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Some QR/some NQR - DS got engaged

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    Some QR/some NQR - DS got engaged

    My son got engaged over the weekend! He proposed to his girlfriend in front of a famous statue (Sparty) at Michigan State University on Friday night before the game! On one knee! With a ring he picked out himself! And she said yes! They both are grads of MSU so it was the perfect place. I need to start their wedding quilt - Irish Mist - in green. One of their favorite colors since they went to MSU and the school colors are green and white. :wink:

    I had applique club meeting yesterday and actually took time to work on it BEFORE the meeting. I have also been working on it while watching the U.S. Open. The Federer match from the other night was starting so late I had to record the end of the women's match to see who won that and the men's after that. No way I was staying up that late! I finished watching the women's match last night and little bit of the men's this morning before heading off to work. I also have a quilt on the frame that I am hand quilting and am supposed to be machine quilting the borders for my DD's grad quilt that didn't get done before she left for college. Oops. But she and I changed our minds on the backing and she is giving her input on how she wants the borders done so that was a little bit of a delay. It's kind of nice going home and being able quilt.

    My son got engaged over the weekend! He proposed to his girlfriend in front of a famous statue (Sparty) at Michigan State University on Friday night before the game! On one knee! With a ring he picked out himself! And she said yes! They both are grads of MSU so it was the perfect place. I need to start their wedding quilt - Irish Mist - in green. One of their favorite colors since they went to MSU and the school colors are green and white.

    And I found out last Friday my part-time job will be going to full time! Good timing since my last child just went off to college and more $$ will help pay for DS's wedding. And since I will then be gettng a paid lunch as opposed to an unpaid lunch like I have now, I hope to get more applique done on my lunch hour! I told my daughter I could maybe even take my sewing machine and set it up in the break room (small-ish office) and get some sewing done, too! :mrgreen: She rolled her eyes and said, "Geez, Mom!"


    Taree NSW - Australia
    My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself

    Kathy, congratulations to the happy couple.

    In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


      Congratulations to your DS & fiance'! You are going to be a very busy lady!

      in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


        That's so nice. Congratulations to you all!
        Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


          Congratulations to your son and his fiance.. Remember to party while doing all this quilting!


            Congratulations to the happy couple! I see many many quilts in your future!


              Congratulations to your son and ddil2b!! Sounds like busy times coming up - but take it from one who just went thru it twice - enjoy every minute!!!



                Congratulations, sounds like fun busy times for you and your family!



                  Thanks for the good wishes, everyone! I see in my euphoria, I repeated myself as I was moving paragraphs around (forgot to delete one!) ops:

                  I have two sisters who each have a child getting married next year, too. I make all my nieces and nephews wedding quilts so yes, I will be VERY busy this year. The last wedding quilt I did took me two years to get done. But I keep telling myself I WILL BE MORE DEDICATED. I WILL MAKE THE TIME. I WILL GET THEM DONE. I think getting them done within the first year of marriage is a remarkable improvement, don't you? :wink:



                    Congratulations to your son and his future bride, and to you and your husband on receiving a daughter-in-law! We live within a few miles of MSU. If I had been listening really hard about then would I have heard his question and her resounding "YES!"? We'll never know for sure! Good luck on all the wedding quilts in the coming year! I'm sure they will all be beautiful because they will be stitched with love and joy!


                      Congrats to all the happy people involved! I'm from MI also and have heard of many proposals at that particular place. Did your future DIL have any idea of what was about to happen? She'll treasure that memory forever and love your son all the more for making it special! On a different note, what is the Irish Mist pattern? The name is intriguing an d of course makes me envision the lovely greens of Ireland (not that I've seen them personally...)


                        Congratulations to everyone-your son, his fiancee and both families! Planning a wedding is such a happy time; being the mother of the groom is the easy gig, too :wink:

                        What does the pattern Irish Mist look like?

                        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                          this is what i found for the irish mist pattern so far:
                          I LIKE


                            Yes, Lotti - that's exactly it. The book is called "Six Halves Make a Whole Lot More." It is a collection of quilts that can all be made from six 1/2 yard cuts of fabric. One of the quilts is called "Irish Mist." After ironing and starching all the fabrics, I am unhappy with the way three of the "mediums" go with with rest (too olive-y). I pulled those out, laid out the fabrics I feel play well together and left them hanging on the back of the loveseat for at least 24 hours so I can see them in every variety of light (natural daylight/evening). As I walked by them for the next day or two, I like them together immediately upon seeing them grouped like that. The others definitely have to go to another project and I will look for more blue-green mediums.

                            And because I was so dissatisfied with the fabrics, I am wondering if I should just make something else? DS likes red - she likes green. But since he is my son ,maybe I should go with what he likes and make a red and white quilt? Like a double Irish chain so I can then hand quilt the open areas to make it more special? I will have to think about it. Finding the right greens would go a lng way toward helping me like the Irish Mist quilt idea again probably.

                            Loveinquiltin - She knew he was going to ask at some point soon, but not that day. He completely surprised her! I was glad he was able to pull it off and surprise her.




                              Really like the quilt pattern!



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