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Quilting New Year's Resolutions for 2015???

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    What a great memory of your visit to San Diego, Lois! Knowing SD myself, to me the seagull and marina really do say I all! Thanks for posting, really enjoyed seeing it! B)


      It's really nice Lois. Simple line drawing, but in fabric and stitching. That wasn't easy!

      It makes me sigh.... Your quilt is so relaxing.



        Very nice Lois. I love the image and the execution. Well done.


          Yes Lois, what everyone else said. It is wonderful.


            Love it, Lois! By the way, didn't you just email me last week from San Diego?? You sure knocked that beauty out fast!

            in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


              Charae, It didn't take me long to do that little quilt. It is only about 81/2" x 11" plus a 3" border. I've used the technique a number of times so there were no surprises or new things to work out. And I've been using a combination of ideas posted on this Thread to get me moving on that and other things. I have a big project looming on the horizon and I am using it to spur me on. I am making a twin size quilt for my DGS's First Holy Communion gift. I am using his artwork for the design. There's lots of stuff in this project I've never done so I am nervous. I composed the label first. Here it is:
              "Once upon a time, there was a red sea monster, a green lizard, and a golden orange cat who lived happily together, under the watchful eye of a smiling alien, in a room belonging to Gabriel Emerrick Bruno who experienced his First Holy Communion, April 18, 2015." Crazy! Right? But an 8 year old should like it…I hope.
              The first task was to copy freehand images of his art work on a small scale, 3"x6". When I got that done to my satisfaction (I was working on that in San Diego while my husband attended a conference) I gave myself permission to do the sea gull. But I gave myself no permission to mess around or stew about this or that. Just do it. And low and be hold it got done fast.
              The next goal for the FHC quilt was to blow it up from 3"x6" to 3'x6' which is the size of the quilt top without boarders. If I got that done without messing around then I had my own permission to work on a UFO valentine wall hanging that's been try to get done for the past 2 valentines days. Long story short I completed a master copy of the design early last week. (Easier said than done I might add.) Thursday I finished the Valentine wall hanging and it's hanging in my DMIL's room in her nursing home. Here it is almost done. Forgot to take a finished pict.

              Here is a picture of the master copy of the design for Gabe's quilt. By the way, the alien will be on the back as part of the label.

              It's too big to get it in one pict.

              I am missing the blogs. Sorry this is so long. Wish me luck. I am setting small goals with permission to work on small projects I can get done easily between steps on this quilt that is making me so nervous to think about. When I get the freezer templates finished and the background fabric purchased I am permitted to make a Bionic Gear Bag.


                Lois, what a wonderful gift for your mother in law! I know that makes everyone smile when they enter her room! I would say she's very blessed to have you. And the quilt you are designing is great too. I'll look forward to seeing that when it's done as I have a DGS just turning 7 in two weeks and might get some great ideas from you. You're an inspiration in more ways than one!


                  Well done Lois, you seem to have sorted out a great plan of action to get you through what appears to be a mind-freezing project. 'A bit for you, and a bit for me' which helps to break it down into small do-able steps. Love the dragon by the way. :cheer:


                    Wow, Lois, you are just cranking things out! And everything is so wonderful!! I'm sure your MIL is thrilled with her new wallhanging -- a nice reminder that she is loved. And your GS is going to absolutely love his new quilt! What a wonderful idea! Please keep the pictures coming as you move along. I love watching your progress! You are so talented and creative, I'm sure you'll have no problem putting it all together and will laugh at your fears once you are finished!


                      Wow Lois what a wonderful thing to do. Are you going to make the characters in colour for him.

                      Love the valentine quilt as well

                      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                        Your MIL's quilt is so cute Lois. And the dragon quilt is going to be spectacular. I look forward to seeing it come to life.


                          Gabriel is a really good artist, Lois, and he will love having his artwork captured in fabric. It's a wonderful idea! The Valentine's wall hanging for your MIL is something she will proudly show off to everyone~ what a thoughtful DIL you are.

                          in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


                            Both are fabulous! I especially like the dragon quilt. My soon to be 8 year old GS would love it too. Looking forward to pictures along the way.

                            Barb :-)

                            in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


                              Way to go, Lois! I love how you are turning his drawings into a quilt. What a wonderful way to hang onto them. It was always difficult to know what to do with them when you take them off the fridge door. You are so talented!


                                Lois, I love what you have been working on. All are fabulous. Looking forward to see more

                                living in Central Denmark
                                Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


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