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Frustrated Monday

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    Frustrated Monday

    I had a great day yesterday. We went to the Discovery Museum in Milwaukee and had a great time with the family. Today though my DH comes out and lets me know that I have gotten to be not so annal about things and that he wants that part of me back. It is true, but frustrating to here. Basically he is saying I am getting lazy. I told him preoccupied was a better choice of words. I start something then get pulled in a different direction and forget. The organized part of me that was there is just gone now. I just try and and it never seems to stick anymore. Oh well. Then I got on the scale and realized I have gained 4 lbs. Frustrating to say the least. My DH has not been eating as well and therefore me either. I need to get back to doing better on that too.

    So I am going to start to find my way back and maybe then I will feel better. Who knows right.

    Have a great day everyone.

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !

    Hang in there! Everybody has ups and downs. Unfortunately the downs get more attention and seem to last longer, BUT "this to shall pass." You have a good start. You just need to pick one set of tasks to improve on this week. Work on it and get that habit back. Next week try to add another small one and keep going forward, doing the best you can - and forgive yourself when things get out of whack. It happens to everyone!
    God Bless!


      Good advice from quiltycrafts, Stacey. Sorry you have had a bad day after such a nice weekend. I feel your pain, however. I like being organized and it drives me nuts when I get distracted and then something gets forgotten. And you have how many kids? Three? Four? I had four and I know it's not easy to be perfectly organized all the time. How much does Mr. Mom at your house help with the organization of things? Not my place to criticize your DH but once when my kids were little and my DH walked through the house on his way to the TV, he announced that the house was a mess. He soon was given things he could do to help it be less messy! He never made THAT mistake again and found out he, too, was not above helping with "organization."



        I actually had my husband say to me this morning "you better get on that shower have less than 2 weeks!" LOL Funny.....I think the winter blues have gotten to me big time this year! All I could think to say to him was "yup, gonna do that tomorrow!" talk about procrastination!


          Stacey--If memory serves me right your DH has been /is dealing with health issues. This creates stress differently in different people. The one thing it is not is a time to get down on yourself. Severe stress in my DH makes him step back and I have to be the "take control" person. For us, it means I take control and when all is on a better road I find time to crash. For you, it could be something else entirely. You also have three young children that pick up on any discord. Hope the rest of the day was better and sunnier days are ahead.

          I had a rather long day away from home but I finished piecing the mariner's compass center. Tonight I have to mark the sewing lines on the square up corners so I can stitch that part tomorrow. Then I will have a second medallion to put on the design table. What I am seeing in the BOM threads has given me lots of ideas for the next rounds.



            I'll I have to say Stac is I'd give him a good fat kick in the @** if I were you! If he didn't work and instead ran after 3 kids ALL day AND night he'd forget about a few things too! I don't think he'd be able to do it! I know I couldn't, I'd be going around like a zombie! Personally I think you should let a few things slide. You should be making more time for yourself by working out and crafting. I know that's what lifts your spirits and so what if the house has a few spots and some dust??? It ain't killin' anyone! Besides you will remember those moments with your kids more than your spotless house! I read a fabulous quote on a chocolate wrapper (of all places... go figure) today and thought of you. "You're not your mother... You don't need to clean like her." Give yourself a pat on the back and tell yourself: "I am an excellent mother. My kids are healthy, happy and have a wonderful life." Because they truely do. You can't see what everone on the outside sees. How wonderful you are! Take it easy girl. You'll get through it.

            I am exhausted! I was up at 5 this morning because our furnace guy was coming out at 7am... 2 hours later her pulls in the drive. (Yes that d*mn furnace went out again. This time not such a cheap bill. :x ) So I got laundry, vacumming, watering the plants and repotted a few, meals planned for the week and grocery shopping list/cupons organized by 8:30! Mom and I got our gocery shopping done, a workout in and our Monday afternoon quilt group. I finally got the machine quilting done on the WH I've been working on. So now onto a small bit of FM quilting then hopefully it'll be D-O-N-E!!! I am getting ramped up for ladies day away this Saturday!!! Woooo Hoooo for me! Hope everyone has a good night!

            Happy Stitching,



              Lots of good advice Stacey - listen to them!

              Spent just about all the rest of our tax refund on another not fun thing - first a new water softener now fairly big repairs to my van. Ugh. So much for stashing it for the weddings. Sigh - well at least we got the refund to use on these things! Talked to our vet tonite and she's not happy with Bella's lack of progress in using her leg. The vet wants her to be seen by an orthpedic vet. So there's the cost of the consult - which is 2 hours away besides, mri and/or exrays and the possibility of surgery. As hard as it is, we have to ask ourselves how far do we go for a pet - of course she's more than a pet, she's a member of the family. Another Sigh. No sewing tonite - just putzing on the computer.


