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Hump Day Wednesday

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    Hump Day Wednesday

    I hope that this finds everyone well. We are still battling the wonderful virus, but hopefully we will get there soon. Didn't get much done yesterday. Just snuggled with my DD while trying to keep her temp down. Today looks to be more of the same. Though I am hoping to catch a nap before I have to pick up my oldest from school from a half day.

    Have a great day everyone.

    "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14

    You have had a rough patch, haven't you? If it helps any, you're not the "Lone Ranger" - my daughter's kids have all had the same "crud" and now she's feeling rotten - just trying to drag herself through the week until spring break next week. Hope things will look up for you soon!


    "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


      I know it is really going around. Though Maddie finally hit 100 for the temp. I am celebrating this and she isn't so tempermental today. martin is down to just the cough. So we are excited. ON a good note Margaret showed me how to hand stitch applique, so I am going to try that while sitting on the couch enjoying Disney movies and shows.

      "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


        I'm sorry for anyone who has had the "crud" that is going around. I had something that hit me Sunday and Monday. I kept looking for the truck that ran over me but I couldn't find it. On a somewhat humorous note, just to let you know how my mind works, my son called today and told me my granddaughter had the parvo virus. I panicked and called the vet (my brother) to make sure Gizzy couldn't catch it from her. After he quit laughing he told me no. Then with the panic over, I looked it up, Shyann has Fifth's Disease, no biggy. She is a bit crabby but you can still get her to smile and play.

        I hope everyone is better soon.


        "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


          We've sure had better days. First, dh got home from work at 20 to 2 this morning - storm problems, then today was Bella's consultation with the vet specialist. Of course the weather decided to be nasty, so the whole drive up was awful - we left half an our earlier than we usually would have and were still 1o min late for the appt. Her shoulder was dislocated again, so we left her for surgery. The surgeon just called and said it didn't go nearly as well as he'd hoped. The shoulder must have popped back out about as soon as the splint came off, so the ligament was especially stretched out. He had trouble getting the ligament tight enough to keep the shoulder in place. For now, the shoulder stays immobilized for 2 weeks with a follow up at that time. The long term prognosis is still in the air. There's a good possiblity that it won't stay in place and if not, we'll have to consider having it amputated. Our poor, poor doggie!!!

          "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


            Stacey - Glad things are slightly improving. How is Sam feeling since yesterday?

            Judy - Hope your DGD gets feeling better.

            Mary - I hope your DGC get all better too.

            Darce - I hope your little baby has a GOOD recovery and the extra is not needed. It's funny how important those little pets are in our lives. I'll send some prayers your way too.

            Well I had a lazy day and now should probably get some things done this evening. Need to force myself down to the sewing room. I have to get going on my dad's annual guardianship renewal... funny I've had all year to keep organized... did I... Of couse not! I've been dreading it since January and have until the 31st... I always work well under pressure at least. Plus I HAVE to get my mom's taxes done soon... Hope everyone has a good night!

            Happy Stitching,


            "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


              Judy - Fifth's disease hit my 7 year old dgs in Albany NY last weekend as well. Boy these illnesses have a way of getting around, don't they?

              "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


                Pardon my ignorance but I have never heard of Fifth's disease. Maybe we call it something else or maybe it just plain freezes out up here.

                "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


                  I'm not really sure exactly what it is, but it is a "childhood" disease similar to measles and a virus (parvo). There is no vaccine for it yet. From what I can tell it is a lesser of any of the childhood diseases. Some get a rash that they look like they have been slapped in the cheeks and they can get it on other parts of their body. They say once you know they have it by the rash, they are no longer contagious and if they feel okay they can go to school or day care. The only time it is really serious is if someone has a compromised immune system. It can be more serious in adults. Sometimes you don't even know they have it. My sister says it is running through the schools like crazy right now.


                  "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


                    Fifth's disease is the fifth of the common childhood rash diseases, the others being Measles, Rubella, Chicken Pox and Roseola.

                    My daughter had this when she was small, and it did, indeed, look like someone slapped her in the face. In fact, I assumed it was her older brother (who probably had good reason for it as she was going thru a particularly pesky stage).

                    Fifth's disease is not serious for most children or adults, but it is somewhat akin to German measles in that it can be a hazard to pregnant women and their unborn babies. If you are pregnant and have it or have been exposed, you should definitely see your doctor.



                      Thanks for the enlightenment on Fifth's disease. As I said earlier it is totally foreign to me but it might explain some children with rashes years ago when I was primary teacher. I can think of rough rash faces that we attributed to the cold, raw, nasty wind. Maybe it was Fifth disease and we didn't know it. Makes me wonder.


                        The bad (or good) part is a good percentage of kids don't show any real symptoms at all, especially the rash. My concern right now is Cliff. I don't think it was around when he was a kid and he was really complaining about his joints yesterday and that is how it can affect adults. Of course, Mandiee is on a roll again so that keeps him in a funk anyway. We will just have to wait and see. I wouldn't be able to tell if it was affecting my joints because they hurt anyway (LOL) so I'm not worried about it.



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