new color. I'm wondering what did this. Do I have a moth living in my sewing room? Or do you think the thread might have just had some flaw when it was wound?


                  Wow, those pictures came out huge! LOL


                    If no other thread had that same issue, my guess is that it was wound that way. Bummer!! It is such a pretty range of colors!


                      Beautiful quilt Marilyn. I've been wanting to try some wool applique.

                      Our weather in the tri cities has been awful. Last week we moved to a hotel due to some sort of weird Bermuda triangle thing in our driveway. After clearing the driveway 4 times.and being stuck again we gave up. Tuesday and Thursday of this week we've had ice storms.. I am so done with snow and cold.! We are set to break the 1955 snow record. Kids will have to go to school til July.

                      Not much sewing going on since I'm not home..
                      Luann that is odd thread! I wonder what happened? It sure is a pretty color.

                      Take care everyone. Geneva


                        Something four legged and nibbley Luann?

                        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                          I'd be taking that thread back to the store I bought it in....they should replace it ! I've had flaws in thread before !


                            Luann, i would send the picture of the faulty thread to the manufacturer - they might even replace it just from that - or ask you to return the thread so they can have a look at the problem (might be useful for them to determine a manufacturing problem in a production lot). But an email is quick and cheap. Superior have been known to resolve problems quickly and with no fuss. I would expect the other manufacturers to be the same. After all it is in their interest to ensure a good quality thread and thereby happy and loyal customers.


                              Happy 2017 to all. Have looked in once or twice, but managed o get pneumonia and have been out cold/and hot/and shivering/and... since Christmas Day. Hope to get back to work next week and eventually also behind the sewing machine again soon. Was supposed to have 2 weeks vacation which I had planned to mostly spend sewing - but didn't even have the energy to properly log into TQS and actually read a few posts...
                              Be safe - be happy - be healthy !


                                Luann, that is odd about your thread! Yes, contact the manufacturer and see what they say.

                                Wendy, thanks for asking! Just finished binding the quilt on Weds and deliver to the friend/customer today. Here's a shot of it on my son's bed, showing the "fit" as it came out a little narrower after the wash/dry than she had asked for. Eek! But still lays nicely and long enough on the sides of the bed, so should be okay, I hope. Will discount for her since it was my mistake.

                                I did the wavy lines like Geneva showed, in the body of the quilt and treated the first "border" (the pink/blue) as part of the body of the quilt. Then did straight lines with a simple "greek key" turn on the corner in the green border, and then extended the wavy lines from the body into the outside "border", as if the green border is the only border and was lying over the rest of the quilt. I think this shows it well enough.

                                My LQS owner suggested a sort of shiny/reflective white thread (Bone color, by Glide) which sort of picks up the colors of the quilt. I was skeptical (the back is bright turquoise blue, with a sort of greek key tone-on-tone print) but it really works and looks lovely, not like I just used cheap white thread. I thought of going back and adding some color pops like Geneva did, but the customer really wants that green (the border) as the sort of focus, so I didn't want to detract from that. I think she'll be pleased, I hope. I take it to her today.

                                Lotti, get well! Pneumonia can be a bear; my dad was sick with it for roughly 2 months or so before he finally felt better. I hope yours clears up soon!


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