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I need help - desperatly- not a joke

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    I need help - desperatly- not a joke

    Hi, Im new to this site and Im asking straight up for help.

    1. 2 years ago I took a few hand quilting classes and now have the basics down pat in most areas. I have started quite a few projects from my classes but haven't finished anything yet. Have even designed some of my own... still unfinished. My DH bought me a sewing machine over a year ago, but I have never used it.

    2.I started buying fabric both from shops and from eBay after I started lessons. I Have all sorts of fabric from batics down to stash starters, fat quarters to yards with all sorts of fabric that you can imagine. (100% cotton only). I Have spent thousands of $ on fabric over the last 2 years. I have boxes of supplies like pins, buttons and bits and pieces enough to last me many years.

    3.I have spent lots of time washing and ironing my fabric, sorted it into color and sizes in containers, maybe several times, and my cupboards are full to the brim. Yes I did say Cupboard..s. and I still have bags full of new fabric to do yet still sitting in postal boxes.

    4.I have a collection of quilt magazine purchased either from ebay pluss all the latest ones on the shelves of newsagents and other supermarket shops. Im buying at least 1-2 per week or more. This has been gong on a log time and have two 6 foot bookcases full which I do get around to read every now and then.

    I think I have some sort of compulsive decease. I am exhausted at the end of the day after house work and the kids and "playing in my Junk" as my DH says. I have craft stuff that goes from room to room as it is sorted but cant seem to find the time to really declutter or get organized to sew. But my house is generally clean and tidy and I cook heaps. (that is another story - another time).

    I want to make so many things but don't know where to start or what to do first. I am really desperate .

    Please help me to do something with all this!!!! Kathy
    Happy Quilting,

    Shiner TX

    You just have to make some time, chose to take the time, and do it. We all have the same 24 hours in the day. I don't know your family situation but I understand if you have littles the time will be harder to come by.

    Just chose something and do it.

    @julesquilts on IG 
    working farm wife and quilter in the off-seasons
    Modern quilter, QOV volunteer, Improv, FPP w/o stitching on paper, freehand quilting on my long-arm.
    Bernina Artista 200E, Elna Serger, Handi Quilter Fusion, a lot of old Singers and other vintage and antique machines.


      Ahh, sounds like me a year or so back. I am still not the most organized person and I still have too much stuff, but I did manage to bring it into some control and it's made a big difference.

      Here's my suggestion--get yourself a copy of the book "Creating your perfect quilting space" (available on this site's shop. Work out a plan for a quilting space, set a budget, gather the needed storage and organizational supplies, and take time off from work just to do this. I did it that way--it has made all the difference in my quilting/sewing life and it's been quite a few months now and my space is STILL neat! You can see the before and after pics and read my journey on this in my member blogs, if you want. I think it's when you are prepared to 1) get rid of things you will never need or have too much of; 2) realize you are not the only one facing this issue; and 3) DO find a space that is just your own for your crafting/quilting; 4) realize you have to take time off to get this done; and 5) know you CAN get rid of--even throw away UFOs that you really hate to think about working on any more (realizing you've learned from them and that was their purpose).

      PS. I set a $1,000 budget for this, but came in well under at just about $600 (though I still haven't replaced my sewing chair), by using some existing storage items and repurposing them for a start. I took off a week and was finished in four days, so I had some time to enjoy it after it was done. I gave away 4 large bags of fabric, threw out 3 large bags of stuff, and stored a lot under my bed in under-bed storage units.

      I'm sending you my good wishes on this and believe me, it can be done. Cheers, Betty Jo

      "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


        Hi Bigmumma, you do seem to have the collecting bug, and it's definitely a part of the quilting thing :lol: , we all do it to one degree or another. Fortunately you sound like you've got most of your stuff organised, which is a good start.

        My suggestion would be to start to make a cushion cover. This shouldn't take you too long to make and you will be happy you finished something, and then be motivated to start the next project, perhaps a bag which you should also be able to do in a few hours. I always say if you go to make a cushion and end up making a quilt you'll be happy, but if you start to make a quilt and end up with a cushion you'll be disappointed .

        If you can't decide what design to do, start with a simple nine-patch in your favourite colours, then add a border, maybe a bit of piping and you have a cushion or bag front. Let us know how you get on and post a picture in your profile. Post a picture of all your fabrics too so we can all drool a bit :wink:

        "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


          Bigmumma I do not get the problem :lol: :lol: :shock: You are just like the rest of us :wink:
          Lots of fabric, gadgets, new sewingmachine, lots of magazines, bits and bobs...sounds to me like a dream!

          The one thing you need is mabye some "easy quilt" books or magazines...If you have them, just dive into your sewing the sound of it you will have a soft landing :lol: :lol:

          "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


            [quote="Sewdreamy"] 2) realize you are not the only one facing this issue;

            Hi all I didnt realize I had such a problem with all this untill I re read the dribblke I wrote at 2am last night...umm (this morning)

            Is it true... Other people are like this to. ??? They collect soo much stuff with all the good intentions to make lots of things but never finish anything or only a few items per year.

            Don't get me wrong, i'm a tidy and organized person (and have a list for everything type of person). But just can't sit and concentrate on any one thing at a time. I can read my quilt books, and pull out a few good ideas...then realize I've been reading for too long and have to move on to cooking dinner or cleaning or whatever. Put it away and not see it again. I get caught up in my own little world of fantasizing making things but not actually doing or making things.

