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How much does the New Bernina cost?

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    How much does the New Bernina cost?

    I've seen the webcast on the new Bernina and, of course, it looks fabulous! Does anyone know how much they cost? Connie in California

    I haven't talked to my dealer (LQS owner) since she got back from the launch, but I have heard $9999.99 for the 830. And of course, there are plently of additional accessories to add on from there. Mary Kay


      Thanks Mary Kay. I would love to have a Bernina but it's out of my price range at this time. Maybe some day, though. Connie in California


        I found over the years I rarely used the fancy stuff on my (then, now 20 years old high end machine)

        What I look for in a new machine is ... GOOD STRAIGHT STITCH and a decent amount of decorative stitches... but if the STRAIGHT STITCH is not good then I question my self buying that machine.

        Next machine I buy will be in the mid range with the features I need for basic home sewing / quilting. I am thinking of the emboidery machine cause I have grandkids but really I do not like to emoidery by machine... I think it takes the fun out of sitting at a machine since all you do is change color threads...I still love hand emboidery better.

        I have stopped clothing construction except for special occassions... I do love making tops but my machine quilting leaves a lot to be desired... I like to think I am helping the local economy by taking my biq quilts to the local quilter.

        I kind of think the sewing machine companies are pricing themselves out of the market... only professional sewers those who make $$$$$$$$$ at their craft can afford a 10,000 machine.

        Off to work... see you all later...
        Just my 2 cents on


          I am not much for machine embroidery either. I love to do hand embroidery...which will also become a 'lost art' soon. I didn't even purchase the embroidery package with my 440QE.
          That being said....I have seen my quilting gal pals do some AWESOME stuff on handbags, quilts, and clothing with machine embroidery.

          I still think I am a lucky gal with my Bernina 440! It took me three years of grocery coupon savings to buy her. Just so my 1970's Singer doesn't get lonely....I get her out and use her too!! LOL

          Here is the thing about quilting....everyone has a place. We don't even have to have a machine. We can hand piece...and hand quilt.
          So even with the new machines....or no machine....we all have a chair around the quilting frame.



            Suggested retail price is ... tada ... $12,000

            Looking out the window at Lake Leman in beautiful Switzerland


              Does anybody know how much the 820 will cost? I understand it's just like the 830 but without the embroidery stuff?

              Pat in Rockport, TX, who asks only out of morbid curiosity, knowing she can't afford it, LOL.

              Looking out the window at Lake Leman in beautiful Switzerland


                I think I heard about $8000.


                  I was in at my dealer today and asked. The 820 here is to retail about $7000 canadian. That's without the embroidery unit. In my dreams.

                  Cher in BC

                  Vancouver, BC Canada


                    If I ever want to do away with DH, I will spend that kind of money on a sewing machine. He would have a stroke and a heart attack combined. If I won the lottery, I'd do it in a heart beat but chances of that are 0 to none. Obviously there is a market for that out there so more power to those that can afford it.


                      I didn't buy the embroidery attachment for my 435. I, too, like to hand embroider. I think the cost of the new machine is WAY out there! It will be interesting to see how well it's received. I have no intention of buying another machine--unless I find a really good buy on another Featherweight!!! :lol:


                        The new 830 sounds awesome...but the price is enough to scare anyone away. I thought my 440 QE was the Cadillac and the 830 must be the Rolls Royce. Sure would like some of the new features ...such as the dual feed ...thread cutter...pop out needle threader...but I think i will just satisfy myself with what I've got and try to learn more of the embroidery features. I'm still working on the monogram towels for Christmas, but think I'll take a break and get to my July BOM...Really enjoy reading the different forums. Nan F in Massena, NY


                          Thank you to all of you for your input. There must be a market for sewing machines at this price, otherwise, companies wouldn't keep putting them out on the market. This new Bernina is way out of my reach but I absolutely love making quilts and will continue to do so. Those that can afford it, more power to you! Thanks for listening........ Connie in California


                            Bymachine just bought an 830, and she says she paid $12K, which included the table. That doesn't seem so bad. (See the "New Bernina" topic.)

                            Anne in Vancouver, Canada, saving my pennies

                            in Vancouver, Canada


                              I test drove the 830 - fab - retails $12,999 at Meissner's in Sacramento. The 820 is coming out in June and they want $7,400. I'm saving my pennies and plastic bottles. I'm not interested in the embroidery option at all but love the bigger throat, bobbin, BSR etc.


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