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Changing background of photo for quilt

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    Changing background of photo for quilt

    I am printing some photos on fabric for my grandma to put in a quilt. One picture is of my Aunt and Uncle about 25 yrs by a professional photographer. The problem is that the background behind them is black and my grandma wants it printed out to a 8 X 10 fabic block and the black background is too dark. So I am trying to figure out what to do with the background.

    I have ArcSoft PhotoImpression6 Gold as my photo program. I just bought it. I know some about it. There a way to change but the background but keep the picture the same . I am wondering what to change it to or whether just to lighten the background color(black ) to a light black. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated


    Here is a low tech way that might work. Print the photo as is on paper. Trim off the dark background with scissors. Then scan or photograph the remains of the pic on a light background. Think outside the box (computer) Betty Ann


      You are awesome Betty Ann. I never thought about that. Thanks so much for you help. Charlene


        Most photo editing software has a way to select the background (like the lasso tool) - a lot of times you select what you want to stay the same, then do a 'select inverse'. Then you can modify the background's color or whatever you need to do. The trick there is getting the right sections selected so the people in the photograph don't get modified too.

        If you are use to cutting out photos for scrapbooks etc though - the printing, cutting, rescanning option might be the quickest

        Unfortunately I just setup a new computer and don't actually have Photoshop Elements installed anymore, so I don't remember what the menus etc are called, but there should be an option to change colors or hues. I do remember the hard part was getting the selection right - though it'd be the same issue with scissors - you don't want to cut out too much or too little.

        Good luck


          Thanks I really appreciate both of your help. I have about 9 photos to do, so cant wait to get done working so I can try it.


            I finally got to try working on this but came up with a couple of problems. My problem with doing both suggestions is that the two people in the picture have black on, their hair is black and the background is dark black. Everything is black but their faces, Its hard to see where their blackhair ends and the black background starts. I can change the entire shape of their heads, if I am not careful. I thought this would be easier


              If your using a photo editing program maybe you could start by changing the contrast or highlights?


                My suggestion: find yourself a teenager who knows how to use Photoshop! (I know this type of adjustment can be done easily, but *I* sure don't know how)


                  You know Leafy, I was with some girlfriends at lunch a couple of weeks back and we were discussing the fact that teenagers have finaly a purpose in life other than causing havoc whilst hormone growing. Fixing comptuer glitches and gadget headaches was at the top of the list!


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