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Tuesday again!

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    Tuesday again!

    Almost posted in last Tuesday's thread! LOL

    I didn't see one for today, and hope I didn't just overlook it. How is everyone??

    I finished my pinwheel quilt over the weekend, and am SO relieved. Taking just a wee break to focus on other priorities this week. Oh oh oh!! I finally caved and bought an AccuQuilt Go! off of eBay for a price I can live with ($245.) I've seen some cheaper but it was hard to tell what all they came with, or they overcharged shipping, or I had other concerns. In this case, the retailer was a quilt shop in VA, so I felt good about supporting them too. (JoAnn's Who? LOL) Anyway, the AQ just arrived today and I look forward to some testing and playing tonight! Of all aspects of quilting, I like cutting the least. And with the eventual acquisition of a hexagon die, I see a Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt in my future! :mrgreen:

    Good for you, April! Bet you will get lots of use out of it. And oooh1 A Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt! I am jealous. I have an antique one that I bought because I figure that is one quilt I will probably NEVER attempt!

    I didn't get much accomplished since I got home from work. I talked on the phone to a friend and then opened my oven and realized the aluminum foil i put on the bottom of the oven to catch any dripping oil from the cast iron fry pan I re-seasoned last night melted to the floor of the oven! Any suggestions to getting it off anyone? I already heated the oven to 450 and tried to scrape it with the edge of a table knife. It barely removed anything. I think it's now permanant. And the stove is only a year old. Guess I will be looking at THAT for a long time. :evil:

    Also I cannot get the checkbook balanced. THe bank says I have more money than I say I do. Even though this is not bad, I NEVER just use the bank balance. I always figure it out to the last penny. It's not going well this time, however.

    I think I will go walk on the treadmill and read a book while doing it. Nothing on TV tonight. Just a blah day and evening for me. Woke up at 4:00 a.m. today so that may have a lot to do with it.



      Oh April! Congrats on the addition! Hope you enjoyed getting yourself acquainted with it



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