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by gjordanI’m trying to learn how to load photos. ...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-25-2021, 09:17 PM -
I am late to the party so I have only completed the 8 Small House 1 units so far. I realize this post is too late for everyone...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-24-2021, 11:30 AM -
by HelenWMost Color My World quilters probably think of you as the trouble shooter for all thing Color My World.
They may not...-
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-23-2021, 06:47 AM -
I moved the first of the year but I had ordered the fabric kit. Now when I opened it i didnt find any directions or the...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-22-2021, 12:38 PM -
by midnight33I’m jumping ahead a bit....made brown fusible bias for tree trunks & now experimenting with dif shapes & fabrics...1 Photo
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-21-2021, 05:37 PM -
by nhbasketsThought I’d start a thread where those of us using wool can post on progress when using this alternative medium for this...2 Photos
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-19-2021, 04:31 PM -
Because I am using a dark background I plan to make lighter coloured trees. I know that the 14 yards of bias tape required...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-17-2021, 07:39 PM -
I can't find anything that mentions about what kind/size needle that is recommended if sewing with 60 wt thread on top and...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-14-2021, 08:04 PM -
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by gjordanI’m trying to learn how to load photos. ...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-25-2021, 09:17 PM -
I am late to the party so I have only completed the 8 Small House 1 units so far. I realize this post is too late for everyone...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-24-2021, 11:30 AM -
by HelenWMost Color My World quilters probably think of you as the trouble shooter for all thing Color My World.
They may not...-
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-23-2021, 06:47 AM -
I moved the first of the year but I had ordered the fabric kit. Now when I opened it i didnt find any directions or the...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-22-2021, 12:38 PM -
by midnight33I’m jumping ahead a bit....made brown fusible bias for tree trunks & now experimenting with dif shapes & fabrics...1 Photo
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-21-2021, 05:37 PM -
by nhbasketsThought I’d start a thread where those of us using wool can post on progress when using this alternative medium for this...2 Photos
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-19-2021, 04:31 PM -
Because I am using a dark background I plan to make lighter coloured trees. I know that the 14 yards of bias tape required...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-17-2021, 07:39 PM -
I can't find anything that mentions about what kind/size needle that is recommended if sewing with 60 wt thread on top and...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-14-2021, 08:04 PM -
new posts
Well I didn't get into the Sewing Room -- walked by it several times of courseI did go out and do some shopping. Went to the Christmas Tree Shop and picked up my usual bunch of odds and ends. For those of you in the rest of the country, this chain of stores started in Cape Cod and is mainly in New England, NY and NJ at the present time, I think. This place is a gold mine of bargains in home decor, housewares, foods -- I went there to get some basil -- you can get the big jars for 89 cents -- and ended up spending more than $50 on lots of fun stuff. (no fabric though) I got new placemats and things for my grandkids and lots of little goodies -- fun!!
We leave tomorrow for VA and a babysitting weekend -- we always enjoy hanging out with our darling grandchildren.
My Albany grandson - age 7 - called this week to tell me he was bringing his I Spy quilt (that I made for him) into school for show and tell because his class was working on an alphabet quilt. That's a highlight!! I'm interested to find out exactly how this teacher will be creating this quilt.
Hope you all have a good day and weekend, I'll check in next Tuesday.
PeggyTags: None
- IP
I did sew a little purse yesterday, got a great deal on a pair of earings, my little girl found the earing she had lost. My day started off rough but margaret bringing me flowers really helped turned it around. I don't know how she knew but she did. Today I hope to get in the sewing room some more as it did help. Though I need to work out too. We will see how this day goes. Have a great day everyone.]
Peg that is so exciting. It is always fun to have my little ones take in their quilts because I know then that they are proud of them.
- IP
Well we have our Thursday morning quilt group today. So after I get home there is lots to do but all I want to do is hide away in my sewing room :lol: I'm gonna try my hand at stuffed Manocotti tonight.... I hope it's edible... Hope everyone has a good day!