                Thanks everyone. Agnes you are right he is on his last three weeks of regiment of going hypothyroidism before getting radiation and I know that is part of his reaction. I did get a lot done. Today I am more tired and not getting as much done. The best parts of the day were playing with my daughter dressing up her bitty baby, listening to my middle son read Hop on Pop twice. Then talking to my oldest while waiting for the doctor about his report card. The PTO meeting went good until the end, but at that point the meeting was done so I could leave and not get frustrated which was nice.

                I am going to workout tonight while the two boys go to supervised basketball. I am going to ride the bike and read a book. That should be relaxing and yet a workout at one time. Then I might do the sauna. Then home to make man n cheese (homemade) and then homework for the kiddos. I also want to play candyland too. HOping I find the energy to start organizing my craft room closet today too. If I can get that organized then my whole room will be done which would be really nice.

                Have a great day.


                  Gosh, I feel so lazy listening to you all. Tired too!! Then I got to thinking of what I did yesterday. Fixed a big breakfast. DH was off work since he worked the weekend. Swept and wet swiffered the living room, kitchen, and dining room. Babysat two of the grandkids for 2 hours. Made lunch. Finished sewing my HST's. Mended the pocket in DH work pants. Cooked supper. Cut HST's and counted, and counted and counted them. :lol: :lol: Washed dishes. Washed a load of clothes. Ironed my DH shirt for work. I make me tired too. :lol: I think we all are doing great. A friend once had a tee shirt I loved. It said "If Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" Therefore we need to stay happy. Have a great Tuesday


                    Oh, Darce, I'm so sorry to read about Bella. I know too well the dilemma of costly treatment for pets who are like family members. I once had a postcard that I kept on my refrigerator....picture of a cute puppy....the caption read: You promised to take care of me forever, but I don't understand the "if I can afford it" part.
                    Through 3 dogs and 3 cats, hat card helped me to make those difficult decisions while keeping a sensible mind about it all. Somehow we always managed, but today the economy plays a huge part in these decisions. Hope you get better news after further testing.

                    Also, I knew the day was coming, but this morning I could not get into QYWay. It asked me for my user name and password, but then wouldn't accept them to allow me to post.. I can still read the posts by others but cannot respond. Such a loss!

                    Hugs, Georgia


                      Stacey, I agree with everything everyone else said and so appreciated Agnes' perception of your hubby's health issues adding to the general perpsective. Hopefully, he'll be feeling better soon, and with Spring peeking around the corner, you'll feel more energized and on top of things too. Hugs!

                      Kathy, "he announced that the house was a mess. He soon was given things he could do to help it be less messy!"... that cracked me up LOL! Funny how they don't always get the cause and effect there... :roll:

                      Patsy, the winter blues have me off of my game too.

                      Agnes, wonderful you pieced the Mariners Compass center! It all sounds lovely and I look forward to seeing it all. Thoughts to you and Vern.

                      Margeret, your post exhausted me LOL! You SO deserve your day away Saturday... enjoy!

                      Darce, I am sorry to hear about Bella's lack of progress. Our babies can worry us so and it's such a challenge to make the right decision sometimes. When I've faced similar situations, especially when money is tight, I try to put myself into the future and determine the "if only I had done this" factor, or in other words, how much regret would I carry with any or all outcomes and their consequences? The long view can help. Heart Hugs...

                      Georgia, I have been waiting for that. It seemed the next logical step in their weaning us off of the forum. *sigh* That forum has become such an encyclopedia for me because after 4-5 years, I'll have a question, remember it was discussed at some point, do a search, and find what I was looking for. I know I'll get way here too, but starting over is never easy.


                        Just a little perception on my take on the QYW "death." It didn't happen before TQS door opened for us. Change is a major part of life

                        After 27 consecutive days my routine is again changing. Vern is home with me again and a new routine has to start. First one is developing a meal plan once again.

                        Kathy's comment of hubby being thrust into helping keep a house less messy reminded me of Vern complaining about something at the supper table. Both sons were young adults and they told him to shut up or he would find himself having to do their own laundry among other things. All four of us were working more or less equal hours in our family business. That took care of the whole situation.

                        Darce--Pets are a part of the family and times like Bella is having are very difficult. Hope things turn for the better.


                          Stacey, hang in there, it will all work out. Just don't beat yourself up. Of course I have to thank you for a good laugh. Years ago when I was married one of the problems I had with my ex was cleaning. He had a mother that had his clothes washed, starched and ironed before they got cold from his wearing them. Also he was a firm believer in men did not do "women's" work and that even included taking out the garbage. Anyway, one day I decided I was really going to clean EVERYTHING. I washed down walls, cleaned and washed cupboards, stripped and waxed the floor, you name it I did it. I started around 6 a.m. and finished around midnight. He was out of town and I was really going to surprise him. This was before we had kids but I did work a full-time job and I usually worked 50-60 hours or more a week. Well when he came home all he said was "the top of the refrigerator needs dusting." From that point on whenever he said anything about something that needed to be done my comment was "but the top of the refrigerator is clean!!"



                            Judy - That is hilarious! :lol: What a great comeback that I bet you got A LOT of mileage out of!



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