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Its Thursday/Patriots in Petticoats BOM Anyone?

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    Its Thursday/Patriots in Petticoats BOM Anyone?

    It's Thursday - I am eager for the weekend. I am going to watch DD #2 at her college track meet and take my golf clubs to DD#1 to borrow. She is an accountant and she and her co-workers are going golfing as soon as they can after April 15! She is meeting me at the track meet. DD#3 might go with me but hasn't said if she has other plans yet.

    I started cutting fabric for DD' #3's high school graduation quilt last night. I THINK it's called "Dreamscape" but I can't remember now. It's a bargello style quilt in bright colors like terra cotta, turquoise, some greens, sandy earthy-yellow, some purple and magenta colors, etc. She picked some very pretty batiks that read more as solids for it.

    While reading my e-mail today I saw (again) the Patriots in Petticoats BOM and really got interested after I saw some better thumbnails of some of the fabrics. Is anyone doing this BOM? I wonder if it is prettier in real life than in pictures? Reading comments about it on an internet search makes it sound like it's a little challenging with lots of small triangles. I am not afriad of that - I am just afraid of succombing to signing up for it if it's still available! My UFO list is long enough - I need to be doing THAT, not taking on something new! :wink: It would also depend on the price, too. Some BOM's seem REALLY expensive to have them shipped for the size of the quilt.


    Hey Kathy! Sounds like a good time this weekend. I haven't heard of that BOM, but am trying very hard to stay away from any new ones. I have one I'm about half way thru, have yet to finish a single BOM I've started. The blocks are all done, one just needs layered and quilting, one the final borders and one is just blocks still. This current one has a lot going on after the blocks are done, so we'll see how fast I finish it.

    Tomorrow is BOM and grocery shopping. Hope to get some house cleaning done too. I could actually work on some cleaning tonite, but, nah. Sat it's VIP at another lqs so that'll be fun. Laundry will have to be done and I think I'll make some pumpkin chocolate chip muffins. I haven't made them in a while and I really like them. I'll get some sewing in too.


      It is a pretty BOM, Kathy -- I've kind of sworn off them as well -- I also have my share of UFO's. It looks like it's $25.00 a month -- not bad - but not cheap either. Good luck with your decision.


        Hello Kathy! Looks like a neat BOM to me. I'd love to do something with all the great repro fabric available now. I'll have to think about this one.



          I like the P&P BOM. It would be nice to work with the reproduction fabrics. Unfortunately like most quilters I have too many UFO"S two of which are BOM. I need to finish some bay quilts and my brother's 50th yr. quilt first. I want to get some things done.


            I'm doing it! I did the cutting on block 1-2 over the weekend and will start the piecing tomo night. I like the fabrics, the actual material is not quite as gold as it appears in the picture but remember these are repro's and things back then weren't as vibrant and bright as we're used to now. I like that calm feel of this quilt and am anxious to get further into it. my LQS asked that we buy a kit which made it easy but a couple of people in our group (8-9) chose to pick their own...much too big a job for me..I like the kit. I'll keep you posted as I go along but I do think I'm going to enjoy this YEAR LONG project!!


              Birdred - I am with you - I like the fabrics and picking my own in this case would just be a pain. That's what attracted me to it was the fabrics. I had gotten tired of the "sampler" look of BOM quilts but on this one it was the fabrics that drew me in. I have not decided if I want to do it. Life has gotten in the way again.



                We did block 1 and 2 last night, went very quickly and the fabrics are really beautiful, they don't seem to photograph really well and are very rich and warm. Not having to chose what I want to use in every single space was so appealing to me, you have to use a specific fabric in a certain space and I think I'm going to enjoy that part for a while. If you get to take a breath, I'd like to see you do this quilt with me and see what you think! I do know that sometimes all you want to do is go in and sew for a while but Life says...NOT!!!


                  Well, Redbird, I had decided I just cannot do this quilt right now - until I walked into the quilt shop in the town where my DD had her track meet this afternoon. It was hanging on the wall and that was it! What can I say? I was weak!!!! I signed up with 10 minutes!

                  You are right - the photos do not do it justice. I think it has absolutely beautiful fabrics. I am working on my DD's high school graduation quilt but I will just HAVE to sneak in some time to get this quilt started.



                    Kathy! This is such good news! I'm go glad to hear you've signed up and that you're as brave as I am! It's going to be fun to talk with someone else about the progress on this huge project; lets try to keep in contact once in a while and up to date on each other. When do you start your quilt? We started this month (April) and have finished the first two blocks, they're hanging on my wall. At the end of each block is a story about a woman of that time and a photograph..... I have to say, those women of that time had a lot of starch and sure knew how to flurish in really difficult times. This is going to be fun! Mary


                      Kathy--I finally checked the BOM. That is gorgeous. I'm not taking on anything else but could see me enjoying that journey. Be sure to give us progress reports. The center medallion helped me decide on the next round on the block that has been hanging on my design board for a few months. Not that anyone will ever see the correlation. It just helped kick start my brain.


                        Agnes!! Buck up! You can do this! Get on board! Mary


                          Mary--The question is not whether I can do it. It is certainly within my capabilities. It just does not fit into any of my plans. I will enjoy it vicariously, if you care to share progress reports.


                            I know, I was just playing. I've read you for a long time and seen your work on the other site and on this one and know you are very much able to do this, i was just urging someone else to sign up for this enormous project besides me. I didn't mean to sound so smart-allecy (sp?) and rude...looking back on that post and realizeing you don't know me I do sound pushy and rude...I'm sorry. I'll look forward to seeing your posts along with anyone else that's interested in the quilt and hopefully I can get someone with a brain to post a picture of mine when it gets further along, right now it's only 2 blocks out of a million. Mary


                              Mary - I read your post to Agnes as a teasing one. :wink:

                              I have the first two months' worth in my hands. That's a total of four blocks. I just got back from a school trip with my DD to New York City and need to focus on Easter dinner here and at my in-laws and getting DD's graduation quilt rolling again. Somewhere in between I can maybe sneak in at least the first block of the Patriots in Petticoats.



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