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Rv's and quilting

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    Rv's and quilting

    The other night on the chat line someone suggested we have a "quilt guild" for people who live full or part time in RV's as attending real guilds is often difficult or frustrating as you aren't in the same place from month to month.

    The Road Trip shows were so much fun for me because they just sort of emphasized why I love my six months or so every year in the RV even though at times it gets a little frustration because I am not a neat or organized quilter so there is "stuff" everywhere. Each year I make promises to myself Bring less, one project at a time put away everything every day etc etc and do I do it Heck NO sort of like NewYear's Resolutions they last a couple of days.

    So would love to hear from any other RVer's out there who are quilting now in their RV's and even you wannabee's who think it would be a fun lifestyle (it is -even those gas costs are making it more difficult) Lets share our storage ideas, organizational hints, favorite on the road quilt shop finds or whatever strikes your fancy.


    I am a wannabe, Ann! My husband and I talked about this on our walk this morning...... how can we make that lifestyle work - maybe ~5 years from now. We love the thought of "home is where we park it" :!: :!: :!:


      MARY KAY, here are some of my tips for wannabee RV ers out there who have some time before retirement or whatever event would allow them to RV as a life style and not just a once in a while thing.

      #1 Be sure you and your partner (if you have one) are on the same page about wanting this for a life style and that you "LIKE" each other a lot (not the same as love have to like - you are going to be together in a smaller space for more time so LIKE is crucial)

      #2 Between now and when you can become a full time or half time RVer go to camping shows and dealerships etc and look at RV's. Take your time, maybe subscribe to some RV magazines that show different rigs and then think about how you live now and what you want then and see if it is possible in the rig you want.

      #3 if you can rent or borrow some different type RV's and then try them out. We have a motorhome but some people love their 5th wheel trailers pulled by a large pick up or midsize truck. Others are more than happy in a small trailer that you can pull with an SUV or larger car. See what you like and what meets your needs budget wise and in other ways.

      You don't have to be rich to be an RV er and there are ways to earn your living on the road. But be realistic and figure out what is best for you. We have been on the road for at least half the year for the last ten years and wouldn't stop now unless one of us had health issues etc. that forced us to stop. I wish I were a better driver so I could drive the motorhome but you don't want me heading this big thing down the road (maybe I can adopt Justin he seems to like to drive!!!!!LOL) Any way it is a great life style and even though occasionally I would sell dh to any bidder- that would have happened at a house too In fact does in the winter when we are in our "house" so that isn't the result of the RV. But he is still my partner and we do like each other most of the time so all is well.

      Hope this gets you started thinking and I will share more hints if people are interested.



        What great advice! Thanks, Ann! I hear you on the "like" thing!!! We have a little while to figure it out, so we'll definately be able to try your suggestions. Take care - happy and safe travels! Mary Kay


          Frankly, I have really enjoyed reading about those of you who are RVers, and it also has me hoping for the day when my dh and I might be able to do it too. When I was younger we had a small camper (17 foot if I remember) and it was such wonderful memories. We had a river lot where we parked it through the summers and spent all our weekends there, then in the fall and spring we would hitch up and head out to places like Virginia or Myrtle Beach - those were some fabulous trips!!! Rj and I are already talking about when we retire (about 15 more years). We are BIG time DCI (drum and bugle corps) fans, and our dream is to own an RV and each summer pick a corps to follow as they tour the US. You'd be suprised how many fans do it, and the corps rely on those "Corps groupies" to help out with things like the chow truck and stuff. But as I said, thats still 15 years or so away...


            Mandy, you don't have to wait another 15 years to be a groupie, you already are a TQS groupie. Judy in AZ


              My parents retired at 55 and lived in their motorhome. They really loved the mobility and when it was apparent they needed more money, they started flea marketing. My dad was great at it (loved to BS lol). Dad was also a veteran so they used the veteran's hospitals for any problems healthwise. They paired it down eventually to snowbirding it Michigan/Florida or Alabama with occasional trips out west. I was amazed on their 40th anniversary how they talked of their love deepening. Those two were like Ralph and Alice bickering and I never thought they'd hang in there lol!


                Ann..... I'm not an RV person but thought of you and your post when I saw an article in our newspaper about this foldable utility cart.




                  Ann, We have an rv and have been camping every vacation and lots of weekends for the last 27 years. When we retired, my husband thought we would just sell the house and be full timers. Unfortunately, he forgot to mention this idea to me. After 27 years, visiting all 50 states (he was really disappointed he couldn't get the rv to Hawaii) and most of Canada, I'm ready to be in one place and consider my vacation on a cruise ship. We really do like each other as well as love each other. Guess I'm just ready to settle down while his itchy feet are still ready to go. My best advice to anyone who wants this lifestyle...........TALK, TALK and talk again then, as mentioned, try it out. My biggest problem was the lack of lasting relationships that could be formed, guess I'm just not a gypsy at heart. Pat


                    My SIL and BIL are full time RVer's. It's a life time dream of his. They left home last April and have been on the road since. There are moments that they would love to be in a home. They were stuck in the middle of the California forest fires last year and they just missed a few really bad storms. With gas prices the way they are now, they have been sticking closer to home base. The RV areas in our town only allow you to stay for a maximum of 14 days. Everyday offers something new when you are on the road.


                      After nearly 4 years in our "box" I'm SEW happy to be out!

                      Have you "Tinkled" today?


                        Mary Kay, I was going to suggest that you read CJ Tinkles's blogs; but I see she posted a comment. I love traveling in our RV and could see me spending a few months every year that way. But never full time! I just need my own space and as much as I love my DH, that is a whole lot of togetherness (esp. with him in charge of the remote control!) LOL


                          Originally posted by MontanaGramma
                          Mary Kay, I was going to suggest that you read CJ Tinkles's blogs; but I see she posted a comment. I love traveling in our RV and could see me spending a few months every year that way. But never full time! I just need my own space and as much as I love my DH, that is a whole lot of togetherness (esp. with him in charge of the remote control!) LOL
                          Thanks, Sharon! I will check it out. Good to do lots if research! My husband used to joke :lol: that he could live in a one room house.... I told him that I could only live in a house that had at least two rooms and a door between them :!: Maybe that tells me something about myself. Hope all is well - I haven't talked to you in awhile! Take care and enjoy the summer weather! Mary Kay


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