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Hello Wednesday!

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    Hello Wednesday!


    How is everyone's day going so far? I FINALLY got my bom from h*ll done last night :mrgreen: WOO HOO! and for once I am ready to go to the exchange this morning! So after that dm and I are headed up to Madison today for a visit with my df. Then I am going to head to every last lqs until I can find a roll of machine quilting pattern in the shape of a cable. I have no idea what they are called but I know what I'm looking for! I want it for the border in the WH I am almost done with. (Stacey - I’ll drop those things off so you don't go crazy anymore :lol: ) Hope everyone has a beautiful day!

    Happy Stitching,


    Good morning, Margaret and all!

    Congrats on finishing your BOM! Sounds like it was quite a challenge LOL! Have a great time today and I hope you are successful in your search. (Going to every last LQS is a huge task, but someone has to do it. ;-p )

    Rain turning to sleet today... yuck yuck yuck. And still no sign of temps going higher than 40 for the next week or longer. Winter, just GO! We don't want you anymore! Reminds me, I have GOT to get my seeds ordered so I can start up my tomato seedlings, and some hot peppers as well. With the weather the way it's been, I am forgetting to focus on this kind of stuff! Working all day today and going to friends' tonight, so the only sewing will be at lunchtime... making flying geese for the border of my wallhanging. Realized yesterday that due to a math error, I need 54 more 3" squares. A stupid math error! And my company lets me handle their money??

    Anyway, have a great day everyone!


      April, that's funny. Math is not my best subject and I usually have to lay out and count and recount my quilt patterns to make sure I don't mess up. Margaret, congrats on finishing that BOM -- sometimes they are so frustrating. We got back from Virginia on Monday --it poured down there on Sunday so we didn't have to drive in it - and yesterday was lazy day for me. This morning I've been up, out, shopped and after lunch I hope to spend some quality time in the sewing room. I'm hoping to add some UFO's to the March finishes list -- I hope, I hope!!
      Hope you all have a good day.


        Peggy - I agree! Math is NOT my strong suit - which is why I type for a living!! And I, too, handle the farm bookwork!?? It's a struggle let me assure you. I have to check and re-check my math when I am planning a quilt and have to imagine the fabric strip by strip in order to know how many pieces/border strips I can get from each cut of fabric. Then add those up to get the yardage to buy. And always add a little more - for math errors!



          Math is one of my stronger points but that still doesn't keep me from making mistakes. Also being a visual person I generally sketch my cutting details and double and triple check before I am happy with my answer. So there is no need for anyone to beat themselves up for math not being a strong suit. Kudos to all that still make the effort to do their own thing and not just carbon copy patterns.


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