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Watching shows on new site

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    Watching shows on new site

    I started to watch a show on the new site this morning, and on a smaller screen, the area that shows the chapters and couple of ads on the right side of the window are covering part of the screen on the show. I couldn't get to the icon for watching FULL SCREEN. On a larger screen, the ads don't cover the show. I know this has to do with how the code is written for that area of the web page. I think this needs to be changed for those people that don't have a large (widescreen format) monitor for their computers, as that is very distracting while trying to watch the shows or the classes. I also noticed that if the browser window is not full screen on the monitor, the ad bar on the right moves over and covers a good part of the window... no matter what size monitor you are viewing it on. There is no way to make that ad bar go into the background to move it out of the way.
    I like to have a show playing on my smaller screen, while I can still do other things on my larger screen. But having part of the screen covered makes it hard to see what is going on in the show. (It is the same for the videos in the classroom as well).

    Haven't tried watching a show yet so can't help on this.


      Can't help you, but I watched two shows last night and had no problems to fill the whole screen. Ditto for one of the classroom videos.
      Hopefully Bob or John can help.
      From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


        Is anyone missing the time beside each section of the shows?
        From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


          I opened up the shows this morning, put the window on my smaller screen, and don't have the same problem I had yesterday. So it seems it has worked itself out, or someone saw my post and corrected the problem. Either way, I can now see the show with out ads being in the way on my small screen.



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