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Laughter is the best medicine

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    Laughter is the best medicine

    Its been a rough few days of work. I am a RN working in home health and some days are sadder then others. I dont care what they teach us in nursing school, sometimes its hard not to take your work home with you. I am fairly new to the site and I've been visiting the older blogs, and just finished the production videos from the second series. I loved them all, but hawaii day just made me laugh and laugh and I feel so much better now. Thank you!!!!!!! Sandi in FL

    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ

    Welcome, Sandi! I'm glad you found laughter here at TQS. We have a lot of fun here along with a wealth of information and endless ideas for projects! I used to come home after work and veg in front of the TV for awhile. Now, the first thing I do is check in with TQS and catch up on everything! It's great entertainment as well as educational! :lol: Hope to see you around frequently! WandaM
    Happy Quilting,

    Shiner TX


      Sandi - Glad you found some enjoyment here. It is a good place to visit. Carolyn
      Happy Quilting,

      Shiner TX


        Welcome! I'm also a nurse and understand that your particular venue must at times be pretty tough.

        Well, here is a new outlet! We laugh alot, cry a little, and listen to each other's woe's and accomplishments!



          I'm a home care nurse too. I took the job of clinical coordinator cause it's gotten harder to lug my bag around. Most days I feel really good about my ability to touch lives from my desk. Today was not one of those days. I have been sitting here on the forum trying to catch up. I read someone's post listing about 40 "rules to live by". It amazes me at times how comforting, stimulating, educational, friendly, (hmm I'm running out of adjectives) this site can be. Any way, that post was what I needed to feel better.
          P.S. With the flooding in southern Wisconsin becoming more and more of a problem for more and more people, I'd like to ask for prayers for everyone dealing with this.


            Welcome Sandi I know you'll enjoy it here. I just love it! I am and OB & Nursery RN. We've had a baby boom here this week.
            Have a great weekend. ~Jo~


              Sandi and Gloria and other home care nurses are very special people. I met several over the last 5 years when they were visited my mom and dad before they had to go to the nursing home. Dad especially looked forward to those visits. Thanks to home health care I was able to keep mom and dad at home several years longer than I would have otherwise. Thank you for what you do and for the caring you show your patients. Sandy in TN


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