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Totally Tuesday

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    Totally Tuesday

    How is everybody doing today?? It's March!! Hooray!! Do you think in 20 days Spring might actually arrive? I cannot believe it, but yes, my crocuses (croci?) are starting to peek up through the dirt -- and I can see the dirt because the 3 foot drift has pretty much melted -- or was rained away -- from our flower beds. When dh and I left church on Sunday the air actually had the warmth of spring attached to it -- then we had the deluge of Noah yesterday and it'll be in the teens tomorrow. Can't get too excited - right?
    My dd and her fam were here over the weekend -- so sewing room was quickly tidied -- and now they're back home, my latest project is finished and I can get back to the mystery quilt that will take at least another several weeks for me to finish. I do like to get started again in a clean sewing room -- it get's cluttered up pretty darn quick, you know? What is every one else working on??

    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ

    doing good it is a real nice day in sw ga. not much going on .I think I have spring fever. LOL
    Have a nice day all.

    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


      Hi everyone. Not much happening here either. I am hoping to get to the church tonight to get a quilt layered. So much easier on table I can push together instead of crawling around on the hardwood floor and trying to keep the cats off of it at the same time.

      Odie goes in for hernia surgery tomorrow in the early afternoon. Please say a prayer for quick healing. Wish I could be there, but know I cannot. I'm sure he'll be fine. Still . . .

      Hope everyone has sunshine at their houses.


      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


        I'll be offering prayers for Odie for an easy surgery and easy recovery. I agree with is hard when we can't be with them, no matter how old they are.

        Sure wish our church would make tables available....our church hall is in use just about every afternoon and night by one group or another. I baste using the method Neen described eons ago, using my cutting table from Keepsake, or take them to my LQS when possible. Basting is the least enjoyable part of quilting for me.

        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


          Despite my afternoons at the hospital I managed to satin stitch the edges of a Steam a Seam appliqued tulip block. I want the hanging done by St Pats Day so it is ready to hang and make me think spring might make it-eventually. Definite frigid winter still. Now I am working on measurements for the setting triangles. I really want a striped setting and I will have to make the fabric. Seeing Ruffled Roses has put that bug in my head.

          TJ--All the best medical care for Odie and then a speedy recovery.

          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


            TJ, please let us know how Odie is doing. So hard when we worry!

            March 1... my Facebook post this morning read, "February is gone! March is here - Spring is around the corner! I can almost hear the birds singing! Wait. What? 12 degrees you say? Never mind. *sigh*" So you get the idea that Winter has its heels firmly dug in, and apparently likes it here.

            We spent most of today seeing an extremely well-regarded knee surgeon for Christian's issues. His chronic pain levels are just getting to be unacceptable, even with the care of pain care doctor. This new doc (to us) came with glowing references from friends and family, which seem to be justified. So an MRI, and then a return a trip. It's quite far from us, but least the sun was out, so it wasn't a bad day for driving.

            There has been SO much going on with us, I am having a hard time finding good chunks of time for sewing, but am currently finishing up the hand sewing part of the binding on my pinwheels quilt. With luck, the recipient should have it by this weekend.

            Tomorrow at work, I should be able to return to a wallhanging project I've been working on. I am now working on a border for it, using Flying Geese. TQS members, if you have not seen it, and it goes back a while, check out Ricky's technique on episode #107. Actually, it's one he learned from a quilting group in England, but any in case, makes Geese far faster and more accurate than I could have imagined. Also adds a bit of texture.

            Have a great evening, all!

            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


              I'm sorry, Agnes; I have been out of the loop. Are you at the hospital for hubby or someone close?

              Originally posted by grannyagnes
              Despite my afternoons at the hospital I managed to satin stitch the edges of a Steam a Seam appliqued tulip block. I want the hanging done by St Pats Day so it is ready to hang and make me think spring might make it-eventually. Definite frigid winter still. Now I am working on measurements for the setting triangles. I really want a striped setting and I will have to make the fabric. Seeing Ruffled Roses has put that bug in my head.

              TJ--All the best medical care for Odie and then a speedy recovery.

              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                April--DH, Vern, is in the hospital. He had major surgery on Feb 11. Currently he is dealing with an incision infection. When that clears to the point of one dressing change a day they will be sending him home. Combined with previous issues with the condition he has now spent half of 2011 in the hospital. So I have been getting projects quilted so I could do the hand binding while at the hospital. I'll be finishing the binding on another runner tomorrow. Now I have to get the next project quilted and binding attached.

                I sincerely hope that Christian can get help for his medical issues.

                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                  Agnes, I am so sorry to hear about Vern! I hope he is able to come home soon and continue to heal as quickly as possible. IMO, the hospital is no place to get well. It sounds like a fair bar they have set.

                  Thank you for the good wishes on my hubby's behalf.


                  from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                  Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                    April, gosh I miss the old MB. I had no idea your DH was in need of wishes/prayers. Hope to see you here often.

                    Hugs, Georgia

                    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                      Thank you kindly, Georgia.

                      I am trying to get into a better habit of being here more. I really do miss everyone when I don't stop in!

                      We will be at home here with a bit more time, I'm sure.


                      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                        April--I already feel at home. The only thing I haven't done so far is post any photos in my gallery. That will happen when I am home more often. I was slow in joining but largely because of Vern's health issues. As you probably have noticed I am again starting the monthly Finishes thread, self appointed, no different than on QYW. That's just my nature, forging ahead.

                        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                          And we are so glad you have!!

                          I need to work on my gallery as well. However, I do still have some images locked up on QYW, that still haven't been retrieved as Debbie had offered. I am thinking there must be some serious technical issues with that.

                          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                            Good Saturday Morning!

                            The weekend is here!!!! Last night we took my DH's cousin out for pizza and had a nice time. I did a lot of frogging on a WH with quilting that is bunching and I didn't catch it in time (more like I wasn't paying attention and just humming along... :roll: ) So more of that today and need to finish a bom for this coming week. It always seems that I get them done then have to start over again and they are always impossible to do! I also would like to get outside and see if I can't get the yard cleaned up a bit. Hope everyone has a good Saturday!

                            Happy Stitching,


                            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                              I don't know why it posted here.... sorry!

                              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


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