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Quilting New Year's Resolutions for 2015???

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    For those of you who have not met Annis.......she is a small, soft spoken lady! It would surprise you after seeing all that she accomplishes. And, red is not the color I would expect her to use in mass! Nor, would I expect her to make a big bold Malinda Bular flower! I guess we just can't tell a book (quilter, in this case) by it's cover!

    Annis, I love your flower quilt! Very well done! I'm glad your DD is doing better. You are such a wonderful mom to help as much as you do!

    AnnieLu, cool texture going on in your tree quilt! I'm glad you figured out how to post pictures of it! I haven't been able to from my iPad, and have been ignoring my main computer. Guess I need to give it a try again!



      Annis, Love your quilts. I love the attention to detail and pattern on the one with the roses and also how it looks like there are lots of butterflies on you state flowers quilt.

      AnnieLu, your tree quilt is looking interesting.

      Dawn - ESS is from Cindy Needham and refers to stitching in the ditch 'Every Stinking Seam' and since each piece is 1/2" x 1/8" that is just not happening. There would be more sewing thread than fabric at that rate.


        Very nice work, AnnieLu. Very artistic. Making art quilts is on my bucket list, but it will be awhile. These energizer bunny batteries will have to stay charged for a long time.

        Thanks for all of the compliments. Actually red is one of my favorite colors, Dawn. I use it a lot in my house and my clothes, mostly the more muted colors though.


          I found that when I want the picture to appear within my message, I load the picture at that time. I use the buttons just below the message area. Another button says insert, I click that, and my picture goes in the message.
          You do need to be in reply, not quick reply.
          I also use an iPad more often than a laptop.
          I so wish our posting names were our 'given' names. I'm having difficulty figure out who is who,,, but I am sure I will get better as time goes by.


            Annis - Love your red quilts! Fun to see your hand quilted piece too. Nice arrangement of state flowers and birds. I swapped state flower fabric on another board and made two attic windows quilts for trundle beds it was a fun project. So glad to hear your daughter is on the mend. I agree setting up her sewing area will be good therapy.

            AnnieLu - nice to see your art pieces!

            Barb :-)


              Ahhhhhh, thank you Rosemary! I just couldn't figure that ESS thing out! And, I don't blame you for not wanting to stitch every seam! Like you would be all thread!

              Luann, once we kind of know a person, we do call them by their given name. But, here is the story on some of our strange "call signs." When I first signed up, at the beginning of TQS many, many years ago, we were told we could remain anonymous and to just pick a fictitious name. Well, I plugged in every name I could think of for me....Sunshine, Aurora, Daybreak, and nothing was being accepted. So, I punched in Scoopie (very long story, there!) and it took. So, now I am known to many as Scoopie. I answer to both!

              Thanks for the info on posting a picture, I will try it the next time I get on the big computer, and download some pictures.



                It just gets confusing when someone changes their profile picture. I love your quilts, very inspiring.

                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                  Margarita, what a lovely wall hanging! The quilting is wonderful.


                    Annis, these are all wonderful. What an awesome friend you have!


                      Your quilts are incredible, Luann! I, too, am glad you figured out how to post pictures, and hope you post more!


                        Luann, I love your quilts. It's wonderful to see the work others do

                        living in Central Denmark
                        Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                          Last night I worked on my princess piece. I put the two borders on.

                          Do you see anything looking 'off'?
                          I have measured several times. Overall and inside the borders it is accurate within 1/32 nd of an inch. But it still looks out of whack to me. It's the lower right corner that is questionable. Perhaps when I put on the appliquéd pieces it will stop looking off kilter to me. I'm going to baste them on first. That may be where I can 'fix' the visual.
                          Please comment if you "see" what I'm talking about. Thanks everyone for your kind words.
                          If you want to see some of my other projects I do blog. This month is full of posts, but usually it's more sporadic.

                          living in Central Denmark
                          Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                            It's fabulous. Love the colour balance.

                            The camera angle can distort things. Your borders are all accurate but the centre green fabric seems to be where your problem may lie. This may just be the photo. It may be worth checking.

                            I'm off to look at your blog.

                            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                              Hard to tell on the PC, but I think it is the print pattern in the lower rt corner piece....there is a darker lateral line that
                              leads the eye downward right at the seam line with the green piece . Trick-y bit !!!! :blink: Not some thing you
                              see 'till it is sewn sometimes . I'd ignore it and go on !!


                                From the picture it looks to me as if the top right corner is dropping a bit, but as others mention, that could be camera distortion. To be sure that it is visual colour balance, rather than actual measurement balance, you could try pinning it out square on a board and putting you ruler on it to check your angles etc. These videos by Sharon Schamber might be of help to get the idea of blocking the block square. here and here


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