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High speed internet

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    High speed internet

    How do I watch the show without high speed internet connection? It is not available in my area. Thanks. I love you site.

    Probably best to order the DVDs, since you really need high speed to see the programs well.


      Does anyone know roughly the size of the downloads for the shows? I have high speed, but it's satellite and my bandwidth is limited. No biggie, I don't mind taking my laptop into town and downloading the shows, as long as they can be saved for viewing later.

      <a href="">The Wandering Quilter's Life in a Box!</a>


        I have a broadband connection here in the UK but i still am unable to watch a show :-(

        I am at my wits end to know how to overcome this problem


          There isn't a way to download them. You have to watch them real time with an internet connection.



            You can't save them? :shock:


              Unfortunately, no.


                Okay, I'd still like to hear back from someone (tech support?) who can tel me the size of the shows. I can download 375 megs before my satellite cuts off my bandwidth. I'm guessing, if these shows are an hour, they're closer to a gig in size?

                <a href="">The Wandering Quilter's Life in a Box!</a>


                  Good point, I'll contact them thanks

                  <a href="">The Wandering Quilter's Life in a Box!</a>


                    Originally posted by cjtinkle
                    Does anyone know roughly the size of the downloads for the shows? I have high speed, but it's satellite and my bandwidth is limited. No biggie, I don't mind taking my laptop into town and downloading the shows, as long as they can be saved for viewing later.
                    I can get close to an answer - and could be specific if I were able to be in the studio, but I'm on the road. It is amazing that the full uncompressed show is about 65Gigs. In the process to compress it for Flash we are able to get it down to about 165M. I know I'm a bit off with that number, but the shows are nowhere near one gig of information coming in. That's actually pretty amazing. The transfer is designed to still bring in a sharp images - at least sharp for the internet.

                    Also, if you haven't heard - PC monitors have a tendency to produce really dark video. Thus all the comments about the lighting. Yes, there needs to be improvement, but if you saw what we see you wouldn't notice anything. Just tweek your moinitors if you are among those with dark video.



                      Thanks Ricky! I'd just sent an email to tech support asking, but 165 megs I can do with no problem, yippee!

                      <a href="">The Wandering Quilter's Life in a Box!</a>


                        This might fall under the same topic...

                        On YouTube and news sites you can watch the video "download" (it's not downloaded onto my computer - I don't know really where it sits-the cache/temp folder/RAM?) and press play when it's all done. I wasn't able to find this option while watching the shows. I've only attempted to watch twice because my high-speed internet isn't as fast as I need. Last night I watched the Valori Wells show but didn't get very far. It would be nice to have this option...or maybe it exists already? I did press the pause button to see if it would work but there was no status indicator - "downloaded" portion vs. watched portion.

                        Sorry if this doesn't make too much sense - I don't know much about what I am asking for! Just check out how YouTube works or any news website.



                          Hi Super,

                          The technology we use is not being downloaded there is only about a 5 second buffer. While this seems a disadvantage to you because the shows skip due to slower speed, it is this feature that allows our viewer to immediately fast forward or jump to chapters without waiting for a download. Since the shows are pushing one-hour long, and the cost of delivering video is based on server use, this has many advantages for us and great advantages to our viewers as well.

                          Thanks for your comments, I understand your desire, but we will most likely not be using the older technology of downloading. :?


                            Thanks for the quick reply. I didn't realize that was old technology. Learn something new everyday!

                            Is it technology if it is old? (no need to reply, just having some fun...)


                              Hi Super,

                              That might have sounded unfriendly - sorry. Didn't mean for it to. It is all very complicated and hard to explain, so I won't try. Just know that the ability to jump forward without downloading is really great and didn't exist last year. The instant delivery of the show is by far the best way to go. I do hope you'll eventually get a faster speed. Ricky, in a very cool, sweater weather, rainy, La Veta, Colorado.


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