Happy Stitching,
- IP
The past few days I decided that I needed to get my sewing machine tension corrected. The bobbin has been askew forever. Played with it yesterday morning, then went off on my half hour walk to the hospital, all the while mulling over what the problem might be. The problem, as so often is the case, was my head flipped the instructions and I was going in the wrong direction, tightening it even more rather than loosening it. With straight head this morning I finally got it right and I fm quilted half of a runner. Either tonight or tomorrow I hope to get back at it.
It is always a great honor for kids to take quilts or something else handmade to school for show and tell.
- IP
Agnes, the tension issue is one that I always struggle with. For the most part my tension is okay -- the fm part can always be a tad dicey, but I think I've got it licked for the most part. For my machine, my tension is set pretty high and that is what seems to work for it. I do remember my Mom always complaining about sewing due to tension problems -- she had a White back in the day, and for whatever reason she could never get it working correctly. I sewed dresses on it and managed without too many cuss words (as my Mom called them).
I'm glad you figured out the problem. Hope Verne is doing okay. I know we have a couple of dh's with health issues on the forum -- hope all are feeling better.
- IP
Peggy, well at least you know your sewing room is still there LOL! Have fun with the grandkiddies!
Stacey, I hope your day is playing out better today.
Margaret, funny you should mention that... I have a tummy full of chicken and spinach manicotti right now LOL! (Lunch from Maggiano's Little Italy - yum!) I'm sure yours will turn out great.
Agnes, glad you got it worked out. I recently was driven out of desperation to take the plunge and adjust my own bobbin tension as well, and what a difference! Quilting is so much more smooth now, and my Elna 7300 has returned to her good-tempered self. I am a lifetime member of the "righty tighty lefty loosey" club when it comes to trying to figure this stuff out.Thoughts with you and Vern...
At lunch today, I finished cutting out fabrics for my wallhanging's border, so on Monday will commence to getting that sewed. I do enjoy working on stuff at lunch with my office door closed, and watching Quilt Show episodes.
Apparently our temperatures will be coming up, which means instead of oodles of snow with this front coming in tonight, we will have two days of freezing rain and sleet. Yay. Note sarcasm. :roll:
Have a great day all!
- IP
APRIL--I was doing the "righty tighty lefty loosey:" checked and doubled checked but brain went dyslexic and flipped the hand motions, not just now but every time I have tried adjustment on this machine which I've had since 1997. I was so frustrated yesterday morning that I contemplated taking the machine in for adjustment. That would have at this time actually caused me to quit sewing. It takes two strong men to move the machine and table and both have to go as the motor is mounted on the table. I started quilting the runner this morning and I am quite happy with the machine now.
We are seeing big snow flakes coming down. Spring will be along time in coming this year, at this rate.
- IP
Hi Everyone,
It's been days since I was able to check in. We went to SC to check on my mother in law last weekend. About 4 hrs after we arrived she collapsed and was revived by the EMT's. After almost 72 hrs in the hospital with a vent, my dh and sil had all treatment stopped. My mil passed peacefully on Tues morning. Her health had been decliningand she never was the same after my fil died last Feb., but we never expected this to happen. She is at peace now. Next week end we will go back there for the memorial.
Needless to say I have not done any sewing in weeks. I have several baby quilts to do. I did get all of the bags of fabric and craft items donated to the Salvation Army for their annual sale. I had some very nice pieces of fabric from when I sewed clothing. I did get the taxes for us, my mother and dd#3 done and the FAFSA. Glad they are out of the way.
DD#3 arrived home for spring break today. It's good to have her here again. Manyh of her friends will be home this week also. It's hard to believe that her first year is almost over.
Have a good evenong everyone.
- IP
Lyn--Sorry to hear of your MIL's passing but it sounds like she is in a better place, back with her husband. So glad, too, that family was there with her, both at home and for her time in the hospital. Take care of yourself. Nice to hear you will have youthful noises in your house for a short time.
- IP
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