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Babylock Quest

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    Have you played around with the stitches? I'm trying to figure out which stitch is the blanket stitch-is it B 15? I want to try machine applique and the blanket stitch is the recommended one. Like Ricky's Rhapsody quilts for example.

    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


      Originally posted by eileenkny
      Have you played around with the stitches? I'm trying to figure out which stitch is the blanket stitch-is it B 15? I want to try machine applique and the blanket stitch is the recommended one. Like Ricky's Rhapsody quilts for example.
      I haven't been home in a couple of days (first time at a computer in awhile) I should be able to check when I am home this evening.

      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


        What sewing machine do you have Eileen???
        I bet you have several blanket stitches on your machine. My Janome MC 6600 Pro has 5 different blanket stitches. Some will have 2 stitches forward then side stitch..other has 1 stitch forward then side stitch. I made a sample with all the differet blanket stitches before deciding which one to use. And a sample of the different stitches is always nice to have..makes it easier to make the right choise for the different projects. When I make the samples I note with a marker next to the stitch what number it has and what set up I used ot the machine (stitch width and length).
        Good Luck..and have fun :lol:

        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


          Peter, thank you so much!!! I'll wait to hear from you.
          Brink, that's a great idea! All the machine has is pictures, no descriptions. It's a Babylock Quest-one of their newer machines. I've never had a machine with more than 30 stitches before so this is all new territory for me.
          I'm going to take some muslin and when Peter lets me know about the blanket stitch, I'm going to make my own little samples and write down what the stitches are.
          Have a great day,

          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


            I sent you an email yesterday (or tryed, I was having 'puter issues) Anyway yes I think a practice run with the stitches is a great idea but I believe C5 is the single blanket stitch and C6 is the double blanket stitch (sews over the stitch twice laying down two strands of thread for a more pronounced stitch) I think there are several others that would work beautifully as well. Hope this helps and I am sorry it took so long to get back to you.

            I know what you mean about all those stitches I have been a little overwhelmed myself :lol: Let us know how it goes for you, please.


            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


              So B-15 isn't a blanket stitch? I usually have the background on the left and the applique piece on the right. What am I missing?

              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                Originally posted by eileenkny
                So B-15 isn't a blanket stitch? I usually have the background on the left and the applique piece on the right. What am I missing?
                I have checked out your sewing machine on its a greate machine and I bet you are a happy girl!!!

                You can do a mirror-image of your if you prefere to have the background on your left hand side it shouldnt matter :lol:

                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                  Eileenkny Do you Like your new Michanie and if don"t how much was it Happy

                  from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                  Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                    I got a show special on the machine plus DH bought it for me as a gift. I only participated in the initial layaway payment.

                    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                      But do you like it my sister got one and she dose not like she says she would like to hit it with a hammer I have a babylock and the things she is saing that is what I have with mine. I also have a paff and I see the two differces with the michanie I think she just need to give it time I have not use my paff as much as I do with my babylock but I said I will start to use my paff more this year Happy

                      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                        Sorry, I didn't understand your question. :?
                        I haven't really given it a test run yet. I hope to this weekend because I'm determined to work on something of my own.
                        I'll post here when I do.
                        What is it about the machine your sister doesn't like :?:

                        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                          She said that it has to be going forword to go in reverse and I said yes that is the sme as mine and the orther thing is it dose not say when the bobbin is out the paff dose that see I am use to me baby lock I have to get use to the paff

                          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                            I've been sewing on my baby, and I love it. One thing I found out in a class-I was sitting too low. I've always just used a kitched chair and my neck and back would kill me afterwards. At the class I sat on a really cool chair that had back support and I was at the right height. The teacher told me the chair costs about $350!!! Not in this lifetime would I ever pay that much for 1 chair. So I'm using my chair from my computer desk. It's not perfect, but it's a lot better than the kitchen chair.

                            Now I have a question for all you wise people-----
                            What kind of chair do you sit on when you sew? I won't ask how much you paid for it, that would be rude. Is it a chair made especially for sewing or is it a chair you just drag over :?:

                            eileenkny 8)

                            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                              Like you Eileen, I sit in an old kitchen chair most of the time, however when I can I steal the computer chair :wink: We have one that we bought at Sam's club... oh... bout 10 years ago that was labled as a Mid-Management Office chair. It has lower back support and raises and lowers so you can put it at your comfort height, its on casters and swivels too, which allows me a great deal of movement, but you can also lock it if you need more stability. I has held up very well through 10 years of daily use, the last 6 or seven of which include children playing on it a lot. (LOL the girls love to spin in it :lol: ) That chair set us back around $100 ten years ago, but I think they still carry the same chair now for about $150. Still a bit pricey, but much better than $350.

                              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                                We both sew in chairs purchased for the sewing room. After searching around we found what we were after at IKEA and we even agreed on the same one. They are armless office/stenographers chairs. Great lower lumbar support, swivel and adjustable height and they have the ability to slightly recline which you can lock in both the recline position or upright or leave it unlocked for greater flexibility. (I like to lock if reclined to do hand work because it keeps me from slouching as much). Best part I think we paid about $75.00 each for them.

                                We found many great office type chairs there at reasonable prices but we also found some good deals at the big office retailers (Office Max, Staples etc.) especially in there close-out section.

                                Have a Great Day

                                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


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