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Virtual Retreat 2016

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    Hi Katie, and welcome to the forum. Pretty sampler quilt. This is probably a good thread to jump in and join the chatter, as it as about all sorts of this and that, as well as quilting. That said nearly all the other threads go off topic eventually.
    From a rainy East Yorkshire, UK where I should be sorting out my sewing room, but got side tracked.... again :blush:


      Hi Katie - Welcome to TQS and the forum from me too! I really like your sampler and your photo album. :-)



        Welcome to the virtual retreat. You'll find that everyone here is friendly and very willing to help with anything that you might have a question about. When I looked at your pictures I was impressed with your crazy quilting piece, very nice. You can always post pictures here for all of us to see what you're working on.


          OH me, oh my! I just looked back to see when I had last posted a picture of something I was working on. Page 40, and I think we're now on 53! Well, it's been a bit hectic around here, to say the least. My Kids came to visit end of May. Before they left, My MIL passed away. A week after her funeral a dear friend from church family passed away. Then the following week, twin nephews of another friend drowned. Two weeks later a niece to the first church family passed. Yep, it was a time for me to just be quiet and process life's events. I took July off from all social engagements and meetings. I spent reflective time with hubby and my sewing/quilting projects. I entered August refreshed and ready to take on the world. And I realized something that many of you will smile about: I truly enjoyed not being so involved in everyone else's situations. By the first of September I had turned down several opportunities to 'do' stuff. I'm preparing for my vacation with all my grandkids at the end of the month. I can hardly wait to wash dishes with them and hear about their school adventures.

          But, I did get quite a few things done since I last posted. I have been trying to put a review of each month's finishes up on my blog so that's a good place to check out the last 3 or 4 posts to see the pictures.

          Here are my most recent finishes.
          Two little pieces for the Grandgirls Princess playtime

          A quilt and shams for a friend

          Two recently ice dyed fatquarters, and two low water immersion pieces

          A quilt made from left over triangle Batik squares for a grandson

          And a crochet project, that may get ripped apart.

          That's enough to bore you all with.
          I've been following all the posts, loving every one of the pictures and projects. I just wasn't checked in and was having a time with computer issues!
          Things are good around here even though it might not have sounded like it at the beginning. I'm an eternally optimistic person!

          May God bless each of you with strength for the day ahead.


            Welcome Katie! I enjoyed your quilts. You'll like it around this virtual retreat. We do all sorts of stuff and quilting!

            Luann, no wonder you have been so quiet. All that loss. It can make a person weary. I'm so glad to see your positive spirit shining through. Your quilts and projects are really neat! I know your heart will mend a bit spending time with your grandchildren. :kiss:



              LuAnne, I am sorry for all your losses. Praying for you and yours.


                ops: It has been a very long time since I posted anywhere, but I hope some of you remember me. I've way over-extended myself lately, and find I want to come back to my quilting roots. It's been almost 10 years since Ricky and Alex started this journey, and I've never let my membership lapse. So, I'd really love to catch up with all of you.

                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                  Hi eileenkny
                  I haven't posted much lately (or ever really) have you seen the TQS BOM for 2017 and, are you going to make it? I really regret not making or printing the patterns for Sue Garman's past BOM's for TQS. At that time I didn't realize how much I would regret not printing out those patterns, so I'm determined that I am going to make this one.
                  Warm wishes
                  Pam (in Scotland)


                    Hi Pam,

                    I haven't decided yet. If I do, it will be from my stash. I will have to buy the background-I don't have 11 yards of ANYTHING!

                    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                      Eileen, Of course we remember you! Hope you are well.

                      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                        Always great to have someone pop back in ....Our old friends are missed here ! Have been a little quiet myself lately....
                        but will remedy that soon now that summer has come to a close. :blink:


                          Arlene, it's great "seeing" you again! We're all fine here, we've had a couple of upheavals, nothing life threatening. How's your clan doing?

                          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                            We are all great--while you were gone--Beccah had twin boys and they are a year old.

                            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                              Nice work AnnieLu sorry for your losses.

                              Nice to see someone stirring us up Eileen. It's been nice seeing the little ones grow up on Facebook, Terrie's , Sue's etc. Marilyn's right well get chatting again now Summers over. Might even get some quilting done.

                              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                                Tyler's 71/2. Unfortunately, his parents are divorced; David moved back home, but we see Tyler every weekend. Life goes on.

                                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


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