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    Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
    You look great Lorchen. Now if only everybody would do everything I tell them. :roll: :lol:
    Wouldn't that be wonderful Rita? I specially would love it if it worked with my kids :shock: :roll: or is it too much to hope for? :wink:

    Glad you got this great photo as your avatar Lorchen.
    From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


      Lorchen, I love the new photo, keep up the good work,
      you are an inspiration to us all


        I concur with the rest of them. I too, think you look healthy, thinner and beautiful. Just spent some time with my own two year old grandson whose high energy reinforced the notion that I need to get in better shape if I want to keep up with him and enjoy him completely. Good to hear you have more such of the same motivation coming your way. Nothing like the love a child to make you want to get healthier.


          Lorchen you look fantastic.
          Rita, not sure if your comment was completely directed towards your children 'listening" :mrgreen: but Limbanias' was. I know it is in jest, but my baby is 22 (4 sons 28, 26, 24, 22) and wouldn't change more than 10 of the times that they might not have listened to me. lol Gotta love em. Wouldn't change a thing.


            I'm very touched by all your comments. Thank you so much for totally surrounding me with such a lot of love!

            About our children: My two sons (31 and 34) have always had what we affectionately call 'selective hearing' when it comes to listening to me. I always thought that this was perfectly normal, however frustrating at times.
            From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


              And if we're perfectly honest, don't we all have selective hearing at times?
              I certainly do, and despite nearing the half century, it is very often in response to ideas my mom comes up with. :twisted:


                Lotti, you are to funny, I think like that some days. our we the same century ? , but I bet I have more years that you....

                Lorchen, you look fabulous :!: :!: Thanks for sharing your story and pic.

                for the owl.


                  Originally posted by lotti
                  And if we're perfectly honest, don't we all have selective hearing at times?
                  I certainly do, and despite nearing the half century, it is very often in response to ideas my mom comes up with. :twisted:

                  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


                    dearest Lorchen,
                    You are unforgettable, so no worries, there!
                    Congratulations on your success on the road to being healthier!
                    Wow, and isn't that a struggle for us all??!
                    How exciting to be blessed with another grandbaby!
                    Your fridge gallery is great!

                    with warm hugs,


                      Good to see you here Roseanne. Yes, I remember you too! Hope to see more of you! I've missed you!


                        Yes not seen you around lately, have you been off somewhere with Lorchen?

                        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                          Originally posted by twiglet
                          Yes not seen you around lately, have you been off somewhere with Lorchen?

                          :lol: :lol:
                          I wish!!
                          You are all sweet dears, and I've missed you terribly. I guess I was just down the rabbit hole,
                          so to speak. Or got off track...who knows?...some kind of out-of-it description.
                          But very happy to be back in the midst of the wonderful folks of TQS!
                          Bless you all!


                            Glad you're out of the rabbit hole, Romira, we missed you! Maybe time to make a bunny quilt? 8)


                              Originally posted by crocus999
                              Glad you're out of the rabbit hole, Romira, we missed you! Maybe time to make a bunny quilt? 8)
                              :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

                              just might do it!


                                And more good wishes for lower BP! Yes, those pounds that were so much fun putting on, are even more rewarding being taken off..........just not fun in the process!




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