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It's Saturday

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    It's Saturday

    Good Saturday Morning!

    Well my computer seems to be acting up... I have a computer guy for a husband but my computer is taking a tank!!! Anyways... The weekend is here!!!! Last night we took my DH's cousin out for pizza and had a nice time. I did a lot of frogging on a WH with quilting that is bunching and I didn't catch it in time (more like I wasn't paying attention and just humming along... ) So more of that today and need to finish a bom for this coming week. It always seems that I get them done then have to start over again and they are always impossible to do! I also would like to get outside and see if I can't get the yard cleaned up a bit. Hope everyone has a good Saturday!

    Happy Stitching,


    I can totally sympathize with the frogging-I hate doing it. What's a WH? My brain can't do any figuring today.

    I'll be finishing up, hopefully, a customer quilt on the machine. Remember the Harvest Spice quilt from a couple of years ago? This client has had it in her closet since she finished piecing it, waiting for Mom to hand quilt it. Mom has so many projects that it just might never get done. So she came to me. I'm grateful for the business I get. Every little bit helps, you know?

    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


      My pea brain thinks WH is "wall hanging"...that's how I interpreted it. My question is, what is frogging? I've never heard that term before.

      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


        Originally posted by birdred
        My pea brain thinks WH is "wall hanging"...that's how I interpreted it. My question is, what is frogging? I've never heard that term before.

        Have you ever used a seam ripper to remove stitches? "Rip-it" "Rip-it" Like a frog! :lol:

        For those of you who work on a long arm and have to frog a large area, you might be interested in "Skinning" a quilt!

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          Originally posted by birdred
          My pea brain thinks WH is "wall hanging"...that's how I interpreted it. My question is, what is frogging? I've never heard that term before.
          Okay, wallhanging works for me.
          Thanks! :wink:

          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


            All this time I've been frogging when I thought i was "un-sewing"!!! I'm an expert Frogger! Thanks. Just got home and will go in the dungeon and begin a little work on my latest project and try to keep the frogs out of the room!

            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


              I have to do some frogging tonight caused by a machine quilting design plan change. Fortunately it's not a lot. Unfortunately, what there is is will involve both the surgical ripper and then the hemostat. This happened during my tension fight. This is serious surgery! LOL I have the new design already sketched in another block. Wonders of wonders, my design gods gave me the design before I stabbed the needle in the quilt which is how it usually works.

              Those of us who meandered over from QYW used a lot of "shorthand" for projects. Yup, WH is wall hanging. TR is table runner. Frogging was another of our terms. I'll see if I can share the whole list with you here.

              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                I remember now that Moni from QYW used a frog as her avitar and it--rip it. I did a lot of lurking on that site and made a decision to participate in this one and it's turning out to be FUN!

                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                  Yup--it certainly was Moni with the frog and I thought of her when I made the comment about frogging.

                  from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                  Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                    I have to say I miss Moni. This is a fun site, I'm learning a lot and really enjoy finding old friends from QYW as they seep into this group...

                    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                      Hope Moni figures out where some of us have gone and posts again. I spent most of last evening "frogging". I'm making swap blocks and I've made 4 or 5 so far with no problems at all. This one is a mystery. I've double checked and all pieces were cut correctly and sewn with scant 1/4". Good quality fabric, no stretching, starched lightly. I've taken it apart, several times, and in several areas, all to no avail. Now it's "overworked" so time to cut new fabric and start over. Isn't it disappointing when we discover we are not perfect, LOL! Rain expected later today/overnight ~ perfect quilting weather.....

                      birdred (Mary), glad you decided to fly out in public and join us here!

                      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                        I'm glad to be flying free too! It's a lot more fun to talk to people I feel I know than to sit in the corner in the dark with my mouth full of words I want to share! All of you have inspired me and I've learned a lot from evesdropping (sp?) vut I will be more vocal in the future! xoxo Mary

                        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                          Mary, you are welcome to venture out of the QYW playground! There is lots of great stuff to explore, and be a part of on the TQS site!

                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            Originally posted by Margo
                            Mary, you are welcome to venture out of the QYW playground! There is lots of great stuff to explore, and be a part of on the TQS site!
                            I will second the motion to venture out of the Playground. It is less intimidating if you go to Board Index and then go to View New Posts rather than look at the many sections and say "overload." From there I pick and choose my topics. I have gathered new ideas already just by that little venture and a fresh zest.

                            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                              Originally posted by grannyagnes
                              Originally posted by Margo
                              Mary, you are welcome to venture out of the QYW playground! There is lots of great stuff to explore, and be a part of on the TQS site!
                              I will second the motion to venture out of the Playground. It is less intimidating if you go to Board Index and then go to View New Posts rather than look at the many sections and say "overload." From there I pick and choose my topics. I have gathered new ideas already just by that little venture and a fresh zest.
                              After you've checked out the forum, be sure to visit the Gallery! And the Classrooms! And the Member Blogs to get to know some of our long-time members!

                              If you have any questions, please send me an e-mail by clicking on the little envelope icon below my profile photo, and I'll be glad to do what I can to help.

                              For tips about using the TQS forum, you can check here: http://forum/forum-questions-and-sug...-the-tqs-forum

                              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


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