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Updating Quilts in Your Gallery

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    Updating Quilts in Your Gallery

    I added a new project to my gallery by replacing an older item. I wasn't sure I did it right, so I went back to check and I noticed that it is there, but that it never appeared in the postings where we see the new quilts that are added. That got me to thinking about how many fabulous projects I missed that other people newly posted after their original six were uploaded. Is there a way to make it so we can see changes? Or perhaps I just didn't do it correctly? There is so much inspiration and education here, that I don't want to miss any of the great new additions!

    Thanks for bringing this up. I did exactly the same thing. I changed two of my quilts in my profile and thought they would appear in the gallery but they didn't. I'd also like to know about that and whether we should continue to update our profile quilts. The new ones do appear on the profile.


      I deleted the contents of this post because Bob explained it a lot better just below!

      SE OK


        Sorry for any confusion. I put a message on the Quilt Edit screen a few weeks back and just updated it to help things be a bit more clear. The message reads:

        To replace this quilt with a different one, click the "Delete Quilt Profile" button at the bottom to delete this one first. Then, add the new one from scratch so the Quilt Gallery will reflect the date the quilt was added and it will be assigned a new quilt number. Otherwise, you simply will be updating this current quilt.

        If you just change the information or picture for the quilt, the computer cannot know if you are just updating the current quilt or replacing it with a new one. Hence, the need to delete the old one.

        Hope this clarifies how the system works.

        Bob, the web guy.


          Thanks Bob - Apparently I did it the other way. I'm glad you advised how so that as others add newly finished projects, we will get a chance to see them. Your help is appreciated!

          PS - My DH is Bob the Tech Man. Must be something about the name.....


            Thanks! That makes complete sense. Once again, I'm amazed at your quick replies to our dilemas.


              Originally posted by Soren2go
              Thanks! That makes complete sense. Once again, I'm amazed at your quick replies to our dilemas.
              Okay. Back in August I thought the updating quilts in the gallery directions made sense. BUT I can't seem to do it. What am I doing wrong? When I delete a quilt from my profile, it comes back with a "waiting for image" screen. That also shows up on my profile with "Edit this quilt" underneath it (not "add photo"). If I go to the gallery, click on add quilt, it shoots me back to profile with the "edit this quilt/waiting for image" showing. If I try to upload a picture, it assigns it the old number. How do I actually get a new quilt with a new number. I'm very confused.
              What am I missing?
              Thanks in advance for anyone's help.


                I want to add to the information on the quilt I just added to my gallery. I cannot figure out how to do this. Could anyone tell me how to edit the information on my quilts?



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