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Quilting New Year's Resolutions for 2015???

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    Terrie, I can just picture your DGD helping you sew on your knee. You know you should have a picture of that. What a lovely memory that would be. Besides, we all should have a picture of that too. Hint. Hint.


      Terrie, I can just picture your DGD on you knee. It reminds me of one of my DGS, about 4 yrs old, helping me to machine embroider a costume for a play. I would let him push the start button and he was thrilled. He is 8 now and has his own Featherweight sewing machine. Yes, he sews and pieces quilts. Wonderful to have him interested. I hope he stays interested. His 10 yr. old sister has a Singer 301 (I think). It is in a cabinet with a knee control so she doesn't have to worry that she can barely reach the floor. The 2 older girls have machines, but do not do much sewing anymore. Teenagers have other priorities. They both have their own fabric stashes, so there is still hope. You know, the call of the fabric!!


        Lorna sorry to hear about your grandson it must be so hard for you being so far away, I'm sure your daughter can feel your support wherever you are.

        Annis your family are so bad you need to wrap them all up in cotton wool. I hope things improve quick and she gets her knee replacement. How is your daughter, is she still very ill?

        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


          Wendy, my DD was feeling better yesterday morning and was able to eat the lunch I took her. Today her DMIL is helping with the kids. I'm at my country home choosing quilting designs for my next 4 projects. Her illness is a long story and I don't want to get into details but the worst of it started in mid December after she dyed her hair and then went downhill from there. She's had digestive issues for some years before that and had plans to start seeking answers again in the new year but wasn't expecting her body to crash before the new year arrived. The functional medicine doctor has her on a treatment plan for "leaky gut" which she has just now started, but she's been trying to get other opinions in case there is something else going on since she's been so ill. She is still waiting on some lab results and has several specialists that she may see in the next month. Most of the doctors don't think it has anything to do with a possible toxic reaction to the hair dye. One of the doctors started out the visit by saying functional medicine and similar doctors are all quacks and went on and on about that. Then at the end he said if there were no answers she would have to learn to live with it. We couldn't wait to get that visit over with and had a hard time keeping our composure. I wonder what my mother would have said if she'd been there. She spent most of her life going to "that type of doctor".


            Lorna and Annis I'm so sorry to hear that family are poorly and send you hugs and prayers.


              Oh dear Annis it is hard I wasn't aware of functional doctors though after reading it up there is a lot going for the principle and I think our healthcare in the UK would benefit from them.

              In our hospitals, the ones I know anyway the consultants are so specialist they only treat one system/speciality and I hear of no end of reports of people having to go back through their GP to access another doctor for a side effect caused by the first treatment or a conflict in diagnosis.

              I hope your daughters tests show no serious problem and something that can be resolved and her health improves. Poor soul sounds like she's had a rough time.

              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                Onward. The freezer paper templates and background fabric has been purchased for Gabe's quilt. The blue is background, yellow/cat, reds/seamonster/dragon and green/lizard.

                This weeks deed was done so I had play time. Completed 's Needle Wallet which will go inside my Bionic Gear Bag.

                I have the Bionic Gear Bag cut out and have started quilting the exterior. It's ready to go when I get the fabrics cut into useable segments, starched and pressed. Then I have to solve some logistical problems regarding working with such large appliqué pieces. Normally, If I didn't have this carrot on the stick in front of my face, I'd be procrastinating worrying about those problems. I am finding I find creative solutions to those kind of things more easily while I am working on an easier/shorter project. Here's the fabric for the Bionic Bag.


                  Bionic gear bag ?? Did I miss this somewhere? :blink:


                    Marilyn, I had not heard of it either. I clicked on the links and it looks great. I especially like the needle wallet, Lois. Thanks for showing it to us.


                      bionic gear bag looks neat ! Do you have a pattern?

                      Lois like your fabrics for Gabes quilt. I can't wait to see it.

                      I just tried the link Thanks Lois


                        Last night I finished the quilt top of my Feb. All People Quilt UFO Challenge. Now, I have the rest of the month to get it quilted and bound. It is a Christmas gift so there is no hurry on it. I have 2 other Christmas gifts ready to quilt. I will take pictures and post when it is warmer outside. -4 F. this morning! The quilt is too big to put on my design wall. It will be 90.5 by 105. All 3 of these quilts are for queen size beds. I do feel so good about getting this much done. I think I put reorganize my sewing space as one of my UFOs. I hope that number comes up soon. It is such a mess! :lol: :lol: :lol:


                          If you haven't already checked out the links for the Bionic Gear Bag, do it. I cart sewing gear regularly and I can't wait to get this thing done. Yes, I have the pattern. It is such a great design but the directions are a bear to follow. Ripstitcher has written it as if she's sitting and visiting with you as she describes the procedure. Lot's of redundancy and hard to sort out the meat of the matter. Her intentions were to be very helpful to newbies. I think she'll loose them. She writes as if she's afraid you are going to make a mistake. That said, I love it anyway. The design is just too good not to plow through.

                          Marilynn, You didn't miss anything re the Bionic Gear Bag on this thread other than me mentioning that it was the next carrot to put on my stick to keep me going on Gabe's quilt.

                          BTW this way of working is really helpful to me. I guess my New Year's Resolution was to find a way to help me stay focused and at the same time deal with the boredom and procrastination that comes with believing I should be able to work on one thing at a time. I guess I am finding that is just not very productive for me.

                          Cathy, It feels so good to find a way to get things done that work for you. Way to go!!! Your UFO Christmas gifts are making me think some of my carrots need to be Christmas gifts for next year.


                            Lois, the colors for Gabe's quilt are scrumptious, I almost wish I were getting a quilt like the one you've designed! Your bionic bag is too cool too--I bet there are a number of us drooling over it. Maybe we should start making one, eh?

                            Lorra, glad to know you found a way of keeping up with all the wonderful presents you will have by year's end without the traditional huff-and-puff and race to the deadline. I hope you post photos as you continue making your treasures!


                              Your projects look wonderful, Lois! Thanks for your thoughts on the bag pattern. I'll be interested to see how you feel about it once you've finished your bag. I enjoy making bags and love to hear about new ones.


                                Love all your current projects Lois. The needle case has particularly taken my eye, what a great idea. I really look forward to seeing Gabe's quilt coming to life.


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