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Quilting New Year's Resolutions for 2015???

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    I am in New York and bought some lovely ombrés and graffic prints at City Quilter yesterday. My plan for 2015 is to make several of Christine Barnes' block exercises in all things colour AND finish the appliqué around the international half-square triangle exchange we did several years ago.
    Happy 2015!


      Ditto, when decorations are down can box them up and store in the loft, so boxes will be out of sewing room. Need to finish quilting king size quilt, add borders, layer and quilt top of one done 3 years ago, border layer and quilt bed runner, start and finish Christmas advent stockngs that were for this year but never happened and on and on.....


        Sometime since Thanksgiving I read (maybe in AARP magazine) that it's been proven that people that have things that they are interested in or look forward to - whether it's a trip they're going to take and are planning, reading great books, learning a new language, all kinds of things were listed - live longer than those that just sit and let the world go by. Now, when I go to my sewing room and look at that fabric and books with future projects it has a NEW MEANING!!! I should live well in to my 300's!! :lol:


          Yahoo Beverley!
          Quilting must be the fountain of youth hobby. :lol:
          Look at how many older quilters are still at it and in great form!


            What a great attitude! It sure beats the thought I've been plagued with when I walk into my sewing room, "When I die, my husband is going to put all my wonderful fabric in the back of his truck and haul it to the Goodwill." Aaurrgh!


              You go girl!! Maybe we all will live to 300! (Of course all my fabric, thread, books, notions, etc etc etc might actualy get used by me instead of landing at Goodwill!) :unsure:


                Terrie posted about older quilters.....
                I wonder how old our oldest TQS quilter is?
                My friend Audrey a TQS member is 84 and spends many hours in her sewing room quilting, she makes far more quilts than me, and is always looking for new ideas.


                  I love that question, Anne? I want to know too. How long has your friend been quilting?


                    People must be willing to reveal their ages...
                    I'll start: 58 and so glad to be past some of the more anxious and worrying times in life. Son graduated from high school last year, and is now in the Air Force. That means I am transitioning his bedroom into my sewing room! Semi-retired, working just a few hours a week for TQS, time to enjoy volunteer work and indulging in my hobbies. Life is good.


                      Won't be me for oldest quilter - at a mere 48, with DD 12 yrs old and in second year of secondary school - a few years to go before she flies the nest and then DH wants her room for his own office cum whisky store, Which was his original plan when we moved here, before we committed parenthood :whistle:


                        I'm are long gone & scattered thru out the country. I work full time with proby no chance of retiring ever! However, I'm going to start working just weekends, 3 12 hour shift, my favorite shift, so it will be like working part time for me....4 days off in a row means I can do a lot of what I want to do, sewing, working in the yard, minitrips to see friends, enjoying life a bit more


                          Rosemary, you crack me up - 'committed parenthood!" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
                          Could be a crime for some people, but I'm sure not you!


                            In a few days I'll be 65, guaranteed not the oldest quilter, but I plan to live long enough to be the oldest. I'm reorganizing my sewing room and stash and everything. I has been too messy for some time and now I have time to do it. I toss a lot of the fabrics I have been moving around for many years in a big basket and when my sewing friends turn up next Monday, they can take what they want and the rest goes out. I'm so looking forward to be able to be creative again :silly: .

                            living in Central Denmark
                            Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                              I turned 60 a couple months ago. I've been quilting since 1975.

                              Not the oldest...


                                I have always lied about my age , but before you say anything I have always lied and said I was 20 yrs older then I actually am. Why you might ask ? Well its very simple for 21 I look like crap but for 70 I look absolutely stunning I have only one resolution to stay on task. Happy New Year ladies. Remember you will receive many compliments adding 20 yrs to your age as compared to deducting 20 yrs


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