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Show 1010 / Then birthday party! / Now Mothers' Day!

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    Happy Birthday Lorchen! This is what I did to celebrate your birthday:

    And here is a picture of a good looking boy to make you smile(you have to be good though because he isn't legal!):
    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


      A toast to you Lorchen on your special day. I am beading a seascape wall hanging for some friends in Australia. Apologies for the loss of the top of my head. It was the best DH could do with my compact camera. Give him an expensive camera and a row of aircraft and his pictures are perfect :roll: :roll: :roll:

      By the way, there isn't brown stains on it, it is shading in the fabric.

      In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


        Happy Birthday, Lorchen - hope you had the same lovely sunshine we've enjoyed in Kent today! Raising a glass of something to you - cheers!


          This is me with my DMIL's Mother's Day flowers drinking wine and wishing you a very Happy Birthday. I am impressed at how creative everyone has been with their birthday wishes for you. Have a wonderful, wonderful day and many happy returns of the day. Lois


            Don't know what happened to the parcel...but here's to you, Lorchen ! Many,many more ! Marilyn


              Ritzy that quilt looks great! And the young man in purple looks even greater!

              Lois, that is such a lovely photo of you - you should make it your new avatar.

              Marilyn I love the birthday cake quilt. I must say seeing what everybody has posted today has really made me smile.


                Thank you sooooo much everybody for the birthday wishes, the flowers, the parcels, and for sharing what you have been doing today.

                I had intended to have a quite day, except for my sons popping in, but the phone hasn't stopped ringing, the postman brought cards, and the local florist flowers.

                My sons know just how to spoil me with a mixture of naughty and practical. As a result I'm now the very proud owner of an electric pencil sharpener (I have been moaning for years about all the time I'm wasting sharpening pencils), an electric tin opener (Those manual ones are such hard work sometimes) and a bottle of 21-year-old Aberfeldy Single Malt. The pencil sharpener has been tried out already. You can now play darts with all the pencils in this house! And because we also wanted to try the tin opener, Guinness is enjoying some extra tuna, her favourite.

                The postman also brought the most beautiful 'wee gift' from Rosemary. I need to do something to it before I can share a picture.

                The most wonderful little surprise was one that I wish somebody could have recorded. Chris and Kerri had practiced with Eva (2 years old on the 21st) and they sang 'Happy Birthday' to me. Chris and Kerri sang all the words except when it came to ' you...' Those words were beautifully provided by Eva. It was simply brilliant.

                And for all those of you who have families where relationships are somewhat strained: My family is tiny because I'm and only child, my father was an only child, and my mother only had one younger brother. Unfortunately something went very wrong in the relationship between brother and sister (very, very long story), and they last spoke or had any communication with eachother when I was about three years old. My uncle is now in his 80s. I have always had a very close relationship with his only child. My cousin is six years younger than me and fully understands why there has been total silence between our parents. Well, this morning I got a birthday card from my uncle and he also enclosed some pictures from a recent family meeting. After giving it some thought I decided let the past rest (as oong as he doesn't bring it up), so I phoned him, thanked him for the card and photos and had a little chat with him about what's going on in my life. Life is too short to always stay on the moral high ground, so to speak.

                Ritzy, that gorgeous smiling young lad is what I call 'adoption material'!

                Great seascape, Pam! I guess you'll have to grow wings if you want Peter to take perfect pictures of you.

                I now better get some sleep so that I'm in top shape for Mothers' Day. We'll all go out together for lunch at a local restaurant. Details and pictures tomorrow.
                From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                  So glad you had a great time today and wish you well for more continued partying tomorrow! Your note with today's activities was soooo nice! Gute nacht, schlafe gut! Renata


                    Okay, Lorchen... since you're continuing the celebration into Mother's Day, thought you (and anyone else who would like some mom/mum humo(u)r) might enjoy this Mother's Day performance:;feature=email :lol:
                    Happy Mother's Day!


                      Happy Birthday Lorchen! Sorry I have not decorated the package yet.

                      (My husband and my son are both on motorcycle road trips. They are trying to meet in Montana and I have been trying to coordinate the GPS " addition to shopping for supplies for the Karen Kay Buckley applique class next weekend.)


                        Hurray! I finished my copyediting work at 5:30 today, so I can join the party! So, here I am with the book I received this week but didn't open until I finished my work, the flowers from my DD, DSIL, and DGDs for Mother's Day, and a glass of wine to toast Lorchen and everyone else on TQS! Happy Birthday and Happy Mother's Day, Lorchen! Hugs, Robin


                          That good looking young man is my grandson. Trying to get a good picture of him is not easy. He would have a fit if he knew I shared him with you all so don't tell on me. Lois--love that picture of you! Pam, the seascape wall hanging is pretty and Marilyn, that birthday quilt is perfect!



                            This could be my two lads, Chris on the left (provided useful gadgets yesterday) and Andy on the right (knows how to charm his Mum with Single Malt).

                            I'm now going to have a large Latte and read for an hour or so before getting ready to be taken out by the kids. Happy Mothers' Day to all mums, and if you are not a mum, then I also wish you Happy Mothers' Day because you made your mum's life very special!
                            From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                              Loise, we might join her with a single malt which always helps anesthetize the left brain!!!
                              I will celebrate with fresh lobsters from our local fishermen and women!
                              From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                                Lorchen, thank you so much for the youtube link, that is just sooo funny.
                                :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

                                In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


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