            Did I mention that my magazines are all organized in a way that i'm too embarrassed to say. (this took me months to do) lol.

            Anyway thanks for the help so far for those who left a reply. I know others are thinking...what a loony and yes I did have ADHD as a child..say no more hu!!

            Ill take in all you have to say and will be thankful of any advice.
            Thanks again, Kathy

            "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


              Kathy, if I need a quick fix I make table mats, lots of them. They are easy to make and very useful around the house and as gifts. You can then progress to bigger quilts.

              By the way, except for the bathroom, there are bits (or lots) of stuff related to quilting or needlework in every room of my house. It's my personal lifestyle, and there is nothing wrong with it.

              From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                Hey bigmumma, I wish I knew where you lived...I would invite you to my quilting classes, and would become good friends with overnight and come and raid your stash. After that I would just sit on you until you finished your projects.
                Just Joking........

                Baby steps, baby steps, baby steps. Just forget about sorting and organizing for a while and lock you cupboards up and throw away the key.

                Go back to one of your favorite piecing projects and just spend 30 minutes a day on it until it is finished. It wont take long as you sound like you are really into quilting in a big way. The 30 minutes may grow sometimes when you find you have more time, and get back into enjoying stitching again. ***STOP*** obsessing about what you haven't done and just ***DO*** something that you can concentrate on and put all your energy into. Believe me, when you see that quilt or what ever hanging on the wall you will feel sooooo proud of yourself that you will want to do more.

                Just remember ONE thing at a time and baby steps. You didn't become this way over night and you wont be able to fix things overnight either.

                PS. throw away that credit card and pay off your bills.
                Regards from another Aussie
                From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                  bigmumma maybe you should look at finding a quilt quild or get a sewing room going shut the door and do not open until you are ready to come out
                  From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                    Hi, Kathy! There's absolutely nothing wrong with you! We all have the same stuff, too! You mentioned kids, cooking and a neat home as well as an organized sewing area. When my kids were still young, I didn't have the time that I do now. And you don't have much energy left after cooking, cleaning, PTA and Little League! :lol: All my quilting stuff was organized and I did alot of dreaming, too, and not as much quilting as I'd like. That day will come for you--but enjoy your kids--they grow up TOO fast (ask me how I know!!!). In the meantime, you need to FEED your creative spirit and that would probably work best for you with small projects or even kits. You seem to have alot of fabric, too, and I would suggest making scrap quilts. Start small so you can finish a project without getting bored with it. Judy in Torrance


                      If the project you are drawn to is large, read the directions and break it down into manageable chunks. And pick a time or times every week to work on it every week.
                      I was like you, (well maybe not as bad) :lol: but once I had a quilting time set aside, I've accomplished a lot.
                      Jean in Windsor, On


                        If you've got everything organized to the point of "put away" you need to make a little mess to get something going! Find a place to set up your machine where it can stay out, and you can get to it even if you only have a bit of time between kids & chores etc. Pick a project (something you've started from a class or magazine?) and leave it out at the machine (or by your chair if you're doing hand-work) try to keep all the things you'll need close by. Little bits of time can add up and before you know it you'll have finished something! (I do agree, start small)

                        Good luck!


                          Bigmumma, all of the advice on this thread is good. I hope you find an idea or two that helps you.

                          I used to sew one seam every morning before I went to work. It was amazing how much I accomplished that way. (Then life changed and I changed my patterns.)

                          Let me ask you this: are you enjoying the process of washing and pressing your fabrics and organizing all your stuff? If so, you might want to let yourself off the hook a little, and stop feeling guilty for not actually making anything.

                          I find that I get as much pleasure from fondling my fabrics and looking at books as I get from actually working with them. And I remind myself that coin collectors don't spend the coins they collect, and stamp collectors don't use the stamps they collect to mail letters.

                          If you really would like to make something, then the advice in this thread about starting small is excellent. But if it's the process of collecting and organizing that you really love, then enjoy it without feeling like you "should" be "using" those materials. The point is to spend your time doing something that soothes your soul.

                          Anne in Vancouver, Canada

                          in Vancouver, Canada


                            I hesitate to be the one to say this on this thread, but....... since I'm in the healthcare field, I feel compelled to at least give this thought a little air time.

                            Bigmumma......... yes, quilters are collectors - some of us are really insane collectors! But, there is a point at which the 'collecting' becomes 'compulsive' and really does create a problem.

                            Since you were ADHD as a child, I would like to suggest you consider having a chat with your family physician or OB/GYN and just discuss what you have stated here. There are medications and counselors who can help with some of the thought processes required to get a handle on cumpulsivity if it's creating a problem im your life.

                            If there was not a problem, you would not have written this blurb to which you have gotten many responses. I would have to say we probably all have a wee bit of compusion in us as most quilters I have met seem to "have" to have all the latest tools and toys. But there is a point when it becomes a problem.

                            Only YOU can decide if it's really a problem.... if you want to feel more in control of your life and not as driven to buy, buy, buy .... let's face it, in this economy, many of us have had to curtail our spending - if not yet, but soon.

                            I wish you well, and hope you get this sorted out.


                              I think I found my new BFF. (Best friend for life.) I too will admit that I have a life time supply of anything one needs for quilting, minus batting and backing. The only way I can manage to complete, or should I just say quilt, any thing is in small segments of time. I try for at least an hour a day, doesn't always happen. Even with 10-15 minutes set aside you can accomplish tons.

                              There is a thread on here called the Tilda thread. That is doing tiny bits of work each day to accomplish something.



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