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TQS podcasts?

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    TQS podcasts?

    I received an iPod from my husband for Christmas. I would love to be able to download podcasts from TQS and watch on my iPod. Is that a function that is currently available or coming soon perhaps?

    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ

    That's a great idea! Have you found Alex Anderson's and Annie Smith's podcasts? They're really good.


      Excellent idea.... I love Alex's podcasts and Bonnie McCaffrey's videocasts on my Ipod!



        You must already have I-Tunes on your computer, Just call up the I-Tunes store get the podcast dept. and search for Annie Smith and Alex you can get the podcast there and they are free and when evere you plug in your I-Pod it will automaticaly download any new podcast. Oh and search for additional pod-cast there are a lot of great information out there
        Toddy in St.Pete


          I too was given an Ipod for xmas, mainly for me to watch news podcasts during breaks at work!!! However, just after I received it, the news station stopped transmitting them. BUT, to watch tqs podcasts would really be great, so how about it???? Would be much more entertaining than the news, lol
          Lynn in sunny but cold and windy UK


            I agree. My DH got me an iTouch. I was hoping I could watch TQS on it but I don't seem to be able to


              Ditto on the iTouch. I'd love to watch TQS on the iTouch, particularly since I travel so much. It would be great to be able to watch it on the plane.

              I know the DVD is suppose to be coming out for the first season. That will help since I could then burn the DVD and put on my iTouch, but I'd still be missing the up to date ones.

              And as cool as I think the podcasts are, I'm such a visual person that I need, need, need to have videocasts for quilting. Kind of like learning sign language from a book on tape :lol:


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