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The Right Thread Color

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    The Right Thread Color

    I just finished piecing a baby quilt and am ready to start quilting. The quilt top is 3 rows across and down with white sashing between colorful blocks. I attached a pic of the top - hopefully, you can view it. My backing is a multicolored print. I know when stitching in the ditch to use a thread in the bobbin to match the backing. I plan on using white thread on the top. HOWEVER, if I want to do hand quilting in the sashing (or anywhere else) what color should I use since it will appear on the back? You shouldn't have two different colored threads showing on the back, right? I'm thinking that I should use the "invisible" thread in the top and bobbin for the stitching in the ditch. HELP!

    Your backing is multicoloured so most threads will mingle and it won't be apparent if you have different coloured threads will it?

    If it was me I would use a nice bright green to quilt on the white.

    Nice bright quilt

    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


      That's true, it should blend in on the back. I like the green color idea. Would you also use the green for the "ditching"?

      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


        I would probably do what you said and use invisible thread because of all the colours and I'd be quite likely to stray out of the ditch. Are you just going round the squares or all the shapes?

        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


          Ha! That's a good question! I guess that will depend on how well I go around the squares. This is my first go at it! I have been practicing with my "ditch" foot but am in no way perfect even with that. OK, I'm off to the store for invisible (and green) thread. Wendy, thanks so much for your help! It's greatly appreciated! Have a great 4th!

          Mug rugger and lounge lizard



            When you get back I'll remind you it was just thread you went for :wink:

            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


              The invisible thread is good for SID, but I would not use it in the bobbin too as you might find you have tension issues with it. If your back is multi-coloured then it doesn't really matter what colour you use. I find Bottom Line thread works really well with invisible thread. As for not having more than one colour showing on the back of your quilt - there is no reason for you not to use more than one colour if you want to. It's a lovely quilt - so happy looking. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.


                Okay, A different opinion.

                DO NOT USE INVISIBLE THREAD FOR BABY QUILTS! Yes, I put that in caps to emphasize how important this is. Invisible thread, if it comes loose or breaks with use, can be a risk to a baby. If they ingest any of it, it can cut their insides. If there is a loop on the quilt where some has come loose and other ends are still attached, or a long end is loose and played with, a toe or finger can get caught and circulation cut off.

                I would not worry much about different colors on the backing... with custom machine quilting, there are often different colors showing... and it can be lovely. Use the colors you want to use in each area, and use cotton thread.


                PS. You didn't ask about batting, but don't use poly batting in baby quilts. In a fire, it melts and causes terrible burns. Quilters Dream makes a fire resistant batting called Dream Angel that is wonderful for baby quilts. Or use wool batting. Again, JMHO


                  Originally posted by twiglet

                  When you get back I'll remind you it was just thread you went for :wink:
                  4th of July - something to do with the colonials declaring independence from the home country (us :wink: ) I think. As opposed to 14 of July, when the French celebrate trashing their own king & country.


                    I just LOVE TLS. Everyone is so helpful! Wendy, I made it back from the store (only spent about $25). Sorry, didn't notice you were from the UK! LOL! Rita, I was just playing with the thread and was having issues with the tension just as you explained. Michelle, as I was unraveling my bobbin mess I actually thought about how my cat would choke if she got a hold of it and then thought about the baby. And yes, I actually thought about the batting and purchased the fire resistant type. OK, so it's back to cotton thread and however the back comes out is how it is meant to look! I think I'm being too anal about it. Thanks to each and every one of you for your expertise and willingness to share. When I signed up for TQS a couple of months ago, it was for only 6 months - that will be extended for sure!


                      That was expensive thread :lol:

                      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                        Hey! They were having a sale!

                        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                          Originally posted by twiglet
                          That was expensive thread :lol:
                          :lol: :lol: :lol:

                          Michelle you are so right about the monopoly for baby quilts and the batting. I didn't pay attention to that bit at the beginning. LPoullard, glad you got what you wanted to get going on this one. Please post a photo when you are done.


                            The timing on this thread is so good because I know nothing about do's and don'ts for baby quilts! THANK YOU! I have purchased cotton for my first baby quilt--no, not my baby! :lol: for the daughter of a good friend. We watched her daughter grow up and now has a family of her own--where is time going? Mom complained that grandma was putting nothing but pink on her, so while there will be a little pink here and there, the main colors of the quilt will be aqua and white, perfect for a little redhead (same shade of red my hair USED to be). Will post when I make it (but that won't be until the rose garden pineapple quilt is completed, which has to be soon otherwise the baby will be a teenager by the time the quilt is ready... :lol: )


                              Sounds interesting Renata. I look forward to seeing what you do with those two colours.

                              LPoullard - now that you are hooked on TQS you will have to tell us your first name and post a photo of yourself. And no your hands and neck behind a quilt will not do! :lol:


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