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Forming a New Quilting Group

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    Forming a New Quilting Group

    :?: :? :?:

    My friend and I are organizing and coordinating the formation of a new Quilter's Group (since our local fabric store went out-of-business and disbanded the quilt group that it had hosted for 20 years...).

    Does anyone have any guidelines for forming a new quilting club? This is uncharted territory for both of us. It won't be a 'formal guild", as we already have two Guilds in our small state. But we hope it will be a productive, creative group of quilters!

    We already have a location to hold our monthly meetings... so that's one hurdle we've managed to conquer.

    Perhaps you have access to helpful 'guidelines'? Or pointing us in the right direction so we can access information on our own would also be helpful. Or maybe someone who has first-hand experience can give us a few pointers...

    Thank you.
    'Sunrise Quilters'
    Rhode Island

    Hi Tricia,
    The first thing you need to decide regarding your group is what do you want to do. Do you just want to sew? Or do you want to do community service projects, hire teachers to come and teach new things? Who is going to organize and decide what the group does? You might not need another guild but sometimes using a guild format could make things easier to organize your meetings or events. A good website to go to is You may pick up some ideas on what to do at your meetings and how to communicate with your group. You need to also decide how big you want to get. Get too many people together and you really need someone in charge. It is helpful if there is more than one. You can't do it alone. The most important thing is make it fun for you and everyone involved!

    Bunny Rose & Co.
    Groveland, CA


      I agree here-it will depend on how many people you're thinking about and what you want to do. A group of friends and I have monthly sewing days and we rotate whose house we'll meet at. But there are only between 8 and 10 of us. We eat, talk and sew.

      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


        My guild in Kalamazoo, MI had a lot of groups that met each week. I belonged to the Wednesday Afternoon Group, AKA WAGs, and we would sign up to host the group for one Wednesday, or a whole month of Wednesdays. I used to sign up for July, and always planned to have a potluck on one of those Wednesdays. There was a group in Battle Creek, MI that called themselves the Thursday Ladies of the Evening, since they met after supper, LOL.

        Pat in balmy Rockport, TX, temp 71 degrees on the porch.

        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


          Pat I noticed you said you were sitting on your porch. The balmy temp didn't get me but boy it sounds so good to be able to sit out on the porch now. It is very beautiful and fluffy white with snow out here but Im just enjoying it through the window for now. Karen
          Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


            Karen, it sounds like you would have to be bundled up to sit on your porch right now, LOL.

            Pat in Rockport, TX, where the temp has dropped way down to 68.
            Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


              You will need to set up somethings like dues and by laws you need to have different people to hold the offices Happy
              Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                I started two groups which are still going strong. My groups are small...big enough to fit around a dining room more than 10 in each group. This way it is doable to meet in homes on a rotating basis.
                We do not have dues...nor do we hold offices. Both groups seem to have folks who are good at certain jobs. One gal keeps track of dates and assignments for food...and other is very good at organizing group projects...etc.
                In each group, we have done the following activities: Round Robin, block lotto, Block of the Month, group challenges, Ugly fabric swap, Ostrich Round Robin, charity classes and sew-ins. Since we are all busy with other things...we try not to overload the activities. We pick one group project...and no more than two projects to work on for the group independently. And example...a Round Robin and Christmas stocks for a group home. You don't want to overload the projects because we have our own personal projects.

                Both groups were formed simply because we enjoy quilting. We developed group tasks which helped bind our group together.
                If a member cannot do the fear...not everyone can be involved in every thing. We meet once a month which we find is enough. Most of the members have jobs outside the home, kids, and other activities.

                We do have an agenda for our meetings: meet and greet (OK gossip), eat, show and tell, group project reports or perhaps a mini class.
                Be open to all ideas...and allow others to do what they do best.

                In all the years, I have been involved with these groups...I have only had one issue with a group project. I didn't involve the whole group in the issue...and simply handled the issue privately. No one was the wiser...and no one was embarrassed.

                Have a wonderful time with your group. It can be a great source of fun, information, and lasting friendships.

                Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                  I think FW has hit the nail on the head. It doesn't have to be a formal "guild", it can be a group of friends sitting around the kitchen table.
                  Once some of our newer ladies get more comfortable with quilting, maybe we can move on to some new things. Like I posted earlier, right now we all work on our own stuff.

                  from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                  Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                    FW I started a group here at home and we are just a lot of "the Crafting Chatting Chicks" and get together once a week and each one enjoys this so much and the rule is "All rules are meant to be broken" and nooooooo bad comments. We are doing just fine for 3 years now.
                    take care and keep stitching :lol:

                    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                      where are you in RI?
                      I am in Foxboro Ma
                      Hope your group works out
                      Mary :lol:


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