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Virtual Retreat 2016

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    Originally posted by "BarbCA" post=137254
    Congratulations to Heather aka (Learning-As-I-Go), her quilt Jubilee's Star is today's (6/5/16) Quilt of the Day!

    Barb :-)
    really?! I missed it! off to look at this.... thanks!!

    And I loved seeing Geneva, Margo, and maybe some others (not sure) in the graduation quilt slide show this morning! Fun stuff, that!

    I am loving all the quilts in this thread -- beautiful work, everyone! I'm happy to be back -- we had my son's graduation, then vacation, then massive rains and watching nearby towns flood (we are high & dry, but so many around us are not/were not), then my computer hard drive crashed and I was off-line for a few days, then we traveled to my niece's graduation....and finally I am back, computer is working, all my bookmarks re-bookmarked, websites marked, passwords reentered, etc, and I'm getting back to normal and catching up. Whew!

    With all of that, not much sewing -- I did throw together a set of UFO blocks and am using them for practice quilting before I quilt my son's graduation quilt. I plan to finish that up today (the practice one) and start on his tomorrow. I had it professionally basted, LOL!, because I hate that part and a local quilt shop offers it free to new customers. She loads the quilt into her long arm, runs basting stitches, and returns to you. I told her she should charge, I would pay, but of course she hopes it will be incentive for you to shop with her (I will; she's a new shop, but really the best one near me, although small).

    Anyway....will return in a day or two with photos of things. Still catching up!


      Debbie your quilt is beautiful !


        Heather, congratulations on your Quilt of the Day! I love all the meaning and how special it is.

        Debbie, your quilt is marvelous! Love the colors!

        Ok friends.... I have been in such a slump that I can't even see the lip of the hole I'm in. I finally took the kimono quilt down from the wall and carefully folded it and all it's pieces up. I was so tired of it, frustrated and I found myself not even wanting to go into my sewing room. I decided that quilting is supposed to be fun, most of the time, and I wasn't having any fun. I cleaned my sewing room and I felt like I had lost 20lbs. (I wish!)

        While visiting my son, dil and granddaughter I drew up a new quilt. A simple, easy log cabin. I came home, pulled the fabrics, made 12 squares, put it up on the wall and it's awful! I cut the strips too wide and some of the fabrics are too strong. They are 1" finished. They should be 1/2" finished. Sigh... I'm running out of places to put these monstrosities! Yesterday I went into the sewing room to make a row for Jenn and wandered around, looked at fabric and couldn't come up with a thing. :woohoo:

        Shall I take up water skiing, horse back riding, or? (I don't like either of those activities!)

        Thank you for showing me all the wonderful things you are making. It keeps me sane!

        Take care, gc


          Geneva, I'm sending creative vibes your way! It's the pits to loose your mojo! Maybe you could start reorganizing or cleaning up areas of your sewing space. When I do that, I always get sidetracked with finding fabric I forgot about, or getting ideas for future quilts. Good luck!

          Debbie, good to see you again! It's been a while. Your quilt is beautiful! I love the colors.

          Heather, very cool! Congratulations. That's one of those quilts that I'd like to name "Black and white, and red all over."



            Hi Geneva -

            We all go through these slumps! The key is to find your trigger to move on.

            For me, first and foremost, I remind myself that quilting is my hobby and it's supposed to be fun. My time is limited and I won't work on something that I'm not enjoying unless there is a time deadline for that project (gift or whatever). For me, having UFOs is fine and I tend to get reinterested in a project down the road so I keep all of mine. You might be the type who needs to just chuck UFOs that don't interest you anymore. Only you know the answer to that. But give yourself permission to at least put some things aside.

            Then it's looking for your trigger to get you past your block. For me, that's working on something simple where little thought is required. Generally that's a simple piecing project. I tend to pick up Connecting Threads quilt kits that I think are cute (especially the fabric) when they are on sale (I often get them for $3-5/yd of fabric in the kit). When I'm really in a slump, I can grab one of those and piece it up. I already know what it'll look like when finished, so no surprises of not liking the general design, and I can get back into the joy of my sewing machine with little thought. Something like that may or may not work for you. Only you can find your own trigger, but it's good to have ideas of other peoples' triggers.

            Good luck with feeling better! Please don't give up quilting!! I would miss you terribly!!


              Just have a break Geneva, I did and feel a whole lot better making a simple quilt for myself with some yummy KFC fabric and no pressure. Sorry those waiting for rows I'll get on with them soon.

              Congratulations Heather that's a real thrill.
              And Debbie your quilt is gorgeous and quite a different version. beautiful!

              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                Geneva - sorry to hear you're having a hard time. I want to try and make it a little easier for you - don't stress over my row. Finish it whenever - I won't mind if it's this month, next month or even later! I just want YOU to like it and enjoy making it (or even just enjoy picking out a pretty strip of fabric and send it my way). I know I'll love it regardless because it came from you! Hope the dark clouds leave your sewing room soon!

                - Jen


                  Geneva, and anyone else needing some time away from your regular routine,

                  Come and enjoy some tea, on my newly recovered screen porch lounge,


                    Geneva, and anyone else needing some time away from your regular routine,

                    Come and enjoy some tea, on my newly recovered screen porch lounge,


                      Geneva, and anyone else needing some time away from your regular routine,

                      Come and enjoy some tea, on my newly recovered screen porch lounge,


                        Geneva, and anyone else needing some time away from your regular routine,

                        Come and enjoy some tea, on my newly recovered screen porch lounge,


                          Wow Luann, I guess you really want us to come. I would love to, if I only lived closer. I love the cushion fabric. Beautiful.
                          Geneva, I feel for you. Hope you get your inspiration back soon. I like Nancy's suggestion of a quilt kit. No decisions other than did you like the kit to begin with. Another thought is to go do some sewing that is not fun. I am thinking of the 3 pairs of jeans waiting to be mended that are in my sewing room. I really must get them out of my way. I thought if you did enough of that unfun sewing, you may enjoy sewing some nice quilt blocks. :unsure: :unsure: Well, as soon as I finish reading the forum I am going down to sew the jeans , then on to another row for the row exchange.


                            You guys are the best! I have tears in my eyes and my heart is full. Thank you so much.

                            I went to joanns today to buy smocked dress fabric for my 5&6 year old granddaughters who will be visiting soon. (Thanks to Terry for a great idea!). Then I went to another craft store and walked around to sniff the fabric. I got an idea for Jen's row! Let's see if it pans out. B) Jenn your row from me isn't due til July so I'm not stressing.

                            It never ceases to amaze me how a group of crazy ladies like us from all over the world can support each other so well. Luann, I'll be by for some tea and a sweet visit on your beautiful lounge. Sigh.... anyone care to join me? I'm sure Luann won't mind.

                            Love you guys! Geneva


                              We love you too!
                              Barb :-)


                                I'd love to sit on that fabulous lounge it's so happy. What shall we drink?

                                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


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