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Tide to Go marker

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    Hydrogen peroxide works great too,it also works great for removing other stains too,I tried it today because I ran out of oxi clean,yes it does work great,the tiny little oxigen bubbles lift out the stains like the oxi clean does. Hair spray I don't know,I haven't tried it.
    "Spit is the most popular vote here" :lol:


      I've worked in a Hospital Lab all my life. The #1 best way to remove a blood stain is with saline. (aka dilute salt water) Plain water hemolizes the red blood cells and releases the hemoglogin which leaves that dark stain. You can buy small bottles of saline nose rinse and keep it nearby. Otherwise, add a bit of salt to regular water.


        Originally posted by ritzy
        Originally posted by dogquilter
        Originally posted by maureent
        It sounds a bit gross but if you prick your finger and get blood on a piece you are working on your own saliva will remove the blood instantly!

        I told you it was gross!!!
        Mother's spit is as strong as 409.
        You must have had one of those mothers who used her spit to get the dirt off your face. I did! LOL
        There's a GRIN!! :lol:
        My mother used to say that it had to be our own spit, so when she wanted to clean something off our faces, we had to stick out our tongue and she would wipe it with a hanky, then scrub it clean. Same hanky, different tongues! EEEEEWWWW!!!!

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          I am a nurse and have no problem dealing with a multitude of EEEEWWWWs but I have a really hard time dealing with mouth issues (dirty dentures put me over the edge). My mother was an advocate of spit cleaning. IT'S ALL HER FAULT :!: :lol:


            Originally posted by GloriaH
            I am a nurse and have no problem dealing with a multitude of EEEEWWWWs but I have a really hard time dealing with mouth issues (dirty dentures put me over the edge). My mother was an advocate of spit cleaning. IT'S ALL HER FAULT :!: :lol:
            I am SO GLAD to hear that I'm not the only one!! When my dear MIL was in the hospital with a broken leg, dealing with her dentures was worse than the diapers! EEEEEEWWWWWWWWW

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              Oh dear - I was soooooooooooo careful to say saliva and now you are all saying spit!


              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                my eyes are squeezed shut, my fingers are in my ears and I'm going "la la la la" until this thread is over..

                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                  I'm with you, Lori! LOL


                    I am chuckling so hard!!!!


                      You are all having way too much fun with this thread. Another nurse here who always used SPIT on the blood spots on my quilt, and I guess it works or I'd remember it didn't!


                        Originally posted by lwiniger
                        my eyes are squeezed shut, my fingers are in my ears and I'm going "la la la la" until this thread is over..



                          I'm laughing so hard I'm crying!!! How can I explain this to my DH :lol:


                            BB you don't explain to your dh why you are laughing so hard.

                            #1 he won't get it
                            #2 let him think you have lost your mind -- he may just stay out of your range so you can get some sewing done

                            At least it works with my dh most of the .time


                              I agree with WandaM. "Hydrogen peroxide also works to get blood out of fabric. I work with nurses and this is what they do when an accident occurs. I don't know about old stains , but I would definetly test it before using it on a quilt top! WandaM"
                              And it also works on old blood. Just may take a little longer with repeat applications. I've done it many times. I have not found it to affect the color of the fabric either. I also work in the health care field and speak from experience.

                              Happy quilting everyone..............


                                As a lab tech we used peroxide to get blood out but I think someone told my it does not work with adrenolyn blood (you know blood when you are scared).


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