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Virtual Retreat 2016

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    Dawn - Wow your Hoffman Challenge looks fabulous!! (I'd love to see in person). Sorry to hear re DH's upcoming surgery not fun for sure for either of you. Yikes glad you took care of the bump on your leg too.

    Take care - Barb


      Marilyn - Love your finishes, the "barn" quilts and your garden too!

      Barb :-)


        Your challenge piece is spectacular! I'm sure working on it brings you great joy.
        I'll keep you and the hubby in my prayers. Speedy and complete recoveries for the both of you.


          Thanks for the 'show' Marilyn I enjoyed all of them, I'd love to wander in your garden

          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


            Hi Dawn, I love the bird.
            Sending positive thoughts to you and your DH Get well soon


              This is the baby quilt I've been working on since I got back. The baby's name is going to be Alice, so I thought this would work



                Thank you all, for your well wishes and prayers! I was able to go for a walk yesterday (the rains finally let up for a while) and all went well. For the first few days I was unable to lift my leg for stairs, or up onto the ottoman. Too much cutting into the muscle. But, Wendy, I don't have to worry about anyone seeing it, because it is in the middle of my thigh, and I haven't exposed that area for years!!

                Marilyn, I love your garden and barn blocks. BIG barn blocks! Very cool. And, I enjoy hand work, too, so enjoyed seeing your black work and felt work.

                Yeah, Geneva, the face is quite common around here, and in our guild, for skin cancer. I guess because that area is always exposed. My husband had it there, my roommate for our last quilt retreat showed up with a long line of stitches just above the jaw line, and a past guild president has had two different ones removed from her face. I'm proud of my oldest daughter for always slathering the sun screen on her kids and making them wear hats when they are outside. (They are redheads.)

                I had a hard time holding my tongue in the doctors office! I was told they were going to do a running stitch to close me up. What? When they finished I did inform them that, in the quilting and sewing world, we called that a whip stitch. The nurse said it was done like a baseball. Nope, wrong again! The stitching on a baseball only looks the same. The needle enters the leather from the top (or maybe the bottom) on both sides coming up through the middle each time. Hmmmmmmm.....wonder what that stitch is called. It's pretty cool!

                Well, it's back to the bird. Thank you for your kind comments on it. You ladies are the best!



                  She'll love it


                    Dawn, I love your attitude when faced with something scary and painful. I hope you recuperate quickly. I love your bird. It is beautiful. I will keep praying for you and DH to recover quickly and stay healthy.
                    I also have a suspicious area above the knee that I will be mentioning to the doctor when I see him. Thanks for the reminder not to take such things lightly.


                      Oh Dawn, I just love your bird! A hummer? I love them but rarely do they stop for us to see. Last week I was taking pix of the hydrangea and heard such a LOUD buzz. I froze. I knew it couldn't be a bee making that much noise. I turned my head an inch and a hummingbird was sitting on a branch! I don't know if I've ever seen one sit.

                      It was the darkest green with shiny emerald and a bright orange beak. I've just held the image in my mind. So beautiful!

                      Meanwhile, I like seeing your quilt more!

                      I'm on day one of having a tooth pulled so slowly trying to get some breakfast. Night was broken up by having to eat and wait for another pain pill. Nothing like what you had.

                      My husband isn't a good nurse. I think part of my resting today might be piecing some blocks.

                      I think a photo of my barn quilt is my big picture on my page. This is from my MIL and just 3 feet square. She let me pick the block and colors. Ohio Star because that is my home state. I'd really like 8' x 8' for the side of one of our sheds that could been seen from the highway. MIL was a bit aghast that I put this on the house. It gives my plain house some punch. Friends suggested there and on point.

                      There are make your own groups going on here. The ladies enjoy the class. They do 2 foot ones.

                      @julesquilts on IG 
                      working farm wife and quilter in the off-seasons
                      Modern quilter, QOV volunteer, Improv, FPP w/o stitching on paper, freehand quilting on my long-arm.
                      Bernina Artista 200E, Elna Serger, Handi Quilter Fusion, a lot of old Singers and other vintage and antique machines.


                        Nice "Alice" quilt Dorothy!
                        Barb :-)

                        @julesquilts on IG 
                        working farm wife and quilter in the off-seasons
                        Modern quilter, QOV volunteer, Improv, FPP w/o stitching on paper, freehand quilting on my long-arm.
                        Bernina Artista 200E, Elna Serger, Handi Quilter Fusion, a lot of old Singers and other vintage and antique machines.


                          So beautiful Marilyn
                          warm wishes Pam


                            Dawn your work is beautiful - I'm praying for you and your husband, warm wishes to you both Pam (in Scotland)


                              Dorothy your Alice quilt is wonderful. Pun intended! she's a lucky baby.

                              Dawn glad you are feeling better. Not much fun but it's nice to be on this side of it all. I hope your husband is doing well. Hugs will make each of you feel better. Inside and out. Your bird quilt is amazing. I'd love to see it.

                              She-quilts, I hope your mouth feels better. Sewing some blocks is the perfect medicine. I'm going to check out your barn block. It's the same size as mine.

                              I'm not sewing much. Right now I am taking care of my granddaughter while her parents have an anniversary get away. It's loads of fun. Though I know why young people have babies!

                              Good to see you all back at the "retreat". I missed you.



                                Dawn, Your Hoffman Challenge is absolutely spectacular!!! Hugs and prayers for both you and your hubby.

                                "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


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